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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track sloppy sloppyFirst sloppy First Race 5 hi Furlonsrs Furlongs Furlonsrs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 9946 Whirmantilino101 99412First Born 101 9872 Annie Oldfield Goldfield 101 128 Clara C II 101 9154 Wilhelmina 101 Libbie Libber 101 85 TillieMay Illiteracy 101 5 Bouquet 109 9718 Nancy Till 109 109Second Second Race 1 316 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling042Candy3 042Candy3 89 39Uncle Patf3 91 91402Astrada 402Astrada 3 94 130U1 Miles 5 99 130 IrishChief Irish 114100 1293Cass 6 102 39 Davezacfc Dave 106 42 Rookwood Ironwood 4 107 107Third Third Kace Ace 34 Mile 2yearolds Belling 9290 Sue Sue 103 8600 Caddie C 103 43 School Girl 104 38 Omor Omar 104 9835 Bertha Utiger Tiger 104 85 Thurles Hurdles 104 104432Blitheful 432Blitheful 104 43 TomLilly Stolidly 107 Fourth Race 1 116 Mile s 3yearolds and upward Allowances 41 Aquinas 3 86 832Madeline 5 99 83 The Ghost 5 101 9550Seabrooke4112 Fifth Race 6 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9304 Trnxillo3 98 83 Groyhurst Grouchiest 3 100 100411M 411M Thmpson6 104 41 Damocles 4 106 106Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9984 Gold Top 3 91 9337 Longtime 3 100 403Donation 4 101 82Trilby 5 102 6 Dick Behan Bean 5 106 408quire G 4 104 ISO Newhouse Onerous 4 107