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BRIGHTON BSACH BACH ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race34 Mile 3yoarolds and upward Allowances 9613 Hanwell5 118 4S5738apelo 4 118 9509 Cleophus Cloths 3 117 9546 Bastion 3 107 9509 Chum 3 107 457jO Winged Foot3U02 9608 Mahoney 3 97 Pomporang Popcorn 3 97 9608Sibloy 979608Sibloy 3 94 94Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Allowances81442Michael 81442Michael III112 94412Dog Town 112 9382 Mr Baiter Biter 112 9533 Blue Beard 112 9513 Widower 112 9695 Sanders 112 9533 MaPetito Appetite 109 9644 Abundant 109 9533 Checkers 109 9533 Miss Tenny Teeny 109 10993SO 93SO Ella Daly Dally 109 109Third Third Race 58 Mile MileFirst Milepost First Attempt Stakes Stakes2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 8536 Handball 127 9695 Varus Arums 125 9693 Blueaway Bleary 122 9511 Central Trust 122 9693 1109441Mills Blarneystone Blarneys 122 9342 Gen Maceo Maceio 110 9441Mills 110 9t595 Laudeman Laundryman 110 9695 Sanders 110 Blissful 107 107fourth fourth Race 1 14 Miles MilesBrighton Millwright Brighton Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances9645Ben Mann4117964B3Lehman 9645Ben Brash 4 126 8834 Howd How'd Mann4117 964B3Lehman 6 116 94l82DtchSkater6110 94l82DtchSkater61108782CnterTenor5108 8782CnterTenor5108 9418 Ben Kder Kidder 4 103 9643 Premier 4 107 9696Tho Friar 3J107 3J107M M F Dwyer entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth tiace trice 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Spiling Spilling 8834 Declare 6 108 96462Rondo 4 103 9613 Arabian 3 102 9647Alvarado 114100 9314Dolando 4 98 9608Domitor 3 97 9510Wolhurst3 95 82032R del Tierra 3 90 9608 Azure 3 89 960 3Loed3villo 3 84 Brornley Barrenly 84Brornley entry entrybixcli entry bixcli bicolor f lace 58 Mile Hcinetod Shinto Stakes Gentlemen Rid re 9693 Ferrier7 147 9415Rnbicon6l47 93ii3Kodman 9415Rnbicon6l4793ii3Kodman B6 144 8471 Halton Alton 6 144