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BROOKLYN FORM CHART CHARTGRAVESEND GRAVESEND GRAVES N Y September 18 Fourth day Brooklyn Jockey Clnb Clan Autumn Meeting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge R VV Simmons Starter C H Pettingill Petting pT Q rj FIRST KAOE34 Mile 75U added 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St M W 5i StrFin Strafing Jockeya Jockey Owners O H L C 14002RUBICON 140 4 42 41 li li R Williams H T Griffin 45854585 540 GEO GE H KETCHAM KETCH 110 2 22J li 23 22 Henaessy Hennas Duke Wishard Wished 6833 1474 TRIPPING 118 5 SH 5 46 3 H Martin J R Keene 6644 1501 MISS PRIM 108 3 3i 3i 3 4u Littlefield Littered MrsCLittlefieldJr6 866 1397 HER OWN 102 7 6 7 7 56 Wapshire Washier Mrs W 0 Daly Dally 30 75 30 60 1127 AGITATOR 126 6 7 6 62 T Sloan S Deimel Decimal 8 15 6 10 1539 ROSSIFER ROSIER 105 1 IH 2 2i Si 710 Maher G F Johnson 30 80 30 75 15392LORD 7515392LORD ZEN I 124 8 8888 Doggett Doge Joseph Carroll 4 6 3i 5 Time 12 24 36i 49 1 15 Winner 15Winner Ch h 6 by Rayon dOr doer Lillie R RStart Start Start straggling Won easily Rubicon outclassed his field and is in grand condition He also favors this track Ketcham Ketch had great speed He was running easily to the stretch Well down it he looked a sure winner but stopped at the end He looks big and will do Trippingwas Tripping off poorly and made up ground throughout Prim showed speed then quit very badly Lord Zeni Zen was off poorly had little speed and ran out on the stretch turn Throw his race out Scratched outScratched outstretched Kinnikinnicb 122 Myrtle Harkness Harness 102 Talisman 106 Overweights Overweighs 106Overweights George H Ketcham Ketch 1 pound SECOND RACE 1 ll G Miles 600 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St X W StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1332 DEER8LAYER 111 4 41 4i 31 21 li Doggett Doge W G Rollins Collins 4 tf 4 6 14753BUCKWA 109 3 3i 2n IH IH 21 W Martin E W Parser 2 2 65 65 1475 KING T 106 5 5i 53 51 32 33 Hewitt H Darant Arrant 15 25 15 20 13283JAME3 MUNROE MONROE 104 6 61 6 63 6i 41 Thorpe T Gostello Costello 6745 1399 SONG DANOE DANE 105 10 8875 BeauchampRoy Bedchamber Garruthers Garrotes 12 12 10 12 104 2 2i IH 52 63 H Martia Martian J Carroll 8 12 6 10 1503 DORIAN 117 7 7 6i 4n 42 710 McCafferty J J McGafferty 8 15 6 12 833 CARIB CRIB 103 9 9 9 9 9 8i Maher Gonghacres Longhairs Stable20 60 20 50 1475 LON ETA 99 1 li 33 7 8 9 Wilhite Iolite T C Rogers 5846 833 EIN ERIN 105 8 10 10 10 10 10 Pickering L Stuart 20 30 20 25 Time 25Time 12 24 J 49t 116 143 150 Winner B h 5 by Midlothian Militia Doe DoeStart Descartes Start fair Won driving Deerslayer Deerstalker was best but is not yet himself He naturally out ¬ classes this lot except Buckwa Buck who dislikes the deep track King T ran his usual game race and was making up ground at the end James Mnnroq Monroe took the long route and was closing fast at the end Hong and Dance lost much at the start but improved his position throughout Dorian was badly missed about on first turn He looked to have a good chance on far turn but quit Ace ran weightScratchad weights an improved race under lighter weight Scratchad Scratchpad Rondo 119 Partridge 94 Good Times 103 Agitator 105 Hanlon Hanson 103 Hap ¬ hazard 99 99Overweights Overweights Overweighs Backwa Backward 1 pound James Munroe Monroe 1 Dorian 1 THIRD RAGE 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling The Flatland Stakes 2000 Guaranteed lui Luis Horses Wt St H 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1478 HIGH JINKS 100 2 22 li IH IN BeanchampW Beach M Wallace 8 10 8 10 106a 1478 BLI6S RUGKER KRUEGER 100 7 7S16JSARATOGA 6a 51 4 2 i H Martin BurnsWterhse3 434 434li S16JSARATOGA 100 1 1J48 li 2i 2i 32 X Sloan J J McCafferty f5 2i 75 2i 2i5i J48 DACIAN DAIWA 103 5 5i 7 6 41 Hewitt P Dunne 5746 1123 DAN FORTH 92 9 8 6 52 51 OConnor O'Connor Graves Co 10 50 10 40 8275 REY FREY SALAZAR 94 11 11 31 33 6i Maher J Smith 10 12 8 10 1123 KILT 94 4 32 41 7 7 Thompson Goughacres8tablo20 30 20 25 1243 OXNARD 100 3 7998 Wilhite Iolite J E Madden 12 15 10 12 1500 HANDPRESS HANDLESS 104 8 870842NAPAMAX 9 10 10 9 Thorpe P J Dwyer 12 15 10 12 70842NAPAMAX 97 10 10 11 11 10 ODonnell O'Donnell Burns Wterhse3 433 4334H 1478 ATTAINMENT 89 6 4H 8 8 11 Corbley Cobble LSWPThompsn Sweatshops 10 10 6 8 1296 liALA liable DAY 117 12 127772BABIECA 12 12 12 12 McCafferty J J McCafferty t5 2i 75 2i 7772BABIECA 100 13 13100R3ISABEY 13 13 13 13 OLeary O'Leary Duke Wishard Wished 12 20 10 15 100R3ISABEY 10914 14 14 14 14 Doggett Doge C W Stanton 4 5 3i 4 t Coupled in betting Time 12 24 351103 Winner B c by Himyar Shimmy Alta Blue BlueStart Bluest Start straggling Won driving High Jinka Jinks was speedy got away running and finished gamely Bliss ttucker tucker was best at the weights and finished like a lion He was shut off on the stretch turn Dacian Dancing was poorly handled and messed about He can do batter Saratoga beat the barrier and ran a fine race Probably this race was short Gala Day had no chance at tha than start got an easy race Danforth Anorthic ran well for him His forte is mud Salazar showed a fine burst of speed and was pulled up at end He was short Napamax Napalm had no chance with his boy He looks well Babieca Barbican and Isabay Samba were practically left and showed no speed after afterScratched watercraft Scratched Fonsavannah 102 Hairpin 100 Overweights Overweighs Dacian Dancing 5 pounds Babieca Barbican 3 Isabey Isabel 2i 1 lff ff FOURTH RACK 1 ll G Miles 3yearolds and upward Allowances JLOvJvJ The First Special 2500 Guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt Bt S V V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 14772BEN BRUSH 120 2 2i 2 2 2 li 1 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 6565451 1502 HASTINGS 120 8 3 3 3 3 23 25 Taral Aral A Belmont 752 7595 1477 REQUITAL 120 1 li 2423Time 12 13 12i 3 3 W Martin LSWPThmpsn 2423 4ShWinner Time 25 50 1 16 1 41t 1 4Sh Winner B c 4 by Bramble Roseville RosevilleStart Roseville Start good Won easily Ben Brush outclassed others and had only an exercise gallop He ran away from both when called upon and could have done so in the first half Hastings ran a fine furlongsScratched furlongs honest race Requital quit badly after running easily for seven furlongs