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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO IIX IX October 31 Twentyseventh Twenty day Harlem Jockey Club Autumn Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer Timer J E Cushing VV4f FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Horges Gorges Wt St Yi 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O HL C 2133 ENCHANTER 106 4 2 3 Hi 11 Morgan O Bowers 2 3 2 3 2194 MAMIE MAMMIES CALL CALLAN ALLAN AN 102 8 71 7 3 2 Narvaez Larvae H Stover Stove 5 6 5 6 1959MAJESTA 102 3 5 5 5 3 J Jackson L S Williams 20 20 15 15 21342 AD OWA WA 97 n HH ga 6 4 Lawrence D J Honan Hunan 4847 2134 GOLIGHTLY GHOULISHLY 97 12 31 4 = 4 5 T Burns Mrs A Hankins Hawkins 6868 2133 CHENILLE 102 2 1 11 2 6 Everett P C Bauman Busman 15 30 15 30 2106 TERN 102 1 61 6 8 7 Stits Tits Gardner Sibley Smiley 100 150 100 150 1632 JACK B B 97 7 9 10 112 8H C Clay J S OBrien O'Brien 30 40 30 40 2129 GALL ANTE 102 6 81 HH 7 92 McDowell Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 50 80 50 8Q 1738 LAIUS CLAUS 102 13 10 122 12 102 Donaldson Donald WH Daniel 100 200 100 200 2134VIENOLE 102 5 4 2 9 111 Clay James Curl 3 5 3 5 2170 SILVER SET 102 9 122 82 101 122 Wilhite Iolite G W Curtis 10 10 6 7 2194 BARN ATO NATO 10010 13 13 13 13 A Barrett Barrette M D Miller 20 5020 50 2195 PROTUS PONTUS 105 Left at the post Nostrand Unstrained P M Civill Civilly 6 20 6 20 20Time Time 241 36 491 1011 Winner 1011Winner B g by Carnegie Banana Post 12 minutes Start good Won well in hand the next four were driting drifting to the limit Enchanter and Chenille caused the delay at the post Enchanter is a good horse nowadays He could have gone to the front at any part of the route Chenille tired badly in the stretch She was evidently short Mamie Mammies Callan Allan ran an honest race She is a useful selling plater platter Majesta Majesty none too well handled ran a good race Watch her in the mud Golightly Ghoulishly got a running start Adowa Dow off p9orly ran gamely Tern ran well and can win with light weight on a soft track Tenole Ennoble ran his race at the post postScratched PostScript Scratched Confession 97 Blue Jacket 102 Loyaletta Loyalty 102 Robair Roar 105 Infelice97 Mon Bijou 97 Gov Go Saussenthaler Sassenach 97 St Rupert 97 Annie Teuton Teutonic 102 Admetus Adepts 102 Covington Coving Ky 97 97Overweights Overweights Overweighs Enchanter 4 pounds SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 400 3yearolds and upward i Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2196 MUSKALONGE MUSKELLUNGE 105 2 71 72 5 4 11 Morrison Orison P M Arthur 6 15 6 12 2131 QUEEN SAFIE SAFE 98 4 4 41 2 2 2 Donaldson Donald C C OFallon Fallen 4746 47462210HARRY 2210HARRY GWYNN WYNN 94 6 51 21111 12 31 Kitley Kirtle M D Miller 6 10 6 8 2172 SIR DILKE DIKE 103 3 1 1 4 5 42 Narvaez Larvae T H Ryan 65 75 1 65 6517893LADY 17893LADY DIXON 100 7 62 3 32 3 5 T Burns J H Kintz Kin 6 6 5 5 2211 LOUDON LONDON 102 5 2 5 72 72 6 Everett B J Johnston 10 50 10 40 21313 ARREZZO CARRIZO 93 9 81 6 6H 6 710 Clay W H Roller 6 8 6 8 2169 HELH EL GARDNER 105 8 31 8 82 83 8 Wilhito Twilit W A Kirwan Iran 30 100 30 75 2169 GOLDEN ROD 94 1 9 9 9 9 9 Lawrence Mrs A Hankins Hawkins 100200100200 100200100200Time Time 25 501 1 021 1 15l 1 4tt 1 46 r rWinnerB winner WinnerB Winner c 4 by Muscovy Muscovite Rebound ReboundPost Rebound Post 30 seconds Start good Won hand ridden the second and third