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MORRIS PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race Last 5 Furlongs Eclipse Course CourseHigh Course High Weight Handicap HandicapAll Handicap All ages Cnd Nd agesCnd ages Horses Wet ind bind Horses Wrt Wart 18332Hastings 4 130 IS 3 FOOD oDay today 4 11 1397 Typhoon 11 3 118 18o3 Cavalero Caballero 3 118 19S33J 11819S33J AGray Gray 5 118 18562Trolley 3 Ii7 8224 Rhodeiia Rhodesia 3 115 i09J2Lambent 4J114 1856 Bromo Brome 3 113 1801 GUKtchm3110 1953 Previous 2 110 1798 L Mitchell 3 108 1768 Billali Billable 3 107 ISofeSDemagogne 2 105 214033 Clicquot Aliquot 4 103 19832Hindoonet 2 99 1900 HighJmks High 2 69 2142 ban Venado Vendor 2 98 19JlfieySalazar 2 97 1460iliss Tenny2 97 2117 Ten Spot 3 97 20943Campania 4 95 21173Gitty 9521173Gitty 3 95 19012Blarnstono 2 93 545 FlossieS FlosseS 3 88 Second Race Last 6 Furlongs Withers Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances tod toad Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wst West Wst20752SlyFox 20752SlyFox 120 20753Warrenton 120 2075 11819832Hindoonet Oxnard 118 2142 Hampden Hempen 118 19832Hindoonet 115 190l3San Antonio 115 2121 Helmsdale Hillsdale 115 1903 Momentum 115 1245 Lyiiian 112 1901 Scotch Plaid 112 2141 Amoy 108 8302 Rinaldo Renaldo II 108 932 Handsel Handel 108 2141 Chalmers Chambers 108 571 Colonial Dame 105 TMrd Trod Race Last 78 Withers Mile The Belle Meado Mead Stakes 1500 guaranteed guaranteed3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wfrt Frt 214U Good Times 115 19022Imperator 115 188j3Bannock 115 2144 Firetide Fireside 112 1902 Bernardillo Bernardino 112 2070KinnikinnicllO 982 Royal Rose 107 1801 GeoHKetchmlOT GeoHKetchmlOTFourth Fourth Race Last 34 Withers Mile Bronx High Weight Handicap 1500 guara guar nteed teed nteedAll medal All ages in agesin ageing L Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wflrfc 18 9 Lehman 6 133 195SCleophus 3 130 139J Typhoon II 3 127 21222Premier 4 122 1724 Ramiro II 4 122 183RDacian 2 109 2144 Margrave 4 129 129Fifth Fifth Race Withers Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Sellingnd Selling nd Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wfffc 1859 Deerslayer Deerstalker 5 120 21222Premier 4jll6 1705 Ameer Ammeter 6 110 1869 ThomasCat3 109 2140 Good Timas Tomas 3 108 20282Lobengula 5 108 18602Domitor 3 106 9927Sue Kittie Kitties 5 105 2144 Manasses Manse 3 103 1904 Hugh Penny7103 18572Tripping 103 2120Marshall 7 101 20732Ben Ronald 3 99 20462fireak ODay Today 3 95 95Sixth Sixth Race 2 Miles Steeplechase Handicap HandicapInd Handicapping Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wfft Waft l 052Lion Heart6168 1909Thorncliffe 6162 1905 Flushing 6 159 19053RylScarlet4151 12483Mars Chan 6 147 14793 WoodPigeon4142 1905 Decapod Decapods 7 140 67 Detective 5 137 2145 Tidman Timpani 6 135