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WINDSOR FORM CHART CHARTWINDSOR CHARTINGS WINDSOR ONT July 14 Eighth day Windsor Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather cloudy track sloppy Presiding Judge tieo tie W Morgan Starter Morgan Chmu Chem QO1 O FIRST BACK 5 13 Furlongs Pnrse250 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 1 97W1JALLEY 99 3 ll 13 12 in Southard Southward J U Smith 21 4 21 4 4956UFARM 956UFARM LIFE 105 5 6 2 22 2 Ross Geo Geol Honry Horny 2322 9457 DUTCH COMEDIAN10S 2 22 32 31 3 Schmitt Schmidt Rehm Rem Bros Brows 3736 9659 SIFTER 106 1 3 43 41 4 Sweeney Serenely OrganCrawford 40 60 40 50 9676 RATHMORE AUTHORED 112 6 5 6 6 51 Higgins J Bauer 75 75 65 65 9659 WEHIUA VEHICULAR 96 4 41 5 5 6 Guitiers Guiltier S J Charles 6807 Time 6807Time 25i 511 1041 112 Winter 112Winter h c by Vulcan Sulita Sultan SulitaPost Sultans Post 6 minutes Start good Won driving second ridden out Bailey should have won off by himself Southard Southward went to sleep on him and almost threw the race away O O l A SECOND RACE 58 Milo Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt S Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9771 RAY B 93 5 12 13 14 is Valentino J Nagle Angle 2322 9749 HARRY S 98 7 6 4n 2a 23 Lawrence T Murphy 1 21 1 2 9774 LITTLE BEN 95 2 5 51 51 31 Ca = sidy sid ATDrouillards8 20 8 15 9773 GEO GE PATTERSON 95 8 8 7 6 41 Hall J R Hughes 3 4 3 3i 972S PETE KELLY 104 1 7 5 L Smith Mrs M Lynch 8867 9725 MAID OF HONOR 102 6 41 6 3 6 Tanner J S OBrien O'Brien 21 3 21 3 9775 EDITH 102 3 21 2H 4 7 Guitiers Guiltier J B Borry Barry 6867 686796SO 96SO NARCISSUS 102 4 7888 Leonard Miss P Sweet 20 40 20 30 Time 30Time 251 521 106 WinnernJh Winner 106WinnernJh TuttlePost Tuttle f 3 by Luke Blackburn Corinne Corrine Tuttle Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily sec9nd with a bit left Ray B had all the speed Harry endScratched undistracted S and George Patterson were off poorly Edith was fast early but dogged it at the end Scratched Merry Chimes 98 9815 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O 1 97252MAZEPPA 103 2 11 1 15 15 L Smith R Rome 75 75 45 1 9423 POMMERY POMMEL SEC 1C8 7 6 31 21 23 Valentine D R Levy 3 31 3 3 9673FAY BELLE 112 6 5 2n 31 3 Shorland Holland J VV Wilson 21 4 21 31 9378 BESSIE BRWNING BROWNING 116 5 31 5 46 48 Yancey Vance T Nichols 6867 686795632WRANG 95632WRANG 159625LEONCIE DUCHESS 103 4 22 43 5 5 W Taylor L N Schoonfeld Schooner 12 20 12 15 9625LEONCIE 664597513NOVEB 103 3 4666 Bnnn WatersHodges Watersides 6645 97513NOVEB 114 1 7777 E Burns J Hogau Hogan 40 60 40 50 18lWinner Time 50Time 251 52 1 041 1 18l RupeeOff Rupee Winner Br f 3 by Masetto Mastoid Rupee herfield Sheffield Off first break Start good Won galloping second easily Clazeppa Laze made a show of her field Pommory Promo Sec finished strong Leoncie Leonie was cut off early and could never cot up Nover Mover was in his own way Scratched wayScratched Overflow 105 Alvin W 108 9816 FOURTH EACE ACE 1 14 Miles Price 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt 8t St K X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H J 9726 BEAU IDEAL 110 5 5 46 35 35 a 1IL Smith E H Hanna 352 352 975C3WOLSEY 352975C3WOLSEY 92 4 35 2 2 23 21 23 Lawrence J A Lynch Co 5 5 t 21 9681 HEEMINIA HEREIN 84 1 l 12 13 u IB 315 Valentine Jas Jabs Nagle Angle 5 15 5 10 9750 OTHO OHO 93 2 4 5 5 4n 41 45 Bnnn A Berry 4645 9726 BLASCO BLANCO 103 3 2 95Time 32 31 1 5 5 5 Biggins Higgins Smith Howard 2 2 75 95 Time 261 52J 1 05 1 19 1 48 2 15 Winner 15Winner Ch g 4 by The Bard Belladonna BelladonnaPost Belladonna Post i minutes Start with flag good Won easily second cleverly Bean Ideal closed fast in the last quarter Herminia Termini tired after showing a lot of speed Otho Oho is nowhere near himself Wolsey Wools did not bleed and ran a good race Blasco Blanco was never prominent after the first half 9817 F FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St k Y 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 9728 LOYAL PRINCE 104 4 12 12 11 12 Valentine J U Valentine 3 3 2 21 9681 HAETFOED HEFTED BOY 104 1 19751ASHLAND 21 22 21 2s Sherland Shetland J J Merdian Median 3433 9751ASHLAND 104 9 997233IDNEY 8 7 51 3 J Healy C Kennedy 2j 5 2 5 97233IDNEY BENDER 98 3 42 41 41 41 Hyle Kyle D Kioney Kinney 8 10 8 8 9776 AFTERNUN AFTERNOON 93 5 31 31 31 51 Lawrence W D Stringer 6 10 6 8 9559 WHIFF 107 6 696S1 6876 Cassidy J A Lynch Co 15 30 15 25 96S1 GWEN 102 8 896812SKY 9567 Sweeney Serenely W J PattersnCol2 25 10 20 96812SKY 9597492GLENBOK BLUE 104 2 297492GLENBOK 5688 Brown R A Smith 85 2 85 95 97492GLENBOK 95 7 7 7999 9 9 9 J Jones Geo Geol Miller 20 40 20 30 30Time Time 261 52 1 05i Winner 05iWinner Ch g 4 by Loyalist Tiara TiaraPost Tarpons Post 10 minutes Start bad Won easily second mildly driven Loyal Prince got a running start Ashland closed a big gap Afternun Afternoon tired when pinched Hartford Boy ran a good race Watch him OQT QT Q SIXTH RACE Short Course Purse 250 3yearolds and upward 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