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WINDSOR FORM CHART CHARTWINDSOR CHARTINGS WINDSOR ONT July 23 Sixteenth day Windsor Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Geo Geol Y Morgan Starter Morgan Chinn Chin O T FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses Wt St V4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 15JTIMORAH 97 1 197483SUSIE Hi Hi IH W Valentino Oots Boots Bros Brows 65751 1 97483SUSIE B 105 8 41 3 2 25 Songr Song M L Seddons Speedos 4645 15 SIDNEY BENDER 102 2 2152NOVER 23 2 83 32 Higgins D Kinney 6867 152NOVER 107 7 66 41 43 L Smith Jno Juno Hogan 2 3 2 3 9748 LITTLE BRAMBLE 107 6 67630OVERFLOW 5 51 51 51 Adams English Bros Brows 15 25 15 20 207630OVERFLOW 7630OVERFLOW 99 3 8766 Guitiers Guiltier W J Smith 6766 9680 SWEDEN 107 5 3 4 7 7 Brown J M Johnson 8 25 8 20 50 ED DANDRIDGE ANDROID 107 4 78 Fell Dyment Doyen J Dyment Doyen 15 25 15 20 20Time Time 24 50 l02t 115 Winner Ch f 3 by Fonso Fonts Thundercloud ThundercloudStart Thunderclouds Start good Won easily second with something left Timorah Timor was never In trouble She won impressively Susio Susie B away nono mono too well ran a clover race Scratched Bismarck 110 Inca 99 QQ SECON ECON SECOND RACE 4 lW Furlongs Purse 250 2yearolde Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St H 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C P918 DUOEO DOE 10 6 1 1 1 Souger Gouger C Leighton 2 2 75 5 9988 LANKY BOB 108 4 4 3 23 Shorland Holland Mason Co 2 2i 2 2 9918 SKIN K 108 8 6 42 31 Maine J L Mardors Ardors 6867 9747 BOB WALKER 108 3 5 6 42 N Turner Oots Boots Bros Brows 5533 9918 PRINCE ZENO ZEN 103 5 785 Garvin Arvin J Rivard Ricardo 25 40 20 30 9888TALLIWANDA 309888TALLIWANDA 105 2 31 5 6 Higgins J Bauer Co 12 15 12 15 159S883BUUNT 9S883BUUNT FOOT 105 7 2 2i 7 Schmitt Schmidt A Mcllherne Caller 20 25 20 20 7990 LAURA MAY 105 1 8 7 8 L Smith J Fleming 4845 4845Time Time 24 37 50 56 Winner 56Winner B c by Rayon dOr doer Katrine Katrina KatrineStart Latrines Start good SVon Von driving second and third driving also Duoeo Doe was all out Lanky Bob was speedScratched speeds cut off and badly interfered with He was perhaps tho thou best Burnt Foot had some speed Scratched Bob Chance 105 Dunbar Unbar IPS VIPS f r THIRD RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances ind bind Horses Wt St M W X BtrFin Brian Jockeys Owners O H L C 9987 LEONCIE LEONIE 92 5 21 42 2 1 Songer Sponger Waters Hodges 7 25 7 25 2599892CROCUS 99892CROCUS 97 3 1 12 11 2 Payton Patton J Rivard Ricardo 7 15 7 12 16 SIERRA GORDA GORDIAN 103 4 32 31 31 SB Hall Rhodes Marders2 322 9989 CHIQUITA CIRCUITAL 97 1 5 7 5 41 L Smith J H Smith 20 30 20 25 2598913RAY 98913RAY B 100 6 4 2 4H 52 Valentino J Nagle Angle 12 15 12 12 9 78 ROBINSON 109 2 7686 Schmitt Schmidt J L Marders Madders Co 71045 35 45 9245 GASPERONE GASPER 106 7 6 5 7 7 D Davis P T Chinn Chin 20 40 20 30 8256 TERRAPIN 109 8 8868 Dolan J Smith 20 3C 15 25 25Timo Timo Timor 24 50 1 02 Winner