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NOTES OF THE TURF Jockey Simma Sigma recently thought too well of himself and quarreled with Trainer McCabu McCabe of Phil Dwyers Dyers stable Mr Dwyer naturally sup ¬ ported Mr McCabe and Simms Sims was given a va ¬ cation caption The trouble came out of Simms Sims hand ¬ ling of Handball in the Great Eastern After the race Mr Dwyer offered to match Handball 117 pounds against Hamburg 135 pounds the Great Eastern weights John Madden declined the proposition on account of Hamburgs Hamburg en ¬ gagements arguments gagementsThe arguments The St Louis Fair Grounds Association has issued an edict to the effect that For ringing the brown gelding Waug Waugh by Vocaic Vocalic Fairy Belle F H HazenMd Haze S Herbert W G Winans Incans and O A Arthur are ruled off the turf for life The horse Wang is also ruled off The parties who are alleged to have used Wang as LittleIAm Little are also to be prosecuted under the Missouri law which designates ringing a felony felonyMr felony Mr James E Keene has bonght bought Kingston from M F Dwyer and H E Leigh at the re ¬ ported price of 25000 The old horse was well sold at such a figure He is to ba the leading sire at the Keene farm Castleton Carleton near Lexing Flexing ¬ ton Ky KyAside Yeastier Aside from its meanness the story that Bar ¬ ney NE Schroiber Schreiber is financially embarrassed would be amusing It is going the rounds from a start in California and Cincinnati It is sharply denied bv the Dutchmans Dutchman booking operations and horse purchases