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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 354 Aquarella Aquarelle 3 95 270 L BritannicS Britannic 95 233 Groganotte Roanoke 3 95 80 Yan Yang Heiress 3 95 332 Reel 3 95 9981 Briggs 3 97 330 Hill Billy 3 97 234 Whittle 4 102 8794 Joe OSot SOot 6 104 335 Blkg Balk Brnsh4104 Brnsh4104Second Second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 390 Miss Pressley3 91 331 Kruna Kunai 3 91 9984 Gold Band 3 91 331 Stella B 3 91 3303Lex Pirate 3 96 395 HHGardner4102 203 Frontier 4 104 7 Hinda Hind 5 104 331 Peter Hill 3 104 394 J DeBonse4104 394 JackBradley5106 234 Charles P8106 270 Ontaway Ottawa 4 107 107Third Third Raco Race 1 Milo 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling3901CanISeeEm391 3901CanISeeEm391 237 J M B3 93 296 Uncle Pat3 96 199 Moralist 3 96 394 Minerva 4 102 33l3Consuolla4 102 1022702AmberGlints4 2702AmberGlints4 102 271 High Noon 4 102 409 Powhatta 5 104 158 Cass 6 109 109Fourth Fourth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances3563GladysII3 3563GladysII3 82 354 Ora Oran Audrain6 94 94391Charm 391Charm 6 104 2973Linda 17 104 104Fifth Fifth Race 53 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 334 Mary Leighton 95 9387 Heidorn Heidi 95 294 Celia B 95 357 K Rutherford 105 269 Del Hart 105 2692Verify 105 105294Ferroll 294Ferroll 105 8946 Guide Rock 105 403 Judicious 105 5 Free Lady 105 200 Whirmantilino105 266Xalissii 105 1059941Bon 9941Bon Marche105 353White Leaf 105 1052693Sir 2693Sir Rolla Olla 108 108Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 237 PollyHattonS Polyhedrons 95 8353Silver Set 3 95 354 J Stouffer 3 97 356 Truxillo Trujillo 3 100 354 Nick Carter 3 100 3942Basquil 3 100 330Siddnbia 4 102 332Am Foneo One 4 102 75592Mariorio4102 3542F Hartmau4104 268 Joe Hart 4 104 352Terrier 4 107