Harlem Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-10-28


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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL October 3 7 Thirtysecond Thirty day Harlem Jockey Club Autumn Meeting Weather cloudy track good v Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Eichard Richard Dwyer Timer J E Gushing 2355 FIEST FIST EACE ACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St y2 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 2210 COVINGTON COVING KY 96 8 910 72 32 12 IK Knight J B Eespass Espials Co 3 5 3 34 2270 WEENATCHIE 105 64 3 5 4 3 2 T Burns J D Carpenter 2 24 2 llrS alls 21722HOT STUFF 105 2 8 62 62 44 32 J Woods J C Grumes Grimes 3 7 36 2320 BUCKEYE 105 4 6 85 82 6 4H Morrison Orison Mrs E Bradley 10 100 10 75 2246 GALLANTE GALLANT 98 9 14 23 21 21155 McDowell Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 10 25 10 20 2320 LIZZIE TIZZIES MILES 107 3 51 1 1H 51 62 Caywood Cawed C C Harris Co 6 10 6 8 22703GALLEY WEST 105 10 41 3 5 72 7H Wilhite Iolite P Kuykondall 6 10 6 10 2320 TOM ANDEESON ANDERSON 99 1 = 21 41 7 8 85 Everett H McCoulsky McCauley 20 20 8 8 2315 F GAENEB GENE 96 11 11 11 10 910 920 Knighton Knighting A Stone 30 75 30 60 1616 VIGAES AVIATES 108 5 7 912 920102 1Q2 L Scott J Eolston Elton 30 50 30 40 2270 MAJOE MAJORED GENEEAL GENERAL 100 12 10151Q1011 11 11 Webster E J Forbes 40 100 40 60 2270 TENOCHTITLAN 108 7 20Time Fell Morgan S Pratt 6 25 6 20 Time 25 50 1 03 1 16 1 43 HypaticaPost Hepatica Winner 43Winner Ch g 3 by El Eio Eliot Eey Eely Hypatica Hepatica Post 7 minutes Start good Won driving and out to the last ounce Covington Coving Ky was the best He was wretchedly ridden Knight got into a jamb with him and was obliged to pull up on the first turn After that he went all around the field Weenatchie Went ran a fair race She finished strong and would have won in another stride Hot Stuff was sharply cut off on the first turn She was well handled and ran a good race Lizzie Tizzies Miles needed a race She will bo hard to beat her next out at three quarters Gallante Gallant ran well as far as she went Tenochtitlan Enchilada went down on the first turn Morgan was not hurt Scratched hurtScratched Terrific 96 Overweights Overweighs Gallanto Gallant 24 pounds Major General 5 Tenochtitlan Enchilada 3 O Q K fa SECON SECOND ECON EACE ACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St yz J Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1963LUCY BELLE 105 2 43 34 34 1 Morrison Orison L S Williams 10 10 6 7 2133 3422462MAMIE UNCAS UNCAPS 105 14 22 21 2 2 Everett John Brenock Redneck 3 34 3 34 22462MAMIE CALLAN ALLAN 100 54 32 42 42 32 T Burns H Stover Stove 852 7585 2194 MAEIE MARIE WDLANDS DOLMANS 108 6 6 5H 51 4H Morgan Wm Dickson Dicks 75 15075 150 2295 PLUMEEIA PLUME 105 4K n 12 H 54 Narvaez Larvae D Cameron 85 24 85 115 2060 PITFALL 105 34 5i 6 6 6 Clay W K Cleveland 100150100150 Time 100150100150Time 24 364 49i 1 02 1 15 Winner dOrPost doorpost 15Winner B m 5 by Pirate of Penzance Penance Flour dOr doer Post 6 minutes Start fair Won in a long hard drive of three Mamie Mammies Callan Allan was the best and with clear sailing could not have lost Burns started through with her at the head of the stretch but was sharply cut off by Uncas Uncaps He then pulled the filly out and came around She finished full of running and would have won in a few strides more Lucy Belle ran a game race She was under punishment the last quarter of a mile Uncas Uncaps stopped and came again Plumeria Plumber showed a lot of speed She is a coward though and tired badly when the pinch came Marie Woodlands finished with a rush rushScratched Scratched Bobair Boar 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs Marie Woodlands 3 pounds 2357 THIED TIED EACE ACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt it St VA Vz y M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9762 GAELAND GARLAND BAE BADE 105 05 4 li 11 lU 1U 12 H4 H Wilhite Iolite T H Eyan Yean 6 6 85 85 JFFogg23202JEESEY 2297 GAPPY APPLY 96 14 2 2K t 3 41 24 26 J Woods J JFFogg F Fogg Foggy 3 44 2 4 23202JEESEY LAD 99 7 44 43 3 31 3 3s T Burns T D Carter Carte Son 4 4 3 34 2155 GASTON 101 64 5 72 75 4 414 Narvaez Larvae H Stover Stove Stover22973CONFESSION 4847 22973CONFESSION 96 3 7 2 214 73 5 Donaldson Donald Foster Bros Brows 10 12 10 12 2247 AEEEZZO 101 54 62 5 6 51 62 Clay W H Boiler 5756 2131 ANNIE TEUTON TEUTONIC 102 2 3i 64 514 62 H Healy M H Healy 60 60 50 50 2320 BATTLEDOEE BATTLEDORE 105 8 8 8 8 8 8 Morris Morrison Orison T D Honig Hong 20 50 20 40 40Time Time 25 50 1024 115 142 142Winner Winner B g 4 