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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY September 2 Twentyseventh Twenty day Queen City Jockey Club Summer Meet ¬ ing King Weather clear track heavy early It improved later Presiding Judge J J Burke Starter H D Brown 1 l F V F1EST KAOE KAO 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L H 7 61 4i li Everett TP Hayes 6 Id 6 8 9652MISS ROWETT ROWE 104 6 62 5 61 41 J Hill Jay Hardy Co 95 95 65 75 873THE 75873THE SCULPTOR 102 4 3 3a 53 51 Dupeo Dupe E S Warner Co 5 5 3 4 584 DAGO AGO 105 1 12 11 31 65 James J L Black 6645 1089 PRUDENT 102 9 8877 Bolder Smith Schnman60 SO 30 80 1092 ALVARETTA ALVAREZ 102 5 4788 Graham J F Wynn 12 12 8 10 1024 LISMORE ISOPRENE 102 8 9 9 9 9 M Dunn Combs Co 50 80 40 60 Time 60Time 251501 1 04 1 164 TeresePost Teresa Winner Br g 4 by Hindoo Indoor Terese Teresa Post 10 minutes Start good Won easily next two driving Dago Dagon stopped badly Heritage had an easy time The Sculptor was short under a vigorous ride from flag fall Miss Bowett Owlet could never get up Scratched upScratched unscratched Issie Issue 0 102 Overweights Overweighs Miss Rowett Rowe 2 pounds t I pr O SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse S300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 0 O H L C 713 LANKY BOB 109 4 43 11 21 14 Overton Overtone Mason Co 4 5 3 31 102S2GEORGIE 31102S2GEORGIE C 102 1 2a 3 31 24 Gleason Lesson C Bellinger Berliner 1 95 75 85 980DTOH 85980DTOH COMEDIAN 105 2 11 21 1 32 James L Rehm Rem 2 5 3 41 1091 SAUBER SABER 102 6 52 41 43 48 Akdr Akron W A Hopkins 30 40 20 40 780 ST RAYMOND 105 5 6 6 5 53 Murray R W Cable 50 60 40 60 535ARCTURUS 60535ARCTURUS 105 3 31 56 6 6 Britton Briton G L Wainscott Wainscot 85 95 65 95 Time 95Time 251 384 504 1 031 110 Winner 110Winner IVPost Riposte B c by Lord Hartington Harrington Victoria IV Post 10 seconds Start good Won ridden out Arcturus Actuaries was not himself Bob was a real good goingScratched goings thing and liked the going Scratched Wase Waste 105 1154 THIRD RACK 1 116 Miles Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses t St M K K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9813A B U 108 3 6 31 IH H 11 Overton Overtone J S Brannon Brandon 1 1 45 910 968 JAMBOREE 105 2 12 IH 21 22 25 James W F Dair Dairy 5848 10S92LOYALTY 105 1 3 5n 32 33 35 Murray JSiebert Sidebar 12 15 10 12 11323 PETE KITCHEN 105 6 53 4 52 41 410 Thornton Horton W E Fielding 8868 1029 STANZA 105 5 41 6 4 55 58 Eveiett Everett Jay Hardy Co 20 20 15 20 1031 ROBIN SON 105 4 2 2 6 6 6 J Hill Oots Boots Bros Brows 21 31 21 31 31Time Time 241 501 1 161 1 434 1 501 Winner OFallonPost Fallen 501Winner Blk Balk c 4 by Culprit Hattie OFallon Fallen Post a minutes Start good Won driving last half mile It was a two horse affair after five fnrlongs furlongs Robinson ran the half mile fast and then stopped The footing was not soft enough for Jamboree JamboreeScratched Jamborees Scratched Roosevelt 108 l 1 K K FOURTH RACE I Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St K 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners DHL DAHL C 1090PERFORMANOE 107 1 11 I 11 13 13 J Hill S S Brown 1 6 54545 1026 MERTIE MARTINE REED 103 2 31 21 22 35 23 Everett W Fields Co 21 21 952 1069KALITAN 108 3 55 4n 32 21 3io Overton Overtone G H Brown 31 6 3 4 K92 THE NAVY 103 6 41 81 43 48 410 Murray RHBronaughCo 12 20 10 20 8413 CASH BEARER 106 7 7 7 51 51 52 M Dunn Joplin Grundy Gerund 30 40 30 40 1069 SOLON 102 4 31 51 6 6 6 Aker Baker W A Hopkins 8 12 7 12 793 WINTHROP INTRO 101 5 6 6 7 7 7 T Charles C Drake 30 50 30 50 Time 50Time 251 501 1 16l 1 431 Winner MatineePost Matinee 431Winner B f by Troubadour Matinee Post 30 seconds Start good Won in a gallop Solon had enough at the end of a half mile Performance classScratched is herself once more and will be hard to beat in company just short of stake class Scratched Masterpiece 101 Belzara Belarus 105 a K f tlFTH FIFTH tilt RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt S St M Vt 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L J 980 ADA ADAM RUSSELL 110 1 la H 11 13 Overton Overtone Holloway Hollow Bros Brows 21 3 2 21 639 AUNT MAGGIE 110 5 21 21 2f 21 Aker Baker W W Lister Blister 10 15 8 12 1025 LENA MEYERS MEYER 110 6 6I 61 41 33 Fowler WM Carroll 12 20 12 15 I 9673ANNIE TAYLOR 110 3 4 31 41 J Hill RHBronaughCo 5 6 31 5 715 DAYO DAY 110 8 8i 51 51 Graham R EM Porter 15 20 12 20 i 715 Q OF HURSTBRNEllO 2 210882ELSIE 1 1 T Charles BHazelip Harelip 40 40 40 40 10882ELSIE M 110 7 61 73 Murray CE Patterson 85856575 643 STRATHLOU TRIATHLON 110 9 99 82 Gleason Lesson M Young 5 7 31 7 1088 LAURETTA LAURENT B 110 4 SH 7 9 Thornton Horton H G Owsley Wesley 15 20 12 20 Time 20Time 25 494 564 Winner 564Winner Ch f by Koaciusko Elsie B BPost Post Post 1 minute Start good Won in a gallop the next four were driving Elsie could not untrack untracked herself Russell is not in just the right condition Lauretta Laurent B can do better Scratched Albis Albs 110