horseswere horseweed under keen pressure Muskalonge Muskellunge was well handled Morrison Orison took tho thou short route and nursed the colt nicely Harry Gwynn Wynn should have won1 He was away on the extreme outside and had to run around his field The colt seemed to be winning at the head of the stretch but when pinched Kitley Kirtle dropped his head and went to the whip Queen Safie Safe ran an improved race Lady Dixon was short Arrezzo Carrizo seems to be of no account Loudon London will hardly do Sir Dilkes Dikes race was far out of line though he is a bad horse The judges questioned Narvaezs Naves ride too tooScratched Scratched Gaston 99 Sandoval Anodal 103 Jersey Lad 99 Martin K 99 Dejure Adjure 100 Nero 105 Briggs 96 Tin Cup 96 Hessville Sessile 96 Little Singer 91 Lizzie Tizzies Miles 100 Ragner Ranger 100 Yigars Cigars 103 Lon Jones 100 Corduroy 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Loudon London 2 pounds 2248 T THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Hancicap Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2173 ALGARETA ALGARVE 100 3 31 41 21 H J Woods G B Havill Hail 6 12 6 10 1022152LIEBER 22152LIEBER KARL 115 4 5 5 31 2 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 65 75 651310 2130ST ALFONSES ALFONSO D 90 61 4H 31 4 32 Donaldson Donald F M Arthur 10 30 10 25 2197 BANNOCKBURN BANNOCK 100 2 61 62 61 42 Wilhite Iolite W A McGuigan Michigan 3 31 21 3 21973JUDGE WARDELL WADDELL 110 7 2 21 5 51 Narvaez Larvae R Bradley 10 10 8 8 21302LOVING CUP 93 8 8 73 71 61 Lawrence G W Miller 6 15 6 15 152154DAVE 2154DAVE WALDO WEALD 105 1 Hi H 1 72 Nostrand Unstrained Wymore Co 10 12 10 10 2108 GRAZIELLA GRAZIE 100 51 72 8 8 8 C Clay F T Kelly 6 12 6 10 10Time Time 12 24 351 481 1 01 1 14 14Winner Winner B f by Bramble Caledonia CaledoniaPost Caledonia Post 4 minutes Start good Won cleverly the next five were hard riddenr ridden Algareta Algarve was at her best She was well ridden too She is a tough proposition to beat under light weight at a distance Leiber Libber Karl outrun the first part finished strong The colt favors a route Bannock ¬ burn was the best Had he been able to get through at the head of tho thou stretch he couldiiot could have lost St Alfonses Alfonso D would have been second had the boy been able to keep him straight He is a good colt Dave Waldo Weald and Judge Wardell Waddell raced themselves to pieces in tho thou first five furlongs Waldo Weald is a speed marvel but a coward Graziella Grazie was almost thrown over the fence shortly after the start Scratched Surmount 90 Mordecai Mordacity 102 Gnome 85 Presbyterian 114 Flora Louise 114 114Overweights Overweights Overweighs Loving Cup 3 pounds 2249 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 600 added Cicero Stakes All ages Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C C21322SEA 21322SEA ROBBER 95 IK 1 21 31 31 1 J Woods J W SchorrSon Scorers 4 4 4 41 2174 BERCLAIR BERLIN 97 6 3 53 4 2 2 Kitley Kirtle J W SchorrSon Scorers 4 4 4 4 42132DR 2132DR SHEPPARD 107 3 2 1 1 H INK 36 Caywood Cawed Foster Bros Brows 11 4545 2212 SACKET SOCKET 87 51 4 3 2K 42 42 TBurns Burns SimmsAnderson Insiders 5857 22132 ACE 99 4NK 6 6 6 510 510 Narvaez Larvae T H Ryan 10 15 10 15 21712LAUREATE 105 2 5u 41 5 6 6 Wilhite Iolite G C Bennett 6767 Cpupled Coupled in betting Time 25 49 1 011 1 15 1 401 401Winner Winner RaybellePost Ch c 3 by Pirate of Penzance Penance Raybelle Rabble Post 2 