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DETROIT niCHIQAN Michigan niCHIQANFALL FALL MEETING SEPTEMBER 6hT0 OCTOBER 2nd 1897 STAKES TO CLOSE AUGUST 16TH 16THTHE THE CYNTHIA STAKES Five Furlongs For fillies twoyearolds toeholds 10 to accompany the Dommatiou Donation 5 additional to start The club to guarantee the value of the stake to be 800 of which SoW to first 100 to second and SSO ISO to third for fillies that have not won a sweep ¬ stake in 1S97 to carry 110 Ibs Dibs winners after the closing of this stake of a sweepstake of 1000 value or four races of any value Selling Purse races excoptod excepted to carry 7 Ibs Dibs extra maidens allowed 5 Ibs Dibs THE MACKINAW SELLING STAKESOne Stakes and oneeighth neigh milosA mils selling swoepstake sweepstake for threeyearolds and upward 10 to accompany the nomination 25 additional to start The Theclub Ethel club to guarantee the value of the stake to be 800 of which 350 to first 100 to second and 50 50PKSto PKSto PST third those entered for 2500 to carry weight for a e allowances 2 Ibs Dibs for each 250 to toS toes S 1500 i lb for each 100 less to 1000 then 2 Ibs Dibs for each 100 loss to 500 starters with selling price to bo named through the entry box at noon tho thou day before the raco race racoTlHE fractal TlHE THE OAKLAND SELLING SWEEPSTAKES Six FurlongsFor Furlongs all ages 10 to accompany the nomination additional to start Tue Tues club to guarantee the value of the stake to be SOO SOHO of which 650 to first 100 to second and 10 to third those entered for 2000 to carry weight for age 2 Ibs Dibs allowed for each 100 less to 1500 then 1 lb for each 100 less to 1000 starters to be named with selling price at noon the day before the race raceTHE racketed THE WOLVERINE HANDlCAPOne Handclap MileFor Milford throyearolds threefold and upward 10 to accom Tacoma ¬ pany panky tho thou uomiuation nomination ii additional to start The club to guarantee the value of tho thou stake to be SOO SOHO of which 650 to first 100 to second and J50 to third weights to appear three days daysEriorto Eriorto Risotto tha than race winners after publication of weights to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra Acceptances to e made at noon the day before the race raceTHE racketed THE ALGONAC AGONIC MAIDEN STAKESFivo Stakes FurlongsFor Furlongs twoyearold toehold maidens 10 to ac company the nomination additional to start The club to guarantee tho thou value of the stake to be 800 of which 350 to first 100 to second and 5U to third to carry 105 Ibs Dibs win ¬ ners nears of a sweepstake or two races of any value after the closing of this stake to carry 7 Ibs Dibs extra those that have run and never boon placed allowed 5 Ibs Dibs IbsTHE Baste THE PONTIAC STAKES Six Furlongs For twoyearolds toeholds 10 to accompany tho thou nomina nominal ¬ tion ion 26 additional to start The club to guarantee the value of the stake to be SOO SOHO of which 850 to first 100 to second and 50 to third winners of three sweepstakes to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra nonwinners nominees of a sweepstake that have not won four races allowed 5 Ibs Dibs maidens 10 Ibs Dibs IbsTHE Baste THE ORKNEY STAKES One and OneSixteenth Consistent Miles A sweepstake for threeyearolds 10 to accompany the nomination 25 additional to start Tho Theo club to guarantee tho thou value of the stako stake to be iCO Pico of which d50 to first 100 to second and 50 to third for threeyearolds that have not won a race of 1000 value in 1S97 to carry 110 Ibs Dibs winners of a race of 1000 value or three races of any value Selling Purse races excapted excepted after the closing of this stako stake to crry cry 7 Iba Ia extra extraAddress extradites Address Entries to toWALTER Atwater WALTER 0 FARMER SECT 215 Hammond Building SJDetroit Siderite Mich Micah