Coney Island Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-09-12


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CONEY ISLAND FORM CHART CHARTSHEEPSHEAD HEARTSEASE SHEEPSHEAD SHEEPISH BAY N Y Septembar September 11 Twelfth day Coney Island Jockey Club Autumn Meeting Weather clear trdck track good Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C H Pettingill Petting OQ i FIRST BACE ACE Futurity Course 170 feet short of 34 mile 600 added 1 O t O 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M K M StrFin Strafing Jockey Owners O H L C 1243 MIDIAN INDIAN 1161 8 SH 3 31 1 W Martin P Dunne 5 10 5 10 10IH 1294 HOMELIKE 112 6 IH ni 12 21 Wilhite Iolite LSWPThmpsn 8 20 8 20 1296 MOMENTUM 115 2 21 21 21 3a R Williams Goughacres Doughfaces Stbl Stable 2 3 2 3 1084 WASTEFUL 115 7 6 7 41 4 Hennessy Hennas D Gideon 4 5 4 41 8823CHALMER3 115 12 9 8 52 51 Doggett Doge R L Rose 6 12 5 10 1243 COMMERCE 115 10 10 9 7 6 Perkins Graves Co 12 15 10 12 1157 MERLIN 1161 4 41 41 6 7 Penn W C Daly Dally 20 50 20 40 1243 FIELD LAEK LEAK 115 5 11 6 9 8 H Martin J R Keene 4746 AFGHAN 115 1 51 51 8 9 Taral Aral Marcus Daly Dally 10 10 8 10 1047 JULIUS CAESAR 115 14 12 11 11 10 Littlefield Littered MrsCLittlefleldJr 15 20 12 15 1294 ISEN RISEN 112 9 8 10 10 11 Thorpa Thorp John Daly Dally 15 20 8 12 7062 MR HUNT 115 13 13 13 12 12 Simms Sims FleischmannSonS 10 S 8 1047 NIGGER NIGER BABY 115 3 7 12 13 13 Clayton J F Kneale Knelled 8 10 6 8 820 BLISSFUL 11211 14 14 14 14 McDermottM McDermott Minden 15 60 15 50 DUCHSS DUCHESS ANNETTE 112 15 15 15 15 15 F Martin F T Miller 20 100 20 75 Time 75Time 12 24 48 101 112 Winner RosetteStart Rosettes Ch c by Midlothian Militia Rosette Start good Won driving Midian Indian finished strong Homelike showed lots of speed and should have won Momentum was unluckily placed at start on outside was bumped on the stretch turn and finished fast Wasteful off slowly and badly made up an immense lot of ground Commerce was eased at the end when he was closing fast Merlin and Afghan were prominent first part of race Chalmers Chambers finished like a lion Scratched Heigh High Ho 112 Overweights Overweighs Midian Indian 11 pounds Merlin 11 Q T SECOND BACK 78 Mile 750 added 3yearolds and upward Handicap tud stud Horses Wt St M Yi 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 12012RODERMOND 114 3 1 21 32 li li w Martin J W Rogers 6 10 6 10 817 BRAW LAD 114 5 51 3 i 21 23 23 T Sloan H Stull Still 6 12 6 10 101201PEEP 1201PEEP ODAY DAY 125 2 4H 51 41 3 36 Simms Sims J H McCormick 3736 1158 RAM1RO li 117 6 61 41 61 51 41 Clayton W H Landeman Landsman 8 10 6 8 982 SALLIE CLICQUT CLIQUE 107 17 7 5i 6 51 Hennessy Hennas G B Morris 6 15 6 12 1247 HEtt Ghetto OWN 92 8 8 8 8 7 6 OConnor O'Connor Mrs WC Daly Dally 20 10020 75 751085IMPERATOR 1085IMPERATOR 109 7 Z IH IH 4 71 Thorpe James Galway 6857 1201 TRILLETTE TRIPLET 97 9 9 9 9 9 81 Maher J S Ferguson 15 30 12 20 1051 CHUM 100 10 10 10 10 10 9 Wilhite Iolite Sensation Stable 12 40 12 20 10092 TYPHOON II 123 4 32 61 7 8 10 Taral Aral Bromley Brome Co 22852 2285210872BUCKWA 10872BUCKWA 110 11 11 11 11 U 11 H Martin E W Purser 6 6 31 31 31Time Time 12 24 36 49J 115 129 129Winner Winner B c 3 by Tremont Fremont Armiel Ariel ArmielStart Barmiest Start good for all but Buckwa Buck Won easily Rodermond Prodder was best and is in grand form He had the foot of his field throughout Braw Lad on the rail saved ground and was lucky He closed strong in the last quarter Peep o Day was messed about on the turn and pocketed iu the stretch He was a good horse and should have been second He was pulled up at the end Ramiro will about do his next out He could have been much closer up He was eased last six ¬ teenth tenth Imperator looked to be a contender in the stretch He quit badly when punished This colt has a great burst of speed He was pulled to Ja walk at the end Clicquot Aliquot and Her Own both ran well Typhoon quit badly after being prominent for half a mile He cannot be in good health judging from his last two races Chum too was eased at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Harry Reed 126 Octagon 116 Libertine 105 Leedsville Leeds 104 Salvado Salvador 100 Han Ion 11s Sunup 112 Cacique 106 1 Q O Q THIRD HACK Futurity Course 170 feet short of 34 mile 2yearolds 1 O tJ O The Great Eastern Handicap 5000 guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V ft StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 1245HAMBUKG 135 1 in 12 12 ill Taral Aral J E Madden 45 85 45 85 1329 KITEFOOT KITE 111 10 108433BRIAR 51 42 42 21 McCafferty J J McCafferty 20 25 15 15 8433BRIAR SWEET 109 5 41 22 2 32 Hennessy Hennas Marcus Daly Dally 20 60 20 60 1202 GEORGE KEENE 111 7 SB 51 52 41 T Sloan FleischmannSon8 10 7 8 1245 FIREARM 120 2 2n 31 31 51 Hewitt August Belmont 12 15 8 12 1327 ARCHDUKE 124 6 61 bi bi12u2 61 61 Clayton R L Rose 674 12u2 HANDBALL 117 3 71 8 71 71 Simms Sims P J Dwyer 585 1202 SAN VENADO VENDOR 106 9 10 9 9932LALOUETTE 9 8 H Martin E J Baldwin 20 40 20 30 932LALOUETTE 120 8 8 10 11 9 W Martin LSWPThompsnl2 15 10 12 740 BOWLING BROOK 115 12 11 11 11607JBLUEAWAY 10 10 Littlefield Littered A H D H Morris 12 30 10 20 607JBLUEAWAY 115 13 13 12 12 11 Thorpe L Elmore Elmo 12 15 12 12 511MAXIMO GOMEZ 100 11 12 13 13 12 OConnor O'Connor Roy Carruthers Corrupters 20 60 20 50 13292KENMORE QUEEN 108 4 9 71 8 13 Doggett Doge Graves Co 20 40 20 30 30jockey 1157 SAILOR KING 97 Threw jockey Maher W Jennings 20 30 20 25 25Added Added starter Time 24 48 1 00 1 10J Winner Br c by Hanover Lady Reel ReelStart Redstart Start good Won easily Hamburg simply outclassed his field to a degree that precludes the idea of any weight stopping him Firearm and George Keene were killed off chasing him Neither had anything left on which to finish Kitefoots Bitterroots race was phenomenal She was off be ¬ hind and came like a lioness in the last quarter Briar Sweet showed wonderful speed and but for being called upon too soon would have been second Handball and Archduke appeared an ¬ chored cored Neither showed their former speed Queen was prominent for a period but quit badly and was pulled up in the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Plaudit 115 San Antonio 103 Gypceiver Glycerine 98 I O f f FOURTH RACE A Miles 3yearolds and upward JL O U J The Autumn Cup 5000 Guaranteed Ind Indo Horses StrFin Strafing Jockeys 1203 BEN HOLLADAY HOLLAND 114 7 63 51 Zi li U Clayton Eastin Easton Larabie Laramie 4646 1126 DUTCH SKATER 105 3 41 6 61 31 2H T Sloan W Jennings 4 4 31 31 1246 BEN EDEK BEDECK 107 2 23 SH 51 51 32 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 8 25 8 20 201246ORNAMENT 1246ORNAMENT 123 4 SH 4n 4a 2n 43 Taral Aral C T Patterson 65 65 45 1 11332SONG 1332SONG DANCE 104 8 8 7 7 6 51 Thorpe Roy Carruthers Corrupters 12 40 10 30 1297 SUNNY SLOPE Iu7 1 IH 11 IH 41 615 W Martin Mrs Jere Ere Dunn 6 30 6 25 1332SRENSSELAER 112 5 31 21 31 7 720 Hewitt J E McDonald 6 10 5 8 12972PARTRIDGE 98 6 7 8 8 8 8 Thompson J E Madden 20 50 20 40J 40JAdded Added starter Time 25 51 1 0 1 44 2 1C 2 36 2 50 3 29 29Winner Winner B c 4 by Hanover Moilie Mollie L LStart Start Start good Won driving Holladay Holland was far the best and finished with wonderful gameuess gameness although swerving badly through the stretch He had a world of speed throughout Dutch Skater was perfectly handled and showed rare staying quality He might have won had the pace been