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ST IsOUIS IOUs FORM GHART HART GHARTST HARTS ST LOUIS MO August 21rEightyfifth day St Louis Fair Association Summer Meeting Weather clear track test Presiding Judge JOB A Murphy Starter C C Chinn Chin 865 FISST FISTS RACE 78 Mile Parse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Horses Wt Ht H y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 547 HIGH NOON 102 8 3 31 2 1 1 Petermau Peter S J Rncker Ranker 21 6 2 5 7712LITTLE BILLEE BILLETED 104 6 5 41 I 22 21 Hall 8immsDthridgo4 4 2 21 9761 BRIDGETON BRIDGETOWN 94 2 21 2H 32 32 31 CUombs Combs Doss Storey 4 10 4 8 8C6 EARL COCHRAN 104 4 6 51 63 4 41 Purr 10 12 10 10 9356 HANO HAN BELLE 9413 11 1151 51 Gilmore BrowngBoardn Pronghorn 12 15 8 10 8293HEL H GARDNER 1041 5 7 61 4 62 6 Garner W A Kirwan Iran 21 3 21 21 693 VIRGINIA M 92 1 41 7 7 7 7 Franklin L G Knhs Kens 40 40 25 30 802 JUDGE DE BOUSE BLOUSE 94 788888 Frost J J Barry 40 60 30 40 40Time Time 251 5ft 1 02i 1 16 1 29i Winner DaylightPost Daylight Br f 4 by Masterpiece Daylight Post 4 minutes Start straggling Won ridden out second and third driving Helen H Gardner was cut off at the start She is a filly that likes to race in front Brldgeton Bridgetown after a let up ran an improved race Hano Hanoi Belle showed speed Little Billeo Bile ran his race Judge De Bouse Blouse stretchScratched stretches nearly fell at tho thou threequarter treasurer pole Hano Hanoi Belle bled in the stretch Scratched Mary Nance Nuance 92 Big Fellow 94 Integrity II 91 Davezac Dave 94 Bob Clampott Lamppost 104 Rose d Or 112 112Overweights Overweights Overweighs Hano Hanoi Belle 21 pounds Helen H Gardner 21 SECOND RACE I 110 Milo Purse 300 3yearolds and upwards Selling Ind Indo Horses HorsesHJSTMADELINE Wt St V4 3i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 0 HJSTMADELINE 8J5MADELINE 109 1 1 4 3 3i 111 Freeman M P Mattingly Matting 12 12 1 1ti 1 ti 1 4 4MAY MAY GALOP GALLOP 101 4 4 1 13 U 2 Poterman Protegra G 0 Moshier Mushier 3 4 3 a y7lRUXILLO 101 2 21 25 21 310 parr I Cook 6756 772 ROYAL CHOICE 1041 3 33 31 4 4 4 Garner G C Bennett 6 12 6 10 10Time Time 2Ji 50i 1 02 1 16 1 42 1 48 Winner Ch m 5 by Koene Kenney Colusa Coleus ColusaPost Coleus v Post 3 minutes Start good Won ridden out second driving Madeline was not as good today as she has been Her recent hard races are telling1 on hnr hr May Galop Gallop was badly messed about at the start With clear sailing she would have been troublesome Boyal Boyle Choice was out classsd Truxillo Trujillo will be hard to beat in his class from now on Ho likes a muddy track best Overweights Overweighs bestOverweights bestrewing Royal Choice 21 pounds 867 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses H Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H I 735m S TOBACCO 12 H IH 11 Gilmora Gilmore WH Leigh 354512710 8u42BRIDGET 410 416 3n 2 Peterman Letterman B F Ward 3434 735 NICHOLAS NICHOLAS04NICK 22 2 K 21 S 2 C Slaughters Slaughter 5746 04NICK CARTER 3 32 42045 Furr Furor J Hatchott Hatchet 5746 ASTORET ASTOR 55 52 52 5 J Stewart R J Lncas Incas 60 100 40 60 6776 TRICKY JIM 107 2 6666 Irven Irvin J A Abernathy 60 100 60 100 100Time Time 2449 1011114 1011114Winner Winner B c 3 by Phoenix Sarmienta Arietta SarmientaPost Arietta Post 11 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving H S Tobacco was best Nick Carter chased him for five furlongs and the awful pace together with the difference in the weights cooked his goose lie tried to run out at the eighth pole Bridget closed strong after she was apparently beaten Tricky Jim tried to run out all the way Scratched