by Deceiver Billetta Billet BillettaPost Billet Post 3 minutes Start good Won hand ridden yet all out second third and fourth driving hard Garland Bar was a good thing His party played him as long as it could get a dollar down He was a trifle short and was stopping at the end Gappy Happy finished stoutly Jersey Lad had a lot of bad racing luck He was cut off several times on the back stretch Gaston made up a lot of ground the last quarter Confession went to pieces when the real racing began 2358 F FInd FOUETH FOURTH EACE ACE 34 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 2294PEESBYTEEIAN 107 24 2 24 14 1H T Burns J W 23182PACEMAKEE 101 5 6H 5 34 22 Everett Mrs E O Pepper 6867 22953JUDGE 686722953JUDGE WAEDELL WADDELL 102 1 1H li 21 3 J Jackson E Bradley 6 10 6 10 23183ST 1023183ST ALFONSES ALFONSO D 105 44 314 41 55 4H Wilhite Iolite F M Arthur 6 12 6 10 2317 MOEDECAI MEDICAID 108 3 52 614 i 52 Morrison Orison W A McGuigan Michigan 15 30 15 30 2316JFLO 302316JFLO HONEYDEW 98 64 7 73 61 65 J Woods Charles Vestal 15 40 15 30 2316 VICTOEINE VICTORIAN 1034 8 8 8 72 7 Healy M H Healy 60 150 60 100 2295 GEAZIELLA GAZELLE 102 72 41 324 8 8 Donaldson Donald F J Kelly 8 15 8 12 12Time Time 24 354 484 1 01J 1 14 14Winner Winner B g by Prestonpans Preston Dareka Area DarekaPost Dreamiest Post 8 minutes Start good Won easily The next three were under keen pressure Pres Ypres ¬ byterian buttering outclassed his field He is a good colt Pacemaker ran right to the notch He is an honest youngster and has some class Judge Wardell Waddell dislikes a route He wabbled warbled about like a rudderless ship the last sixteenth St Alfonses Alfonso D finished strong and true He would have been third in another stride Graziella Grazie off poorly showed some speed on the back stretch but was short shortScratched sportscast Scratched Sir Joseph Lister Blister 105 Elsie Bramble 102 Papa Harry 1Q5 Overweights Overweighs 1Q5Overweights Victorine Victorian 24 pounds 6 Y O T Q FIFTH EACE ACE 1 13 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St St 1A Vs 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C C2337ACE 2337ACE 104 24 35 3 314 314 12 1 Wilhite Iolite T H Eyan Yean 451 12 35 23192CHY 3523192CHY 342319MONCEEITH CHEISTY CHESTY 101 5555 4 2 2 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 24 4 24 34 2319MONCEEITH 104 1 1 4i 4 5 31 36 Morrison Orison W A McGuigan Michigan 3 4 3 34 2319 EVANATUS VANUATU 100 44 41 2 22 21 45 42 Narvaez Larvae W G Brien Brie Jr 15 20 15 15 2319 SANDOVAL SNOBAL 103 34 LicalziTime Localities 24 1 1241 5 5 Cunngham Chung T Licalzi Laical 30 50 30 40 Time 234 514 1 034 1 17 1 434 1 554 2 36 Winner B g 5 by Fabulous Punnie Punier Continued on 2nd Page Post 2 nSinutes insinuates Start good Won eased up second cleverly third and fourth under pres Ypres ¬ sure Ace is real good right now He just toyed with his field Wilhite Iolite had to pull out and go around on the stretch turn Moncreith Noncredit was out to the last ounce Evanatus Vanuatu ran a creditable race He did not find time to sulk Sandoval Anodal seems to have plenty of speed these days 2360 SIXTH RACE5 8 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Wt St M Yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2294 PLANTAIN 105 11 3 li li li Morrison Orison R Bradley 4 4 3 3 23162DENIAL 105 3 22 32 21 23 Narvaez Larvae V D Bond 5544 2318 LONG SUIT 105 5n 41 42 52 3i J Woods I P Stauer Saucer 30 30 15 20 2248 LOVING CUP 105 41 5 51 4 42 T Burns G W Mille Mile i 2082 TOM TOHER OTHER 105 2 1 21 3n 55 Everett John Bren Brent 1812 TRICKSTER 108 9 81 72 62 63 Clay T W Coult Cult 22513MISS KINBELLO KIMBALL 105 81 9 8 82 75 Donaldson Donald James Ruddy 20 30 20 25 2269 CLIFTON B 108 71 72 61 71 81 J Jacksou Jackson A McCauley 100 100 75 80 2316 STRATHMAC STRATUM 108 6 61 9 9 91 NThompsnE Thompson M Mitchell 75 10075 100 2269 GLEN TERRA 108 10 10 10 10 10 Burrell Barrel Rossner Crosser Bros Brows 150 200 100 150 02Winner Time 150Time 241 50i 1 02 Winner BananaPost Banana Ch g by Knight of Ellerslie Wellesley Banana Post 4 minutes Start good Won hard ridden second third and fourth were also driven out Plantain was lucky and the best handled Morrison Orison saved ground on all the turns Denial ran a good race He is ready Long Suit did well Loving Cup is jaded and needs a rest Tom Toher Other showed much speed Ho is ready to win winScratched wisecracked Scratched Nannie Nannies Davis 105 Udah Judah 105 Whirmantiline 105

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897102801/drf1897102801_1_11
Local Identifier: drf1897102801_1_11
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800