stronger He was carried wide in the stretch and interfered with somewhat by Continued on 2ndpagoJ Holladay Holland Ben Eder Edger came resolutely last half Ornament not so luckily placed today was messed about somewhat and under a choking pull for a mile and a half The weight stopped him in the last quarter He was eased right at the end He ran a grand race notwithstanding his de ¬ feat Song and Dance showed his ability to stay but was outclassed Sunny Slope as the pace ¬ maker was at a great disadvantage but bung on with her usual gameness She was merely out sprinted last half Rensselaer Reseller is in bad shape He had to be urged to keep up in the first mile aud Maud certainly needs a rest He didnt didn't look to have a chance at any stage stageScratched stagecoaches Scratched Lobe ncula macula 95 Sir Walter 112 Jefferson 85 Overweights Overweighs 85Overweights Song and Dance 4 pounds I A FIFT FIT FIFTH BACK l Mile 650 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 12473LEEDSVILLE 87 1 112U13RUBICON 12 13 13 12 OConnor O'Connor D Gideon 10 10 8 8 12U13RUBICON 111 6 Ei 5 fi 32 23 T Sloan 1 1 4545 1330 LIBERTINE 108 2 21 23 21 3 W Martin J G Brown Co 6 12 b 10 12472BREAK ODAY DAY 85 9 8 7 7 4 4 Gee liriffin larrikin Simons 10 20 10 15 1244 DORIAN 104 8 9 8 8 53 53 Thorpe J J McCafferty 1247 REY FREY DEL TIERRA 87 7 7 7 9 9 62 6 Thompson EW Purser 8 15 6 8 13282KING T 11 10 10 10 10 9 72 Taral Aral H Duraut Durant 10 40 10 30 1246 BERNARD1LLO 102 5 21 4i 31 8 86 H Martin E J Baldwin 5656 1295 OLD SAUGUS AUGUST 100 3 31 3 62 10 9 Maher J O Gray 12 40 12 25 1331 DEBRIDE DERIDE ICO CO 4 6H 61 4n 7 10 Hewitt T D Sullivan 20 0 20 40 578JPATROL 40578JPATROL 105 10511 11 11 25Time 11 11 H 11 BeauchampJ Beach E Seagram 15 30 10 25 Time 24 48 114 141 141Winner Winner SquawStart Quasar B c 3 by Pontiac The Squaw Start good Won driving Leedsville Leeds ran kindly He has wonderful speed and was allowed to steal away Rubicon was best He was waited with too long and got a badly judged ride He closed like a flash at the end Libertine ran a splendid race and showed a return of his old form He will be hard to beat his next out Break oDay today had no chance under Gee but ran well Tierra wants a strong resolute rido rio No light boy can do him justice Bernardillo Bernardino stopped badly after threequarters treasurers and was oased eased last quarter King T closed much ground in the last half but was overweighted overweighed and did not belong in the race Ho favors a distance Patrol broke down Dorian was eased up in the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Harry Reed 108 Domitor Dormitory 92 Rondo 107 Cromwell 101 Salvable 102 Overweights Overweighs 102Overweights Libertine 2 pounds Old daugns daunts 2 Patrol 5 King T 1 1401 SIXTH RACE a 18 Miles 6UO added Steeplechase Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St H m 2 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1248 TRILLION 156 2 21 210 222 Mclnerny Celery W C Hayes 38725AYONARA H7 4 3 3 fFell fell Mara W C Hayes 1 1 4545 1205 FLUSHING 165 1 Fell Dunlap Dunlop G H Scherrer Sherrie 852 852 Coupled 852Coupled in betting fRemounted Remounted and finished finishedTime finished Time 530 530Winner Winner Br c 4 by Woodlands Fannie iloore lore ilooreStart Loretta Start good Won easily Wood Pigeou Epigeous was good today and can go any route Trillion stopped badly and was laboring throughout He does not show to advantage at fencing Flush ¬ ings dings ride as indicated by the betting looked suspicious His jockey was reported to have been intoxicated Sayonara fences poorly

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Local Identifier: drf1897091201_1_14
Library of Congress Record: