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THE TATTERSALLS TATTERSALL SALE SALEBelow Saleable Below is given tho thou full list of the youngsters sold at the American Horse Exchange sale hold at Tattersalls Tattersall Monday and Tuesday laet lat Sev Se ¬ entyeight pennyweight yearlings were disposed of for 14590 an average of 5 18705 18705Black Black or brown colt by Jim Gore Musco Masco Muscotrude Muscat trude trudge J E Gushing Minneapolis 1000 1000Chestnut Chestnut colt by Jim Gore or Order High ¬ land Love W H Roller Chicago 2100 2100Chestnut Chestnut colt by Fonao Fiona Cassilla Camilla J W WSchorr Scorer Schorr Scorer Memphis 500 500Brown Brown tolt tot by Jim Gore Quintette Quintet J E EGushing Gushing Gushing Minneapolis 500 500Bay Bay colt by Jim Gore Nourmahal Norah Thos Ethos ThosHarveston Phosphorescent Harveston Harvest St Louis 650 650BrownJ BrownJ Brown filly by Jim Gore Bagpipes J W WSchorr Scorer Schorr Scorer Memphis 550 550Chestnut Chestnut filly by Ben Stromn Astron Willie Grock Rock Grockott Rocket ott Otto Walter Gum Chicago 60 60Black Black or brown colt by Vagabond Eulalie Elaine Gil Gail Bloom Chicago 45 45Black Black or brown colt by Vagabond Miss MissHunter Missioner Hunter Bauer Co Chicaeo Chicane 100 100Bay Bay colt by Fabulous Rupee H B Hobart HobartChicago Hobart Chicago 110 110Bay Bay colt by King Alfonso Grateful J Cur ten Chicago 25 25Bay Bay colt by King Alfonso Crucito Cruciform H E ELeigh Sleigh Leigh Lexington 155 155Bay Bay nTy ny by Falsetto Jennie June H E ELeigh Sleigh Leigh Lexington 100 100Bay Bay filly by Falsetto Patroness H E ELeigh Sleigh Leigh Lexington 120 120Bay Bay filly by Spendthrift Bonnie Lou A ACahn Arcane Cahn Can St Louis 125 125Brown Brown colt by Lord Hartington Harrington Butterfly P M Civill Civilly Chicago 25 25Chestnut Chestnut colt by Eolo Elmo Launette Lunette F Calla Callahan han Chicago 300 300Bay Bay colt by Jim Gore Aurora IV T W WCoulter Coulter Coulter Chicago 450 450Bay Bay filly by Jim Gore Bamboo A Cahn Can CahnSt Cant St Louis 120 120Chestnut Chestnut colt by Julien Julie Dido H B Ho Hobart bart Chicago 100 100Bay Bay colt by Bermuda Thrifty Skeols Sells SkeolsBros Bros Brows Chicago 25 25Chestnut Chestnut colt by Victory Folicitie Felicities A Cahn Can CahnSt Cant St Louis 200 200Bay Bay colt by Victory Jewela Jewel W O Farmer FarmerNashville Nashville 250 250Bay Bay colt by Vagabond Ann McCoy Bauer BauerCo Bauer Co Chicago 125 125Chestnut Chestnut filly by Ben Stromo Stardom Brier Walter WalterGum Walter Gum Chicago 10 10Chestnut Chestnut filly by Ben Strome Stone Sweet Geno Genoa Genovieve Genevieve vieve verve Bauor Bauer Co ICO CO ICOBay Colby Bay filly by Vagabond Lady Ore nsleoves sleeves nsleovesH sleeves H Hendrie Henries Hamilton Ont 40 40Brown Brown colt by Beroan Oberon Flying Eumor Rumor A ACahn Arcane Cahn Can St Louis 16 16Brown Brown filly by Eolo Elmo The Black Pquaw Squaw H HB B Durham Lexington 4S 4SBay Bay filly by Himyar Shimmy Lulu S C A Freuden Freud Freudenberg Frequenter berg Chicago 250 250Chestnut Chestnut colt by Victory Hgiaz Hegira ACahu Bach ACahuSt Acoustic St Louis 265 265Bay Bay filly by Himyar Shimmy Astolat Stoat B Schreiber SchreiberSt Schreiber St Louis 225 225Chestnut Chestnut filly by Himyar Shimmy Rabda Rabat J JDunn Dunn Dunn Chicago 80 80Chestnut Chestnut filly by King Alfonso Grecia Grecian E ESlaughter Slaughter Slaughter 8t Louis 50 50Bay Bay colt by Ormonde Hormone dOr doer Itinerant T TD D Carter Chicago 175 175Bay Bay colt by Ormonde Hormone dOr doer Tho Theo irincess airiness irincessJ airiness J Burns Chicago SO SOChestuut Slouchiest Chestuut Chestnut filly by Spendthrift Shindown Shimon ShindownP Shimon P M Civill Civilly Chicago 