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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO August 3 Sixtyninth Sixty day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter G C Chinn Chin Q PL O FIRST RACK 34 Mile Purse 300 All ages Selling ind bind Hortes Chortles Wt St 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeya Jockey Owners O H L 234 TEKKIEK TEKTITE IZi Ii 1 3 2 21 1 J Weber J Weber 332 80BOB 33280BOB WHITE 112 4 4 31 410 Foucon Soupcon T B Watts 85 2 85 269 BOUQUET 85 5 IH U 11 3 Preston E R RodgeijB Rode 663 171 INSP1RER 115 2 51 52 3 430 Freeman P Grogan Groan Co 564 80 8ALMOS 112 3 21 41 51 52 Easley Ashley D Hoover 50 60 50 9640 KRUGER KRUEGER 88 6 6 6 6 6 J Woods B cchreiber Schreiber 12 20 10 EUCHRE 10EUCHRE DECK 112 7 7777 SOTime Softie Laughlin Laughing W M McClinton Acclimation 60 80 60 SO Time 25 50 1 15i Winner Ch c 4 by Renown Maggie J JPost Post Post 11 minutes Start good Won ridden out second all out Bouquet was the best but she had no help at the finish Terrier off in front was taken back It took his life to get up again Inspirer has been uerved nerved lately and rolled about like a drunken sailor in the stretch SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolda Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 M Str Star Fin Jockeya Jockey Owners O H L C 9983 WHITE LEAF 95 5 41 42 42 IK Hall C M Barrow 4434 200 ANNIE OLDFIELD GOLDFIELD 95 7 6 61 22 ZH C Murphy Marion Morgan 3433 3433H 9760 SCKETIA SOCKET 95 1 H is i 38 Gilmore T B Watts 25 30 20 25 266 MYRTIE MYRTLE 100 12 12 73 5 43 Preston W T Cannon 20 30 5 6 193 CLARA C II 105 6 31 SKK SKOKIE 63 5 Foncon Fronton MabonoBrmeyrS 434 92663GLENORA 132 CAKE WALK 105 9 7886 Peterman Letterman W A Powell 20 30 12 30 2663GLENORA LEE 105 13 13 10 10 7 Parram Para FosterBrumfield 867 9872 KAMSIS KANSAS 95 2 5978 J Woods B Schreiber 20 20 12 20 266 B OF ST LOUIS 95 10 10 52 9 9 Reidy Reid E A McDonald 8 10 7 10 269 TILLIE LILLIE MAY 95 11 11 11 11 10 Givens T B Watts 20 30 12 30 266 WILD HET ET 93 4 8 12 12 11 Hawker C Reed M 30 12 30 9579 202b6 HIGH BORN LADY 95 3 23 28 SH 12 C Combs Darden Arden Co 20 20 12 20 2b6 FLORENCE BRUEN BRAUN 93 8 9 13 13 13 Furr Furor Wymore Co 20 30 12 30 Time 30Time 12 36 49 1 02 Winner ClarkPost Clark 02Winner Ch f by George Kinney Kate Clark Post 8 minutes Start good The first three were all hard ridden High Born Lady had speed to burn and burned it She killed Scretia Scrota racing with her Oldfield Goldfield and White Leaf were the best Hall outrode outride Murphy at the finish The balance were playing tag with each other in the bunch behind behindScratched behinds Scratched Esther Hawes Awes 95 Overweights Overweighs Myrtie Myrtle 5 pounds 354 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 All ages Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St U Yi 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H J 2372JUDGESTOUFFER112 2 2 3 2 1s Gilmore U Grassmuck Grass 6744 268 Slaughter2683NICK FERRIS HA RTM TM AN 119 1 12683NICK 41 41 32 21 CSlaughterE Slaughter Slaughter 5858 2683NICK CARTER 115 3 3232SOHOOL 31 2 13 3 Phillips J flatchett latchet 6 12 6 12 232SOHOOL GIRL 95 7 7174CH1FFON 7 7 42 48 Preston BrningBrdman Burning 75 2 652 174CH1FFON 95 8 6 61 62 51 J Woods Marion Morgan 4 423 198 KING OSCAR 92 4 5 5 6 C Combs J Huffman 6 6 3 6 8214 OKA OKAY AUDRAIN ADRIAN 117 5 5AQUARELLA 8887 887 Furr Furor C Farr 40 60 30 60 AQUARELLA AQUARELLE 60AQUARELLA 110 6 6 U 11 7 8 Nixon T A Gay Co 30 30 15 20 Time 20Time 24 50 1 16 Winner GirlPost Girl 16Winner h g 3 by Cassatt Cassette Brigand Girl Post 6 minutes Start good Won cleverly second ridden out Nick Carter bumped into School Girl and Chiffon