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FORT ERIE ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances98502Logan 98502Logan 9 138 9 5 Will Elliott 7133 71339SS6 9SS6 Alamo 5 135 951N Samson Jl2a 9347 Reiff Riff 4 123 123Second Second Race 58 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Allowances 9518 Samson 5 114 9787The ElcctorH113 9379 Orinoco 5 112 9171 Surrogate 4 112 9704 Hurl 3 110 9751 Eleanor Mac4110 9886 MamieCallan3108 9351 L Mottle 3 108 9624 Gitty Gritty 13 108 9821 Aunt Bird 2 86 86Third Third Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Allowances9S24Nabob 9S24Nabob 108 93212udge Wardell105 Wardell1059S482Lady 9S482Lady Disdain 105 97V2Lady Dorothy 1U5 9321 Wink 105 9821Pearl 105 9706Brazilian 1059706Brazilian 105 9785Alice Farley Fairly 105 105Fourth Fourth Race 1 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances9786OurJohnny3 9786OurJohnny3 115 9 493Basso 5 Iu5 97S6 Sue Kittie Kitties 5 103 988 Kinney 3 87 87Fifth Fifth Kace Ace 12 Mile MilePolo Mile Polo Ponies Mischief 165Fritz 165 Powder 165 Fritz 165 Frou Fro Frou Fro 165 165The The Squan Sequa 165 Tramp 165 165Butsey Butsey Busty 165 Speck 165 165Sixth Sixth Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 960 VR Customs 10H 921 Water Crest 10H 9630 Burnap Burma lux Klux 97ln ieorge George Jr l 50 Strathmao Stratum 103 9457 Alabaster is 9824 Spaldy Paddy Y 105 7679 Clara VaulU5 VaulU5Seventh Seventh Race 58 Mile MileAll Illegally All ages Allowances Allowances98492Uncle 98492Uncle Simon 3113 S292 Flotow Lotto 3 113 9 22Floral Park a 113 P OHigLTktPliillU WI Walkover 5 m PsVJJ A tircy Tracy i 112 yaJLSCjcloue 10 112 fcoda coda Zeal4 110 97552Friondship 3 10 96532Lady Juliet3108 9848 Pontet Ponte Canet2 86