wayScratched Hartless Artless 95 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 2yearolds Allowances The Ozark Stakes 1500 Guaranteed Ind Indo Horses WtSt Watt 54 V fc 3i Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 3932EITHOLIN 121 3 2 i 22 21 1 Garner G C Bennett 46S L1BATION 118 5 3 SHU SHUN 3 x 3 21 Foucon Soupcon A Cahn Can 4544 6S2S1R ROLLA OLLA 113 1 41 48 43 3 C CSlaughl McLaughlin SlaughterC Slaughter C Maffltt Aflutter 6 10 5 10 773 DAVE WALDO WEALD 18 18 16 415 Webster WymoreCo 15 30 15 25 COL COLE BRAMBLE 108 6 6 6 6 5 Combs J H Payne 6857 9800 EQU1TOME 108 4 80Time 5 52 53 6 Hinkey Hinkle A C Bernays Betrays 60 100 50 80 Time 241 491 1 10t 0t 1 16 16Winner GilfloryPost Winner Br c by Eothen Ethan Mrs General Gilflory Pillory Post 4 minutes Start fair Won driving and all out second and third doing their best Eitholin Withholding was the best He is a good game colt and won on his courage Libation is a good colt too He was noing nosing as well as the winner at the end Sir Rolla Olla looked dangerous at the eighth p le Dave Waldo Weald showed a world of speed an item that was lacking in bis bias previous race Bramble was off badly and outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Sir Joseph Lister Blister 108 869 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 All Ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St H fc StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6 4HARliY DUKE 107 3 11 li 12 n C Combs J H Payne Co 710 1 35 1 64 LAUREATE 95 1 21 3 4 21 Garner G C Bennett 4837 7WEVA RICE 77 5 4 4 32 3 J Woods E Slaughter 1 115 1 2 4 MISS VERNE 911 2 31 21 21 4 Hall REMaddox Renaldo 10 20 8 15 i 1 HONNIE JONNIE IONE ONE 77 6 54 rso sro 54 515 Golden J Cochrau Cochran 60 100 60 80 81 ORGAN PILOT 90 7 615 55 630 6io Stovons Stoves C E Muenshaw Mensal 60 75 50 50 fW DON LINGO 79 4 7777 Alaric Balearic J M Hill 60 100 50 fcO cO fcOr4 r4 4 MABEL ABEL 811 8 100Time 8 8 8 8 Frost Booker Leigh 60 100 60 100 Time 24 48 101 1131 1131Winner Winner B R 5 by Duke of Montro Montrose e Memorial MemorialPost Memorial Post 37 minutes Start good Won cleverly second ridden out Harry Duke was the best Ho is a good horse right now He got through next to the rail up the back stretch and took the nort north route h va Rice was jumped on and cut down Laureate did not bleed and is in good con lition lotion Watch him himScratched hemstitched Scratched Cousin Lizzie Tizzies J7 Cannonade 88 Oninoor Connor 80 80Over Over weiehts weights Miss Verne HI pounds Organ Pilot 3 Don Lingo 2 Mabel Abel 41 8 TO SIX Til Tail RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling led Horaea Horace Wt St Vt K StrFin Strafing Jockeya Jockey Owners O H HTur Thurs Tur Turk JANE 104 4 3 li 11 2 1 Garner G C Bennett 35453545 354535450f 0f ARDATH MARATHI 102 2 2 36 22 IH 10 Reidy Reid F Lewis 5 6 3 31 31i i DICK BJiHAN Bihar 106 1 1 fcl fl 3 3 86 Webster C Young 3 12 3 10 888 COURTKSY COURTESY 93 5 45 430 430 430 450 Hall F M Arthur 40 50 30 40 40OMt OMt Ont QUIRE G 104 3 5 21Time 5 5 5 5 C Combs P TomlinsonCo Complaisance 3 4 21 Time 26 60 1161 141 Winner Br m 5 by Bnckmaster Bandmaster Bertha C CPost Post Post 5 minutes Start good Won ridden out second and third driving hard With a strong rjd rd Ardath Marathi would have won Squire G was out down His left hind tendon was cut through JaiS Janis JaiSas Jigsaws as well ridden and just stalled off Ardatbj Arab rush rushScratched Scratched J M B 90 Argonaut 93 Siddubia Indubitable 99 Amber Glints 102 May Thompson 1C4 Gold Band 91 Undo Pai Paid 93 Nannie Nannies Ls Sister 94 Addie Caddie Buchanao Buchanan 101 Joe oSot Soot 103