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FORT ERIE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 1644 Helmsdale Hillsdale 112 1644 HarryCrawfordll2 HarryCrawfordll216442Newbury 16442Newbury 112 1611 Troil Roil 112 1644 PinkertonbSctll2 16732Bardella 109 1673 Park Slope 109 16443Ennomia 109 109Dr Dr Farley Fairly 109 15723 Refido Reid 109 109lf lf 77 Fulana Fulani 109 1572 Fontumka Fontana 109 1577 Seidenbach Semidetached 109 1673 Louise Degnanl Denial 09 1704 Exquisite 109 1644 Charmense Chairmen 109 109Second Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearold3 3yearold3 and upward Allowances Allowances16483trathrol 16483trathrol 6 114 17073Mazarin 4 Ill 1527 AlvaradoII Allargando 4105 1647 L B 3 102 1021678Hurl 1678Hurl 3 102 1677Decapod 7 99 9917053King 17053King Bon 3 90 1678 Earth 3 90 90Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 1709 Alarum 3 110 1527 AlvaradoII Allargando 4110 411016782Cyclone 16782Cyclone 10 110 1649 Summer Sea3 107 10716743Proteen 16743Proteen 3 107 1649 Dr Work 5 106 10616492Nover 16492Nover 4 106 1526 Successful 3 103 1649 Sid Bender 3 102 1705 TheMantaun3102 13343 Friendship 3 99 1574 Jezebel 3 99 9917053KingBon 17053KingBon 3 99 99Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 17073Mazarin 4 109 14392fiannock 3 105 17082Storm King 3 105 1703 Geyse Geyser 3 105 105Fifth Fifth Race 5 12 Furloners Purloiners Furloners3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances16782Cyclone10110 16782Cyclone10110 17072Free Lance 3107 1709 Hums 3 107 16743 Proteen Preteen 3 107 1648 Mantle 3 104 15292Tam anssee3104 1438Wordsworth310i 1649 Dr Work 5 102 1678 Hurl 3 101 1709 KingMorgan3101 1678 Ponnetta3 98 1648 Moh Moth Prince 3 98 Sixth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 1704 Olnoy Ono 110 1383 Glonoine Leonine 107 107l6732Bardella l6732Bardella 104 1704 Juda Judah J104 1704 Belle of Erin 101 1675 Byron Cross 101 1644 PinkertonScont Pinkerton 98 1611 Troil Roil 98 1510 Mabel Abel D 95 16443Ennomia 95 1572 Fontumka Fontana 95