65 65Chestnut Chestnut filly by Order The Shrimp T D DCarter Carter Carter Chicago ICG CG ICGChestnut Highest Chestnut filly by Spendthrift Rescue C CCHarris Chris CHarris Harris Chicago 100 100Brown Brown filly by Spendthrift Rosaline Rosalie Geo Geol GeoGrady Geography Grady Chicago 50 50Chestnut Chestnut filly by Ormonde Hormone dOr doer Alice May A Cahn Can St Louis 150 150Chestnut Chestnut colt by Spendthrift Lovely W O OFarmer Farmer Farmer Nashville 55 55Bay Bay colt by Oneko Neo Josephine John Bren Brent Brenock Redneck ock bock Chicago 54 54Bay Bay colt by Jim Gore Helene L H Ezell Bezel EzellChicago Chicago 2CO 2COChestnut Chestnut colt by Wagner Peril WH Rol Rolf ¬ ler leer Chicago 350 350Brown Brown filly b Jim Gore Savannah J Pick dens Chicago 105 105Bay Bay filly by Victory Hymnal E Slaughter SlaughterSt SlaughterS St Louis 100 100Bay Bay filly by Victory Lady Cleveland W H HHendrie Hendrix Hendrie Henries Hamilton Ont 40 40Bay Bay filly by Falsetto Patula Spatula II E Leigh LeighLexington Lightening Lexington 130 130Bay Bay filly by Falsetto Flora Mardonald Macdonald W WH H Roller Chicago 140 140Bay Bay filly by Falsetto Marc ola olla HB Dur Dour ¬ ham Lexington 100 100Brown Brown filly by Lord Hartington Harrington AalaLala Alfalfa John Brenock Redneck Chicago 80 80ay ay or brown filly by Falsetto Visa Vis Avis W Hendrie Henries Hamilton Ont 75 75Chestnut Chestnut filly by Falsetto Cambric T TWelch Welch Welch Lexington 60 60Bay Bay colt by Jim Gore Gliding TW Coul Could ¬ ter tear Chicago 175 175Bay Bay colt by Jim Gore Galatea Gallanted T W Coul Could ¬ ter tear Chicago 175 175Bay Bay colt by Bersan Berman Ranette Annette T W Coulter CoulterChicago Coulter Chicago ICO CO ICOChestnut Ricochet Chestnut filly by King Alfonso Emblem W C Overton Overtone Lexington 110 110Bay Bay filly by King Alfonso Canaria Canaries Steele SteeleBros Stealers Bros Brows Lexington 70 70Chestnut Chestnut filly by Faleetto Falsetto Glene Gene W Hen ¬ drie dried Hamilton Ont 100 100Bay Bay filly by Ormonde Hormone dOr doer VanadU Vanadium W WHendrie Henries Hendrie Henries Hamilton Ont 95 95Bay Bay filly by Bersan Berman Petiola Petiole W W Worth Worthington ington Kingston Lexington 275 275Brown Brown colt by Jim Gore Miss Colville Clavicle J JW W Schorr Scorer Memphis 325 325Bay Bay filly by Jim Gore or Eolo Elmo Middle march G Grady Cincinnati 81 81Bay Bay filly by Lord Hartington Harrington Lucetto Lucent W WHendrie Henries Hendrie Henries Hamilton Ont 80 80Bay Bay or brown filly by Falsetto Cachnca Coachman CachncaC Coachman C H Gillock Hillock Nashville 80 80Bay Bay colt by Lord Hartington Harrington Excellonza Echelon ExcellonzaAFMcConnell AFMcConnell St Louis 230 230Bay Bay filly by Spendthrift Frailty C H Gil Gail lock Nashville 90 90Bay Bay filly by Spendthrift Palm Loaf W WHondrie Wondered Hondrie Handwrite Hamilton Ont 40 Brown colt by Falsetto Rebellis Embellish H Hen drio rio H Hendrio Hendrix Hamilton Out 110 110Bay Bay colt by King Alfonso Boursette Burette H Hendrie Henries Hamilton Ont 40 40Bay Bay filly by Lord Hartington Harrington Cadiga Cardigan H Hendrie Henries Hamilton Ont 65 65Bay Bay filly by Lord flartington farting Potina Patina J McMann McMahon Chicago 50 Bay 50Bay or Brown filly by Falsetto Acoustic Col Cool M Lewis Clark Louisville 100 100Black Black fiilly filly by Falsetto Flirtation E Bar ¬ rett Brett Chicago 100 100Chestnut Chestnut filly by Falsetto Finical H Hon ¬ drie dried Hamilton Ont 50 50Bay Bay colt by Falsetto Silverthread Silver W Cleverton Clever Chicago 275 275Chestnut Chestnut colt by King Alfonso Girofla Gorilla F C Mosby Mousy Chicago 175 175Total Total 14590 14590Totalof Totalof Total sales 78 78Average Average 18705