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PETITE STAKES ENTRIES ENTRIESWhile Entries While the Harlem Stakes for the fall drew a asmall small small number of entries they drew live entries entrieshighclass entries highclass highlands entries and entries likely to ba seen seenit sent it the post Here is a sample over the Petite PetiteStakes Petites Stakes 1200 2yearold fillies Five furlongs furlongsBurns furlongs Burns Waterhouse Warehouse Napamax Napalm by Maxim Napa arid Miss Kowena Owen by Midlothian Militia Palo ma Benson Arthur Co Mary Will by Pon Pont tico tic MaiyW May E Fitzgerald Miss Gussie Gussied by Chorister Katona Atonal H P Headley Headily Crystalline by Simon Magnus Magnums Crystal T J McHale Chalet Fair Deceiver by Deceiver Hattie Vaughan and Belle of Memphis by Siddartha Skidder Silver Bangle and Loie Loire Fuller II by Billy Gilmore Wildfire II W A McGuigan Michigan Hazel Dean by Hayden Edwards Workmate W H Boiler Elsie Bramble by Bramble Elsie Gaylord W F SchuIteAlleviate by Argyle Peradventure and Gliding By by Argyle Move On David Waldo Weald Nannie Nannies Davis by Lewis Clark Lizzie Tizzies C Geo Geol W Miller L6ving Cup by Belvidere Belvedere Lizzette Leicester W M Singerly Gingerly Our Gertie Erie by Salvator Salvatore Col Cool tnnbineJ tannin S OBrien O'Brien Empress Josephine by Tenny Teeny Mattie Stanley Scbggan Bros Brows Flora Louise by Florist Mary Louise B Schreiber Sorrow by Faustus Faust Belle Broeck Brock