at the start knocking them to their knees Preston was unable to keep School Girl straight in the stretch She should have been third with ease Aquarella Aquarelle had a world of speed but applied it badly Ferris Hartman was under a double wrap to the stretch and finished strong but Stouffer smothered him in a speed way Overweights Overweighs wayOverweights King Oscar 4 pounds 355 FOURTH HACK l 110 Miles Purse fSOU foul 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k Vs 5i StrFin Strafing Jockey Owners O H L C 202JFORSYTHE 202JFORSYTHE994BELVADELL 93 2 12 13 m 11 ij j Uombs Numbs Bishop Co 2 2 2 2 994BELVADELL 994BELVADELL299DONATION 96 1 31 31 31 22 2 CSlaughter Slaughter A Cahn Can 6 12 6 10 299DONATION 107 4 4 4i 43 31 38 Petnrman Penman C C OFallon Fallen 85 2 85 2 172ROYAL CHOICE 107 3 2 21 i 4 4 Garner G C Bennett 2 2 852 2023LONGTIME 96 6 6 6 5 5 5 Webster J 8 OBrien O'Brien 30 40 20 40 267 C S BUSH 96 5 5 5 6 6 6 Lyons R E Maddox 60 80 50 60 60Time Time 25 5C 1 03 1 16 1 43 1 49 IIPost Riposte Winner B g 3 by Oddfellow Oddball Sister to Pendleton Predilection II Post 4 minutes Start fair Won ridden out second driving Forsytho Forsythia was off in front and stood a long hard drive through the stretch Ho indulged in one of his ugly mootis moots at the finish Donation with a strong boy up should have won Bellvadoll Ballad ran his race Royal Choice is a bad horse horseScratched horsecloth Scratched Uncle Pat 96 Glad Eyes 96 356 Q K C E FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 270JCAN GALOP GALLOP 94 1 31 3 23 13 13 Hall McKelvjJohnsnS 534 534158A8TRADA 158A8TRADA 1Q5 5 7 7 7 3 2t Foucon Soupcon E A Meyers Meyer Co 852 75 2 268 GLADYS II 94 3 I 22 1 2 32 Lyons R E Maddox 12 15 6 8 271 RANSOM 101 4 41 41 3 51 41 CSlaucrhterC Slaughter F Sanders Co 12 20 12 15 234 BOB CLANCY 84 6 51 5 51 6 52 Franklin W A Kirwin Irwin 40 75 40 60 9604 TRUXILLO TRUJILLO 95 7 6 6 6 7 6 Peterman Letterman I Cook 2322 2672PAROLE 23222672PAROLE DOR DORA 91 2 2 1 43 4 7 C Combs W Mnlkey Monkey 4746 4746Time Time 26J 52 1 18 1 143t 43t 1 44 Winner UnadagaPost B f 3 by King Galop Gallop Unadaga Nada Post 3 minutes Start good Won cleverly second ridden out Astrada Amstrad wants a longer route Ho was under the whip for a half mile and finished strong Can Galop Gallop was the best She raced Truxillo Trujillo and Parole dOr doer into submission early Gladys II will win acheaper cheaper race Scratched Nannie Nannies Ls Sister 96 Judge DeBouso Debugs 95 Basquil Basque 97 Overweights Overweighs Astrada Amstrad 4 pounds 357 SIXTH KACE ACE 5 la Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt S St k Vt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 269 SIVA 104 5 31 2 82 1 C Slaughters B Schreiber 6633 6633CC 266 COUSIN LIZZIE TIZZIES 101 1 12 14 11 21 C Combs C CC C Maffltt Aflutter 6 12 5 10 10J 294 VALID 106 3 6 78 4 31 Foncon Fronton J Huffman 7867 7867HpkinsBthrfdl2 269 R RUTHERFORD 106 4 2 k 38 2 4n Furr Furor HpkinsBl Hopkins HpkinsBthrfdl2 20 12 15 200 BARRISSO BARRIOS 107 7 766 52 Garner G C Bennett 4544 200 HOWITZER 107 2 51 5 7 6 Hinkoy Inky A Cahn Can 8 12 8 10 94 OOLLINSVILLE 101 6 41 41 51 7 Parram Para G W Miller 15 40 15 30 DELGADO DELUGED 101 8 8888 Lynch JERodegap Erode 2 3 2 3 KINGZELDA HINGED 101 9 9999 Newman J F Grefor Reform 60 100 60 75 Time 75Time 25 51 1 03 1 091 Winner EppipPost Epilogs B f by Hindoo Indoor Miss Eppip Kepi Post 10 minutes Start good Won ridden out second and third driving Cousin Lizzie Tizzies will win her next out at five furlongs Siva won simply on condition Delgado Degrade had the slows Bar risso frisson is of no present account Katie Rutherford tired on the end Scratched Kings Guard 104 Thurlos Hurls 104