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OAKLET ANKLET ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 5 12 Furlongs 2yoarolds Selling Selling9553aThe 9553aThe Doctor 97 9343 Lackman Blackman 100 9267 Elidad Elided 100 9343 Monk WaymanlOO Cayman 9486 Depending 100 9555 Mordecai Mordacity 103 9553 Bob Knight 103 9026Seaport 103 8682 Bon Jour 103 Molo Moo 103 103Plntie Plntie Plantlike 103 9553 Chicopec Chicopee 106 106Second Second Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 9183 Cue Tip 3 95 7721 CottonQueon3 95 8839 Old Tarr Tarry 3 100 Ponehonia Pneumonia 3 100 9108 Lizzie Tizzies Logan4100 Wantaga Wattage 3 100 8086 Elsie D II 4 100 9449 Impecunious 3 102 102NickRagland3102 NickRagland3102 9554 Alvin E 3 102 8420 Barton 3 105 8023 Kenston Kenton 3 105 105Sidonian Sidonian Sideman 3 105 105Third Third Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 8231 Mies Miles Saracen 100 8x28 Cuba Free 103 10393U6Flora 93U6Flora Louise 105 93 6Eleanc rHiJniPsi05 8252 F McClelland Macmillan 100 8849 Mary Black 100 10094842Martha 94842Martha II 100 100Fourth Fourth Race IMile Simile IMile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances 9444 Box 104 9444Panmure 104 10494442Qeyser 94442Qeyser 107 95253Cavalero 104 9412Macy 1049412Macy 112 112Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Soiling 9526 Viscount3 91 92232Qaston3 99 99I 95262E1 Toro 3 103 9488 La Moore 5 103 94B9Egbart6 10394B9Egbart6 104 9223 JohnHavlin4110 JohnHavlin4110Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Allowances 9221 Salsetta Shasta 100 4612 Our Domestic 100 10091832Alvordee 91832Alvordee 100 9339 Harry Gaines 100 8413 Southern Spy 100 9339 Rampage 102 10293392Sir 93392Sir Ebony 102 2215 Zolo Zoo 102 767B 102767B Glint 105 5282 Masterpiece 105 2078 Gammadionl05 4653 Milwaukee 105 9340 D of Mntrse Montrose II110