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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL July 26 Tenth Day Harlem Jockey Club Summer meeting Weather cloudy track heavy Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyor Dwyer i FIRST RAGE 34 Mile Purse 1300 3yearolda and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 37 EASTER EVE 91 1 1 IB 1 18 Donaldson Donald John Brenock Redneck 3 5 3 44 31 LA CRESCENT 107 5 6 10 44 210 C Clay JonesArmstronjrlO 60 10 50 9789 DEJURE ADJURE 102 2 53 64 62 32 Mngnnsson T E Barrett Barrette 6766 9973 SOUTH WORTH 105 84 42 3 3H 42 A Barrett Barrette Jas Jabs Curl 4545 454598292GOLIGHTLY 98292GOLIGHTLY 115322TIDINESS 91 64 23 28 2 54 WHMartin Wharton A Hankins Hawkins 24 3 2 115 322TIDINESS 91 12 11H 82 62 614 Sheppard W A McConnell 8 40 8 30 28 HARRY B 101 10 7H 95 8H 7 Webber Jas Jabs R Hand 6 20 6 15 90613 90613PROVERB 1590613PROVERB PROVERB 104 3 9 11251014 84 Robertson John Gall 60 100 60 100 9973 HAML1N HAML1N9S29 32 5 72 93 Clay W H Roller 15 40 15 40 9S29 QUEEN BESS BESTS 45 92 1Q8 Newcom Newcomer J Delong Belong 15 25 15 15 323LILLIE COOK 102 114 104 64 1125H50 Daly Dally F Park 40 100 40 80 34 LITTLE OCEAN 105 IB 12 12 12 12 L Scott W G Brion Briton Jr 6867 Time 6867Time 254 524 1054 119 Winner FlaxyPost Lamppost Ch f 3 by Whitney Flaxy Flay Post 4 minutes Start good Win in a staggering drive second driving and coming third and fourth doing their best Donaldson Donald went to his whip at the sixteenth polo and dropped Easter Eves head She would havo havoc won further off had the boy sat still La Crescent ran the best race Ho was interfered with and had to pull up on the far turn With clear sailing he would have been closer up and might have won Golightly Ghoulishly had no excuse She was away run ¬ ning Ming and wont to pieces in the stretch Southworth Southport could never get up Little Ocean was in his own way wayScratched Scratched Bryan 104 Joan 100 Vitrola Vitriol 91 Terranet Errant 100 Dads Daughter 100 Mollie King 102 Little Sadie 100 Ben Van 93 Overweights Overweighs Littlo Little Ocean 4 Hamlin Haling 2 I A I SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds Soiling Ind Indo Hordes Wt St yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 28 NEWSGATHERER NEWSCASTER 109 1 1 li 18 112 i u Sloan C P Fink 1 6511 362SWORD6MAN 6511362SWORD6MAN 93 54 6 6 4 24 28 Sheppard W A McConnell 30 50 30 40 78 THE PLUTOCRAT 112 2 = 2 23 21031 36 Caywood Cawed J J Sellers 2i 24 2 115 753JREEBY 115753JREEBY 91 6 4i 3 3 45 4 H Brown Wise Heinsohu Heinous 15 15 12 15 15282QOLDEN 282QOLDEN ROD 107 3 3 4 55 51258 Bozeman A Hankins Hawkins 6 10 6 8 78 TONY HONING 108 4 20Time 624 54 666 T McHugh Chug P M Civill Civilly 10 25 10 20 Time 25i 524 1 05 1 19 1 36 Winner MeadePost Meade B g by Enquirer Bonnie Meade Post 5 minutes Start good Won pulled up to a walk second driving third easily News gatherer was a lot the best He runs best with a strong boy on his back The Plutocrat was raced to pieces in the first half Treeby Trebly bore out a trifle at the head of tho thou stretch All but Newsgathorer were staggering at tho thou finish There wasnt wasn't speed enough to make him stagger Golden Rod likes about ninety pounds Tony Honing was always outrun THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances ind bind Horses Wt St at M W X dtrFin atrFin detrain Katrina Jock Jockeys Owners O H L C 3UFRKDD1E L T 102 4 K 2 24 23 14 18 Magm Magma Magnnsson Manson James Ruddy 3 34 2 24 78 P1NKEY POTTER 100 84 6 4 3 3 2 Gray J E Gushing 1 24 1 i 9666 LITTLE MUSIC 87 51 12 IB li 2 3i2 Evans W G Brien Brie Jr 4 6 4 44 9492 MARTIN K 91 3 82 74 5io 510 41 G Clay P T Kelly 5857 75 LITTLE TOM 99 64 72 34 45 42 5iB Webber L Lammortz Amortize Co30 50 30 40 75 KING GALONG ALONG 87 2H 4u 830 72 6 614 Mulligan P M Civill Civilly 20 30 20 25 36 PRYTANIA PYROMANIA 103 9 9 9 8H 7io 725 Bartley Barley W Brandos Brands 30 75 30 60 36 DUTCH ARROW 103 1 34 52 61 815 8 Harrington Frank Park 30 40 30 40 9103 KING BO RS 108 7 5H 6 999 L Scott W A Harper 30 50 30 40 Time 40Time 26 521 1064 1221 150 Winner 150Winner Ch b 6 by Iroquois Nellie Van VanPost Vapors Post 1 minute Start poor Won easily It was a hard drive for the place Pinkey Pinkeye Potter just got up in the