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HARbEM HAREM FOKM FOLK CHARl CARl CHARlCHICAGO CHICAGO ILL September 28 Eighth day Harlem Jockey Club Autumn Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer Timer J E Gushing 181O 1 Q 1 f FIRST EACE ACE 58 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vs K Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C DY RACING FORM102 2i 2H 3 3 1H Gray T W Coulter 85 8511 1615 JUDICIOUS 107 1 li m Hi 2 i Connolly Leigh Lahir Lair 3635 1615 BOB GARNET 107 Si 4 22 2i 3 T Burns Miller Finch 2 3i 2 3 1783 STAR CRESCENT 110 4 5 71 52 4 C Sloan J SchillingerCo Schilling 5 12 5 12 1470 COLLINSVILLE COLLINS 103 3 3 45 4t 5 i Parram Para G W Miller 12 25 12 20 1615 NIVOCE INVOICE 102 7i 8io 6 85 62 Barrett Barrette J De Long 10 60 10 50 1755 CORONATUS CORONETS 104 10 7 5i 72 71 Morrison Orison R W Donovan 30 100 30 80 1422 WAUBUN AUBURN 99 6a 6H 65 8 Donaldson Donald C A Freudenbarg Frequenter 12 40 12 30 305593SPRING 5593SPRING LEAF 106 9 10 9 92 91 Caywood Cawed M B Jordan 5 12 5 10 1615 B GOODFELLOW 99 8 92 10 10 10 Reitz Ritz H Stover Stove 25 100 25 100 100Time Time 244 49i 1024 1024Winner Winner B c by Burlington Ella Blackburn BlackburnPost Blackburn Post 3 minutes Start good Won cleverly the next three were driving to the limit Daily Racing Form was pounds the best He was green and did not know what to do He darted to the outside at the head of the stretch and at the eighth pole seemed hopelessly beaten When clear of bis bias field in the center of the track he came away cleverly and won like a gentleman Judicious had his usual turn of spend and tired on the end Bob Garnet tired whan wham the pinch came Star and Crescent was cut oil ou the far turn turnScratched turncoat Scratched Radaire Adair 99 ir Hobart 99 Glen Terra 110 Robert Hiner Hinder 99 Overweights Overweighs 99Overweights Coronatus Coronets 2 pounds v 1811 SECOND RACE 78 Mile Parse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Worses Worsens Wt St M Vt Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1653 IDLE HOUR 107 li 7i 3i ZH 1 lii ii Nostraad Nostradamus J B Respass Trespass Co 12 15 10 12 1742 HESSVILLE 104 7 6i 7 62 52 23 Connolly J Brenock Redneck 6745 1651 INSP INS HUNT 110 4u 1 1 H li 3 C Sloan Thomas Carey 8867 9156 MISS AL FARROW ARROW 104 3 5i 41 3u 4i Warren James Whitten Whiten 5645 17382GALLANTE 104 2 42 2i 35 6i 5 T Burns Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 2 2i 2 115 1116 TRADITION 113 8i KIO KIDO 41 r 4 63 Caywood Cawed G B Havill Hail 5857 1742 TIDINESS 104 5 3i 61 71 8i 7 J Woods W A McConnoll McConnell 10 15 10 12 1711 C H WHELAN WHEELMAN 104 9i 5 8J 8 71 88 Donaldson Donald James Ruddy 8 12 8 8 1620 PITFALL 11010 92 90 9 9095 J Morgan W K Cleveland 20 60 20 60 9631 CERITA CARITAS 110 8 10 10 10 10 10 Robertson A McCauley 75 150 75 100 318 LIZZIE TIZZIES MILES 113 Left at the pqat pat A Barrett Barrette C C Harris Co 20 25 12 15 Timo Timor 25 5Ci 1 024 1 154 1 28 28Winner Winner Ch c 3 by Spendthrift Fiuttor Fitter FiuttorPost Fitter Post 6 minutes Start fair Won well iu hand second third and fourth driving bard Idle Hour was lucky He got away well on his stride and although interfered with some on the first turn it was not enough to cause any damage Hessville Sessile ran the bast baste race With clear sail ¬ ing King he certainly would have won It was too far for Inspector Hunt Watch him at three quar quark ¬ ters tears on a soft track Miss Al Farrow Arrow needed a race She was never urged to the limit today Gallants will hardly do 1812 THIRD RACE l ii6 Milos Mils Puree 400 All Ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St K yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1712 HARRY McCOUCH McCoy 111 Ji 12 m iu 11 ja T Murphy J W Schorr Scorer Son 3 5 3 4 17433DAVID TENNY TENANCY 104 SH 2i 2 24 21 23 Connolly B J Johnston 35 45 35 1740 MORDECAI MORDACITY 81i 2 6 42 52 42 3i Weaver W A McGuigan Michigan 3i 4 3i 3i 1756 MOREA MORA 77 SH 31 31 3 32 415 J Yoods Hoods Jas Jabs Curl 20 60 20 50 50155Q2TEliRANET 155Q2TEliRANET 111 4i 41 5i 4n 52 si Evans J J Sellers 50 10050 100 1756 TRICKSTER 8Ci 6 51 6 6 6 6 Gray T W Coulter 30 60 30 BO BOTime Betimes Time 25 Ml 1 G2i 1 16 1 41i 1 47i Winner 47iWinner B g 4 by Ferg Erg Kyle Robona Robin RobonaOS Trombones OS iLBt gilt break Start good Won in a gallop second driving hard and out to the last ounce Harry McCouch McCoy was at his best and toyed with his field Ho is a free running animal apd aped likes best to be in front Connolly was quits bus the entire route on David Tenny Teeny The colt seemed to be dull Throw the race out It YFRS FRS bnlow blow the notch Mordecai Mordacity was cut off several times and was generally poorly handled He needs a strong boy to hold his head up Morea Mora swerved when asked the question Ho is a bad colt coltOverwoiahts Overwoiahts Overcoats Mordecai Mordacity 4J pounds Trickatar Trickster 3i 1813 3 FOURTH KACfi Acid 5 aiiio zjeaiolds zealots Selling Proviso Stakes 51300 Guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Si StrKin Stroking Jockeys Owners O H L C 17 Id ALLEVIATE 101 6 8 2 ft 12t Couuolly Connolly W F Schnlte Schlep 8 30 8 10 1652 BILLY MASON 98 1 Hi I 12 21 i Donaldson Donald M A Walden 10 12 8 8 817132PRESBYTERIAN 17132PRESBYTERIAN 108 5i 2 ii 3 3i T Murphy J W Schorr Scorer Son 2 4 2 3i 1619 LOVING CUP 10311 7H 4 5H 41 Barrett Barrette G W Millnr Milliner 8 12 8 12 1216S2FA1R 16S2FA1R DECEIVER 89 8 38 2 2 5H T Burns C R MeLoan MeLon 4 5 3i 4 415923EMP 15923EMP JOSEPHINE 97 IQu IQ 9i 62 61 62 Everett J S OBrien O'Brien 15 80 15 30 1739 OFFICIAL 98 4 10 92 72 7i Gray T W Coulter 8 10 8 10 1017303JUDGE 17303JUDGE WARDELL105 9i fi 7 K 0 82 J Morgan R Bradley 10 30 10 30 1758 ELSIE BRAMBLE 99 7 11 11 10 9 Clay W H Roller 15 25 15 20 201740FORBUSH 1740FORBUSH 112 2 4JilOi 11 102 C Sloan Richardson Co 6887 1682 CRYSTALLINE 95 3 6 5 i 81 11 Combs H P Headloy Headily 10 15 10 15 15Time Time 23i 3548i 1 011 011Winner Winner B f by Argyle Per adventure adventurePost adventure Post 15 minutes Start fair Wou Would easily second driving and out to the last ounce third and fourth driving hard too Alleviate ran a cracking good race She was off In the rear division but hugged the rails all the wa Judging from her win she has got a chance with any of the fillies at the track Billy Mason did well He was lucky to get away as well as he did Pieaby Pieta terian tertian looked to be a sure winner at the three furlong pole He tired though on the end Loving Cup off poorly made up a lot of ground Forbush Forbes ran a bad race He evidently dislikes weight Official was badly cut off shortly after the start Fair Deceiver is fainthearted Judge Wardell Waddell ib a bad actor at the post He caused the delay j O l f FIFTH RACE l 3lu Miles Parse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St St M W BtrFin Brian Jockeys Ownors Owners O H L C 1714JDONNA EITA ETA 97 1 li Hi 12 1 1 H T Buns T Licalzi Laical 25 12 25 12 16842 B1NG BIN GER ER 105 3 33 32 32 3 2i 2i Connolly Jamas Jams Murphy 2 2i 2 115 17122 EVANATUS VANUATU 105 4 4 4 4 4 4 34 Combs W G Brion Briton 15 20 15 15 1681 FONCLIF FANCIFUL 97 2 24 2i i a oi 4 brray bray JE Pushing 15 20 15 20 20Time Time fc5i i 3 i 14 J l54 20ii Winner B f3 by St Blaise Blains Active Post 30 seconds Start perfect Won eased UD The others were hard driven Donna Rita was in a soft spot She set a slow pace and it suited her as well as those in the rear The price about Donna Rita was too long Bin Binger Bringer carried Fonclif Foci wide on the turns Fonclif Foci can not go the route He was wabbling warbling all over at the finish Evanatns Revenants sulked the first part of it but made up considerable ground the last three furlongs 1815 SIXTE SIXTH SITE RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Vt St M Vi M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 17572W C T 110 IKK VIKKI INI II 14 12 ii if c Sloan H C Brown Co 2 2i 2 115 17612GLENMOYNE 110 3 2a 2 22 2H 2 Combs Foster Bros Brows 4433 4433W 1616VITEOLA 104 8i 4 x 52 72 3 3i Connolly W Gum 10 12 10 12 12C 1761 DONATION 110 2u 7 7i 6i 6 42 Webster C C O OFalh Oahu Fallen 12 12 10 10 1635 LOYALETTA LOYALTY 104 7 64 4 Si 4i 52 J 10J Woods H Leonard 60 150 60 10 100 100WAKirwan 16372HUSH 110 6 5 5m 6 8i 7i 6 Caywood Cawed 10Caywood W WAKirwan Wackier A Kirwa Kirwan Kiowa Iran 15 20 12 15 15Barrett 1656 201733ON TBILBY TRILBY BIALY 110 i 4i 9 82 5i S 7i Barrett Barrette BensouArtl Ensnarl BensouArthrColS 20 15 20 20Warren 3i17fc9 1733ON FULANO FULANI 113 9 82 31 4i 5 8i Warren M F Feeney Fence 3 4 3 3i 17fc9 TONY HONING 107 5 31 9 9 9 9 Donaldson Donald P M Civill Civilly 15 25 15 20 Time 20Time 24i 494 1 024 1 15i 1 28 Winner 28Winner Br g 4 by Montrose Georgie George H HPost Post Post 2 minutes Start good Won with a bit to spare The next three were doing their best Sloan rated W C T nicely in front He is a free running horse and if allowed to do so will race him ¬ self to pieces Glenmoyne Lennon could never gat gait to the front He was under a drive the last quarter Vitrola Vitriol ran an honest race Donation had a rough journey So had Loyaletta Loyalty Trilby was pinched out of it on the first turn Don Fulano Fulani was under a strong pull down the back stretch The legsScratched track was too hard to suit his dickey legs Scratched Floreanna Foramina 110