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BRIGHTON BEACH FORM FORMNEW FORMAN NEW YORK N Y August 9 The form of Tuesdays Brighton Beach fields is PatchogueSecond Pathogens First Eace Peace Concord Eossifer Osier Patchogue Pathogen Second Eace Peace Oxnard Mr Baiter Biter Attain ¬ ment meant mentThird method Third Bace Brace Bnckwa Neckwear Wolhurst Wolfhounds Lincoln II IIFourth Fourth Race Rubicon Abuse Zanono Anon ZanonoFifth Fifth Eace Peace Boy Orator Domestic Julius Caesar CaesarSixth Caesars Sixth Eace Peace Deorslayer Doomsayer Lehman Dutch Skater SkaterSeventh Skaters Seventh Race Applegate Appellate Purser entry Riflo Rifle