last stride Freddie L T was tho thou bost boost in tho thou going The weather was in his favor and he did not bleed Pinkey Pinkeye Potter had a stormy passage and was poorly handled Gray got him away from tho thou post but made his run too soon Little Music was used far too much in the first half He was staggering at the end Martin K was shut off on tho thou first turn Altogether he ran a good raco race Prytania Pyromania was all but left leftScratched Scratched Amanda 97 Merry Monarch 106 La Fiesta 103 Overweights Overweighs 103Overweights Prytania Pyromania 5 pounds 143 FOURTH BACK 58 Mile Pnrse Nurse 350 2 earold8 Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt at M Vi Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 33 75303PATROON PRESBYTERIAN 106 24 li 1 1 1 Caywood Cawed W M Singerly Gingerly 75 85 75 75 303PATROON SO f4 41 3 310 23 Gray T W Coulter 10 20 10 15 79 MISS GUSSIE GUSSIED 105 14 214 2 22 32 Bozeman Ed Fitzgerald 75 75 75 75 9793 BONITO 93 6 52 42 44 410 Donaldson Donald H E Leigh 8 20 8 15 333ELSIE 15333ELSIE BRAMBLE 93 3 3 55 53 5H Clay W H Roller 3 4 3 34 26 PUG 80 4 6666 Nutter Mutter W H Roller 3 4 3 34 Coupled 34Coupled in betting Time 254 511 1 05 Winner 05Winner B g by Prestonpans Preston Dareka Area DarekaPost Dreamiest Post 30 seconds Start good Won easily second hand ridden third driving Presbyterian was at home in the going He raced Mies Miles Gussie Gussied into submission the first qnartor quarto and had things his own way aftor after that Patroon Patron ran a good race Miss Gnssie Gussied likes H fast track best She labored in the sticky going Elsie Bramble seems to have staled She too prefers a fast track Pug was always outrun outrunScratched outruns Scratched Virgio Virgo O 93 93Overweichts Overweichts Overweighs Miss GuRsie Ursine 3 pounds 144 RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M W m Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O E L G 312SUNNY 106 6 1 is lio Clio 112 is is Clay J J Sellers 4645 9338 TOM SAYRE AYRES 105 4 22 23 24 3 3 26 Caywood Cawed M B Jordan 15 25 15 20 78 SULLROSS SOULLESS 108 7 52 46 33 2 23 3 A Barrett Barrette Foster Bros Brows 16511 9971 COLLINS 105 2 62 63 63 620 65 4U T McHngh Chang H E Rowell Roswell 4 4 24 3 9699VIGAHS 106 14 3 3 48 410 4 510 L Scott J Ralston 20 40 20 30 36 PLUTUS PUTS 108 3 7 7 7 7 7 64 Cannon MorgnWamsonSO Ornaments 80 50 60 9933 SANDOVAL SNOBAL 108 5 4 I SB 55 510 7 c Sloan T Licalzi Laical 7866 Time 7866Time 26 52J 106 121 150 204 Winner 204Winner Br c 4 by Folsom or Terra Cotta Sunshine Post SunshinePost Sunshine 3 minutes Start good Won eased up second driving third and fourth ridden out Sunny went to the front early and raced the others into the ground It was his kind of a track Tom Sayre Ayres ran a good race Sullross Soulless could never get up He was wabbling warbling on the end Collins could not get out of his own way The judges did not like the ride on Collins and cautioned the boy It was a procession most of the way I Scratched wayScratched Gracie C 103 Gray Dog 103 145 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St fc K X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C I 98602UNCA3 107 2 25 210 13 12 Clay Jno Juno Brenock Redneck 9930LA PRINCESSA PRINCESS 96 34 13 1 214 22 C Clay W M Hedges 10 12 10 10 77 KAMSIN AMUSING 107 6 7 5n 32 38 Bozeman L H Ezell Bezel 5858 585899713OVERELLA 99713OVERELLA 109 1 62 7 63 4 A Barrett Barrette H McConlsky McDonalds 4 5 4 44 9969 NIKITA IKUTA 100 7 4 314 4 52 Nnwcom Noncom W G Carter 6 S 6 6 342SENATOR QUAY 101 4 52 6 4 514 6H Morgan T D Carter 3736 37 IDA WAGNER 100 54 314 4 7 7 Webber Jas Jabs R Hand 15 40 15 30 Time 30Time 25i 52 1 054 1 19 Winner VorosaPost Voodooist B g 4 by Pontico Pontiac Vorosa Formosa Post 9 minutes Start good Won cleverly second and third driving Uncas Uncaps was the best in the going Clay rode him well too He waited until La Princessa Princess was pumped out and then went about his business Kamsin Amassing was slow to get into his stride but finished strong on the end Senator Quay was shut off on the back stretch Overella Oversell was also interfered with Scratched withScratched witchcraft Brother Fred 9d Teeta Tetra May 107 Whirlaway Whirl 101 Chenille 98 Forseon Orson 105 Miss Young 107