minutes Start good It was a long hard drive and a pretty finish between the first three See Robber was best ridden Woods handled him like a veteran He raced with Dr Sheppardfor Sheppard half a mile and then dropped back to avoid the keen pace Ho skinned the rails about tho thou stretch turn and saved a lot of ground His finish too was a strong one Borclair Oracular got a trifle tho thou worst of tho thou start He was half turned when tho thou barrier arose Riders reversed ho would have won Dr Sheppard seemed to be winning on the turn but weakened in the closing drive Caywoods Cawed finish on him was none too strong Laureate seems to have staled He is a delicate and unreliable horsoj hors Sackot Scot was not fit to go tho thou route Scratched routeScratched outstretched Sir Dilke Dike 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Ace 2 pounds Continued on 2nd Pago Ago O O FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Horses Wt St J4 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C JE W 1 011 1Q54 4 4 IH 12 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 4 645 2215 M AY W 102 3 21 12 22 23 Narvaez Larvae D Cameron 85 2 85 95 2133JABUSE 952133JABUSE 112 1 li 2 32 3 Caywood Cawed Foster Bros Brows 85 85 75 75 2215 IMP 104 21 32 311 4 4 Clay D R Harness 6 867 13Winner Time 867Time 12 231 354 48 1 XH 1 13 Winner StanleyPost Stanley B c 3 by Kantaka Kanaka Nellie Stanley Post 3 minutes Start good Won hand ridden the others were driving hard Timemaker Tidemark ran a sparkling race Ho will be hard to beat from now on Burns rode him to perfection Narvae Larvae made his run too soon with May W The filly did her best Abuse used all his speed in theifir heifer half He pulled up quite lame Imp was in her own way t tScratched Scratched Scratched Lady Callahan 94 The Plutocrat 97 2251 SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 22122PACEMAKER 102 3 1 4 31 11 Everett Mrs E O Pepper 1 75 T 65 21933SIR 6521933SIR HOBART 99 6 SNK SANK 31 1 2 C Clay FJ Kelly 50 50 12 15 2130 MISS KINBELLO KIMBALL 99 2 3 61 5 3 Donaldson Donald James Ruddy 10 15 10 12 2154 ST RAYMOND 103 5i 7 5 61 4 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 4 7 4 6 2197 FLO LO HONEYDEW 107 7 2 12 2i 51 Caywood Cawed Chas Vestal 6867 2193 BERWELL BEFELL 92 8 8 10 8 6 Lawrence P M Civill Civilly 50 75 50 60 21932PEG 6021932PEG PARKS 99 4 61 9 9 72 Stits Tits P OBrien O'Brien 10 20 10 15 1533 CHIFFON 105 12 10 8 72 81 Wilhite Iolite Marion Morgan 4 10 4 8 2212 RED GIDD GIDDY 102 9 9 72J10 93 J Jackson R Bradley 20 30 20 25 2156 WEHIMA WEIMAR 105 10 11 11 11 10k Morgan M S Hughes 30 60 30 50 1965 BALIVERSO ALGIERS 110 11 12 12 12 113 Narvaez Larvae C A Freudenberg Frequenter 20 50 20 50 2082 SHIPMAN SHIPMENT 110 I 41 22 4 12 Morrison Orison E L Graves 15 50 15 40 Time 40Time 25 50 1 02f 1 09K 09KWinner Winner B c by Kantaka Kanaka Debut DebutPost Debtors Post 10 minutes Start fair Won cleverly The next three were hard driven Pacemaker was far the best Ho stumbled to his knees on the far turn He was the class of the race Sir Hobart ran his race Miss Kinbello Kimball was interfered with on the turn FloJHoneydew dislikes a route pinchedScratched pinched Shipmanwent Shipmate all to pieces when pinched Scratched lalaria malaria 92 Bruce Goodfellow Goofball 99 Itasca Vitas 102 ILottie Kiltie Burns 102 Nannie Nannies Davis 92 Bob Garnet 92 Mr Eastin Easton 92 Victorine Victorian 105 Waukesha 92 Al Fresco 110