Scratched Tillo Till 111 JV FIFTH RAGE 58 Mile 600 added 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 1476 YANKtiE Auntie SAM 115 4 3131 li 13 T Sloan FleischmannSon65 95 65 85 1498 MISS MIRIAM 112 1 13 U 2i 2 Doggett Doge P J Dwyer 8 10 8 8 508 LA MAROMA AROMA 112 2 21 21 3 3 H Martin E J Baldwin 6 15 5 10 1493 HOMELIKE 112 8 41 43 41 41 Wilhite Iolite P Dunne 8 12 8 10 10149S3DOMESTIC 149S3DOMESTIC 112 9 8 6 6 5i Perkins Graves Co 8 15 8 12 1396 MERLIN 115 6 7 7 7 6n Simms Sims W G Daly Dally 15 20 10 15 1396 WASTEFUL 115 3 5 53 53 71 Taral Aral D Gideon 3 3 2i 2i 1538 LONG ACRE 115 10 10 9 8 8 Thorpe J E Lown Blown 12 12 10 12 1498 ELLA DALY DAY 112 7 9 10 10 9 Wapshiro Washier W C Daly Dally 15 20 10 15 Continued on 2nd page 44 TEN PINS 112 11 11 11 11 10 W WilliamsE Williams Brown 12 15 10 12 1393 BLISSFUL 112 5 62 8 9 11 Mackey Mickey M Minden 30 100 30 75 1498 CLARIONET CLARINET 112 13 13 12 12 12 Hewitt J McLaughlin 20 60 20 50 DR 50DR WITHROW WITHDRAW 115 12 12 13 13 13 Hounessy Hones G Sigler Silver 15 60 15 50 02iWinner Cpupled Coupled 50Cpupled in betting Time 12i 24 37 1 02i Winner QueoncraftStart Ch c by Falsetto Queoncraft Start good Won easily Yankee Sam was best Miriam looked a winner nn the stretch turn but stopped in the last furlong She is promising La Maroma Aroma ran well and finished strong and true Homelike off in the roar lost OQ the turn and came fast on the end Domestic ran unusually well for her Merlin closed at the end Wasteful is a bad horse There was no excuse for him today Long Acre was cut off at the start startScratched statecraft Scratched Mills 115 Moraine 112 1602 SIXTH RACE34 Mile 6UO added All ages Allowances lad Horses Wt S St Vi 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1501 LIBERTINE 117 5 514743LAMBENT 7 7 5 53 IH McCafferty J G Brown Co 3 5 3 4 14743LAMBENT 122 4 2i 2i IH 22 21 Clayton M ClShcy ClUncy Clash Clancy 3 3i 3 3 1474 IMPERATOR 114 2 IH la 23 IH 33 Thorpe JGalway Galway 1474 CASSETTE 110 1 1I5413J 3i 32 SH 31 42 Doggett Doge AClason Alison 8 10 8 8 I5413J A GKAY KAY 126 9 98 41 4i 53 Henuessy Enuresis W A Porter 4635 1501 YANKEE DOODLE 117 7 8 9 9 6 6 R Williams E W Parser 4835 7212HANLON 113 6 51 6i 63 8 7io Tarnl Tarn Bromley Brome fc Co 8 10 6 8 1478 TENT PIN 102 3 42 SB 8 9 820 H Martin J R Keene 15 20 15 20 1397 CHUM 109 8 62 4 7 7 9 Simms Sims Sensation Stable 20 30 20 25 15iWinner Time 25Time 12i 24 36 49 1 15i Winner B h 6 by Leonatus Lents Falaise Malaise FalaiseStart Aliases Start good Won driving Libertine was the best He ran over the long route and suffered froii fro weak handling He is nearly himself Lambent finished very game and is unlucky Im perator operator with clear sailing ran kindly but was forced into rail by Lambent near the finish and pulled up He might have been second otherwise Cassette ran well but was outclassed Gray lost at the start and the weight anchored him He closed some ground at end Yankee Doodle coufd cloud not run at all Tent Piu Pius had no business in the race at the weights weightsScratched weights Scratched Challenger 129 Domitor Dormitory 115 Overweights Overweighs 115Overweights Chum 3 pounds