Newport Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1897-08-18


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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY Aug Au 17 Thirteenth day Qneen Queen City Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather cl mdy middy track fast Presiding Jndce Induce J J Bnrko Bro Starter H D Brown rTjO ratio FIRST ttACK tACK 58 Mile Purso Purrs 83uU 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses M J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6783FLOP 41 3 3 li Gloasim Glassine H W Pitcher 2i it 2 21 21IH 61 GEOEGE GEORGE KRATS RATS 100 2 IH 2 21 2 Jaries Aries Robinsonllooro Robinson 8 10 6 6 63i 678 FRIAR JOHN 100 4 3i 41 4 32 UWilliams Williams J Bauer Co 85 2 85 2 6 61 1 INCIDENTAL 102 1 7 51 51 4 Snell Smell P Bitzer Biter 60 80 0 60 80 804283HAMMON 4283 4283HAMMON HAM MON 102t 5 2i 1 V 1 H r t Lendrum Lender A L Ferguson 4545 45456U3 6U3 UITH UTAH ADMIRAL 97 10 10 10 8 8i 81 Southard Southward J M Smith 50 60 30 00 60 604J2 4J2 ZENITH 97 8 8 8 71 71 CClay Clay J S Lancaster 8 10 8 10 10ii ii BOB KNIGHT 10117 61 6 6i 8 81 J Hill R E M Portor Porto 10 12 10 12 585 AUttl Tautly FERGUS FERGUSON 10 9 9 9 9 9 Dale Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 60 80 40 80 42 HU3E HOPKINS 97 3 5i 7 10 10 Wilson Jay Hardy Co 50 80 40 80 80Time Time 24i 49i 1 0a Wmaor Major B g by Coriolanus Corolla Freddie FreddiePo Freddie Po t 8 minutes Start good The first four ware all driving Admiral broke from behind and ran an excellent ruco Rico He was closing fast at tho thou end Hammon Hammond had a lot of speed but could nt cai cia ry it Flop was best bestUvprwpghts Uvprwpghts Uprights Flnp Flan 2 pounds George Krats Rats 3 Incidental 2 Hammon Hammond 21 Bob Knight 41 rj A O SECOI ECO SECOND HACK 34 Mile Purse 3uU 3yearolds and upward Selling inu in Hon H WtSt Watt fet V Str Star Fin Jockoy Jockey Owners O H L C 4w K1TT1K H 117 6 5 4i 3i 1 Overtou Overt R H Bronaugh Baronage 3 433 459 OLD CENTER 122 t 4 z 2i 2 Dupee Dupe W T Woodard Woodward Jr 5 856 644 MEDDLER 119 2 21 1 1 3 Hart C DeWitt Hewitt 7 75 1 65 4 4 THE SCULPTOR 119 1 1 3 42 4 labor E S Warner Co 30 3J 2 20 459 ANNIE M 117 4 3 5 55 51 J Gardner H C Cook 6 755 99 2 NELLIE BLAND 117 3 B 6 6 6 James Waters Hodges 40 40Time 60 40 50 Time 25 50 1 02i 1 li liWioner liaison Wioner Wiener Mi f 4 by The Minstrel liiauio limitation May Mayfust Mafias fust fusty 8 minutes Start good Won in a gallop Meddler tirod trod in the last farlong furlong improved over his last race Kittio Kitties B was by far the best bestScratched Scratched Marioni Marion 117 Elano Eleanor 119 Jamboree 119 E bart 122 THIRD RACE 84 Mile Parse 300 3yearolds Soiling 750 1 Horses Wt St Vi v M StrFin Strafing Jockny Jock O H L C 41 31 ft 1 2 Ovorton Overtone R H Bronaugh Baronage ft 6 4 5 5x4 HAPPY tlOURS tOURS 110 5 2i H 1 2 Kutzleb Klutz F A Jones 8 15 8 15 15M M TRUELIGHT TREBLING 110 8 5 7 41 32 Londrnm London S S Brown 6868 6868i1 i1 WAUTAGA WATERGATE 105 3 61 51 51 46 Southard Southward J P McCann Mecca 10 158 15 1545d 45d AUGUSTINA AUGUSTINE 110 4 10 10 8 51 Graham W M Bradley 30 30 20 33 499 PLAY DAY 10o 9 9 7t 7 6 J Hill L P Tarleton Carleton Col2 15 7 8 499 EL ARE 110 2 li 21 32 71 Everett C L Blackburn 40 40 30 40 4097i6iSALSETTA 97i6iSALSETTA 110 1 3 9 9 81 J Perkins W C Overton Overtone 20 30 15 30 3049J 49J 3ESTNEREGINA 11010 7 4 6 9 Britton Briton E M Hilton 3 3 2 2i 2i6802LYLL1S 6802LYLL1S 110 7 8 6 Fell H WilliamsA Williams C Actkins Catkins 2 3 853 853Time Time 24 49i 102115 Winner Br f by Atholstone Atchison Sunflower SunflowerPost Sunflower Post 7 minutes Start good Won easily There was much jostling on the back stretch and on turns This caused Lyllis Allis fall Regina ran a shocking race El Are is not much The Navys Nays performance was above the mark Happy Hours showed a lot of speed FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse J30U 3yearolds Selling 751 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 711 HATS OFF OFF7112EVAHNE 95 5 51 5 4t 4 11 Dnpee Dane W T Woodard Woodward Jr 5 6 5 6 7112EVAHNE 90 9 88 86 6 2k 21 Southard Southward A Roberts 85 85 1 6J 6402LULU 7112EVAHNE6402LULU M 90 2 1 li 12 H S5 Valentine R McMillan Macmillan 5746 602 CALCULATOR 100 4 41 3 5 51 4 H Williams Baker Gentry 6645 426 KENSTON KENTON KENSTON5N6MASTERPIECE 100 7 7 6i 8 61 5 Gleason Lesson C E Patterson 20 30 15 30 5N6MASTERPIECE 102 3 2 2 2t 3 6 Lendrum Lender Hickey Bros Brows 3i 4 3 4 602 YELY1NGTON 100 6 6i 7 7 7 7 Dale Ireland Bros Brows 20 20 12 15 499 RIGHT CHANCE 92 1 3 4 3 8 82 Chenault Health Hutchiuson Hutchinson Co 40 50 30 50 36 i BROSSART BRASSARD 95 8 9 9 9 9 9 Bolder Goode Good Co 40 50 30 40 40Time Time 25 50 1 15i 1 2Ht 1 41 Winner B c 3 by MacdufT Acute Red Loaves LoavesPost Loaves Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily Hats Off was not the best His race was abovo above the mark Evaline Valiance was pulled up at the start She ran a wonderful race and should have won Southard Southward used her too much in getting up Scratched Winthrop Intro 100 Overweights Overweighs Masterpiece 21 pounds 17 K O FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3jearolds Allnwancos Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt J4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9296 TURTLE DOVE 100 6 1 15 11 12 IH Jamos Amos Dots Bros Brows 6 6 3 3i 3i363SGIITLAW 363SGIITLAW 104 4 62 22 25 2 210 J Hih High C L Blackburn 35 46 36 45 9221 PEGGY 103 7 7 6 65 51 i Snell Smell F W Cox 30 100 30 100 642 THBEE THEE BARS 104 2 4 52 4 4 4 Dale W P Givens 6757 675758fi 58fi SUYDAM SUDAN 104 3 31 41 3i 3 r H WilliamsFields Williams Vance 15 25 12 25 f642LOCKHART 105 1 2i 3i Si 62 6 Gleason Lesson WdfordEvermnS 646 456 DR COLEMAN 103 5 61 7 7 7 7 Southard Southward W M Carroll 60 80 50 80 604 DUNCAN BELL 105 8 8 8 8 8 8 W Hicks Clay Bros Brows 30 30 15 25 25Time Time 24 4 i 1 OU 1 14 1 27i VinnerGr Vinegar f 3 by Tenton Trenton Melrose MelrosePost Melrose Post 1J minutes Start gjod god Won ridden out Bell is a very bad actor Dove had all the speed and lasted jast jest long eaough enough to win Law was closing at every stiiie Scratched Rockwall Rockwell loj lo Everest Ul

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Local Identifier: drf1897081801_4_1
Library of Congress Record: