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MONTANA RACING PLANS Mr Marcus Daly Dally was in Chicago Thursday on his way home to Anaconda He left last night While the Montana racing plans for 1898 are not yet rounded out at least sixty days action in Anaconda and Butte is probable The standard of 1897 will not be diminished The trotters are likely to be pushed into the background in favor of the thoroughbreds for which local preference is shown In fiftyeight fistfight days racing this season 2309651 worth of mntuels mantels and auction pools were sold This at 5 per cent means 181866 per day to the associations With 31866 daily expense a high figure this means fifteen books to asso assoc ¬ ciations captions that would naturally attract ton at the most mostMatt misstate Matt Byrnes Byres will again train for Mr Daly Dally DalyMatt Calmat Matt has already gone to Montana and will willkeenly silken keenly care for the Western string of 189S John JohnS S Campbell is to manage and train the stable stableof stable of H L Frank a Montana millionaire who is isgoing ingoing going into racing in a broad way and owns ownsSenator condemnatory Senator Bland a good handicap horse and andPunter andante Punter an extra good twoyearold toehold There will e keen rivalry between the Daly Dally and Frank Frankots Frankfort ots cots otsEd bossed Ed Tipton Lipton will of course again manage the Montana meetings His judgment has shown most keenly in results Mr Daly Dally will hold a big sale at Hamilton Mont this fall At it a lot of his broodmares will be offered