HaydonStart Hydrostatic 02Winner Br f 3 by Linden Lizzie Tizzies Haydon Haydn Start good Tho Theo first two were driving hard and all out Looncio Loonier was the best Crocus weakened at the end Ray B did well for merely half a mile Sierra Gorda Gordian had a stormy passage Robinson was in his own way 100 JRTH ROTH RACK 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St X H 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9956 65153SUSIE OTTO H 99 3 45 2 2 23 1 N Turner H Townsond Townsend 85 85 65 65 153SUSIE HAWZE HAZE 94 1 H 13 14 12 23 Valentino HodgosChmbera4 533 512WILD 533512WILD MOUNTAIN 97 5 6 4 51 41 35 L Smith WJPattersonCo 2 625 99S53B 62599S53B F FLY JR 111 2 5 5 3 3 42 Sherland Shetland H H Stover Stove 8 12 8 10 9991EL8KET 23229953LASTFELLOW 1C9 4 SB 32 4 52 51 Maine J L Marders Madders 2322 9953LASTFELLOW 99 6 2s 6 6 6 6 Dolan R Rome 12 25 12 20 20Time Time 25 51 104 117 1431 Winner B c 3 by John Henry Faustorina Austria FaustorinaStart Austrians Start good Tho Theo first and second were all out Otto finished strong He was woll woolly handled too Elsket Else ran below the notch Wild Mountain finished fast Lastfollows Playfellows race was below par 1 O I FIFTH KACE ACE 58 Mile Parso Paso 250 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt Yt K Str Star Fin Jockeys Ow Owners O H L C 9954JCORDER II 105 2 12 13 13 13 L Smith J Jame James Jaime 65 65 45 45 99182MA ANGEL1NE 98 5 599183GIL 41 2 22 28 N Turner W L R K Lewis4 433 99183GIL RAY 102 6 3 3 3 3 Bunn Bunny S JCharles Charles 5857 6t8400HORACE t8400HORACE 106 1 21 41 41 4 Sherland Shetland Reimy Rimy Macoy Macao 3433 9813 RATHMORE AUTHORED 103 7 799543MARGARET 7 51 6 51 Higgins J Bauer Co 8 12 8 10 99543MARGARET JANE 103 4 51 6 5 6 Schmitt Schmidt Oots Boots Bros Brows 8 10 8 8 9772 SLATTERY LATTERLY 94 3 6777 Cunngham Chung P T Chinn Chin 40 60 40 50 02tWinner Time 50Time 25i 50t 1 02t Winner Ch g by Albert Critic CriticStart Criticaster Start fair Won galloping second easily Corder Order II was never in trouble Ma Angoline Pangolin ran her race Horace used what tpood pod he had early 102 sm SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St fc H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L V 99S9 ELSIE FERGUSON 103 3 1 13 11 1 Dolan R Rome 85 X Mini 9955JADAM Mini9955JADAM JOHNSON 107 4 51 3 2 21 Bunn Bunny TrovyPembertn 12 30 12 au 9774 TUTUILLA TITILLATE 104 6 6 51 51 3n Shorland Holland W R Rogan Brogan 75 75 4i 45 9990 JIM FLOOD 110 2 3 2i 31 4 D Davis P T Chinn Chin 6 H 1 99S7SPOKENA 103 1 2 41 41 52 Valentino J W Levy 4 7 4 H 9989 BES BS BROWNING 105 5 4 6 6 6 Songer Sponger Thos Ethos Nichols 6 b 9992 WHIFF 110 7 7777 Southard Southward J A Lynch Co 15 7 15 LT Time 25 50i 1 U2t 1 15i Winner 15iWinner Ch f 4 by Longfield Longfellow Martine MartineStart Martinet Start straggling Woudriviug second and third doing their best Tutuilla Attila made up a lot of ground Adam Johnson ran a good race Spokoua Spoke and Flood had no oxcuscs excuses