Lakeside Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-11-02


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LAKESIDE FORM CHART CHARTROBY CHARTER ROBY ROY IND INDO November 1 First day Lakeside Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weather cloudy track heavy and holding Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer y A FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V2 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 2378 MR EASTIN EASTON 101 8 6 6H 5 HI Burrell Barrel J DeLong Belong 10 20 10 15 11792WOLFORD 1511792WOLFORD 107 2 13 14 2H Morrison Orison BensonArthrCo21 4 2i 31 2316 MURAT MAURA 110 1 52 53 21 31 Everett F C Bauman Busman 4433 2332 IALARIA ALAI 10111 8 8 81 4 J HrringtnV Harrington D Bond 10 15 10 15 2269 FERD FED OWEN 110 SNK SANK 2 3H 5 Wilhite Iolite CougleCreveling85 95 85 95 2332 WAUKESHA 101 4 35 33 4 61 Clay M S Hughes 8 10 8 8 2151 SPRING LEAF 110 51 4H 4 6i 75 T Burns M B Jordan 5858 2130 CUTTER 104 6 7H 72 710 8H Campbell W H Daniel 6766 2360 CLIFTON B 110 12 11 = 1111125 yii ii W Taylor A McCauley 40 50 40 50 2378 JENNIE COTTA 101 7 102 101 1Q101Q25 Narvaez Larvae W G Brien Brie Jr 10 15 10 15 2329 DICK BRYANT 107 101 95 925 9 1110 Donaldson Donald G W Wilson 10 20 10 15 2269 BR GOODFELLOW 107 13 13 13 12 12 Walker H Stover Stove 40 50 40 50 2269 COLLINSVILLE COLLINS 101 9 12112 13 13 Parram Para G W Miller 20 50 20 40 Time 40Time 25i 52 1 06 1 19h 19hWinner Winner B g by Muscovy Muscovite or Ben dOr doer Pearl Ash AshOff Castoff Off first break Start good Won driving and staggering the next four were also doing their best It was a tired lot at the finish Mr Eastin Easton was the strongest and relished the going He finished on the extreme inside in the deepest going Wolford Wolfed was pumped out going the first half mile He was the best and with better handling could have won Ferd Fed Owen went all to pieces when the pinch came Murat Maura ran a fair race and lalaria malaria a good one from where she got off Cutter does not like a heavy track trackScratched tracks Scratched Glen Terra 104 Ina Inca II 107 Alvas Alva Pet 107 Bob Garnet 101 2431 Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A y2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 21093PINAR DEL RIO 88 1 31 411 33 22 11 C Clay P T Kelley 5756 57562355COVINGTON 2355COVINGTON KY 99 3 1111 Hi HI 25 Knight J B Respass Trespass Co 5 656 2251 ST RAYMOND 85 9 2 51 5 42 35 CunninghmT Cunningham Licalzi Laical 20 40 20 30 2247 LADY DIXON 107 6 91 92 85 510 43 Morrison Orison J H Kintz Kin 6867 2316 WHIRMANTILINE 81 2 7 2H 21 61 5 Alaric Balearic C Reed 15 25 15 20 23552WEENATCHIE 105 10 6 6 65 31 68 T Burns J D Carpenter 21 21 2 115 23573JERSEY LAD 104 5 5H 3s 4 7 71 Morgan T D Carter Son 3 4 3 31 2319 ADMETUS AMENTS 105 8 10 85 73 82 85 Clay D M Hogan 31 4 3 3 2313 GOMOR GOMORRA 103 71 81 10 92 92 911 J Shields F C Hammond 15 15 12 12 2246 JACK B B 101 4 = = 41 7 10 10 10 Wilhite Iolite J S OBrien O'Brien 15 20 15 20 Time 20Time 13 251 38 52 1 041 1 18 1 461 461Winner Winner B f 2 by Bermuda Bettie Betties C CPost Post Post 3 minutes Start good Won driving and out to the last ounce second third and fourth driving also Pinar Pindaric del Rio was the best She seemed to like the going and ran most mostfimely emotively fimely finely through the stretch The boy was hard at work on her all the last quarter Covington Coving y tired badly on the end He is a coward St Raymond got a running start Ho made his effort too soon Lady Dixon was sharply cut off on the first turn and ran a cracking good race She finished with a rush Veenatchie Overmatched is a plodder Jersey Lad stopped almost to a walk the last sixteenth speedScratched speeds Whirmantilino liked the going and showed some speed Scratched Amanda 103 Millie M 103 SirDilke Sidle 108 Ruskin 90 Udah Judah 83 Fleming 84 Hessville Sessile 87 Terranet Errant 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs Jack B B 4 pounds Jersey Lad 2 Pinar Pindaric del Rio 5 Lady Dixon 2 2432 THIRD RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vz SA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C C23812MACY 23812MACY 92 3 5 515 3 22 12 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 45 45 35 710 7102336MAY 2336MAY W 92 41 2H INK ii if 2 Donaldson Donald D Cameron 75 85 75 75 7523363LADY 23363LADY CALLAHAN 100 2 11 2H 2H 31 3 Clay M S Hughes 15 20 15 15 2295 IMP 90 INK 45 41 42 45 410 Dupee Dupe D R Harness 6 8 6 7 72189WANGA 2189WANGA 90 51 31 31 512 51 53 Alaric Balearic TrevyPemberton60 60 50 50 50CHESWOLD CHESWOLD CHEWED 104 61 612 312 68 610 6io J Shields W Steelo Steel 50 200 50 200 2221 ROBINSON 90 71 7 7 715 725 75 Mason H Morgan 60 150 60 100 538 HARBINGER 90 8 8 8 8 8 8 Lawrence L H Hascall Rascally 100 200 100 150 150Time 30KWinner Time 121 241 36 49 1 021 1 16i 1 30K Winner AlgaPost Jalaps Br c 3 by Hindoo Indoor Alga Post 12 minutes Start fair Won cleverly after a hard early drive The next three were hard at it Macy Marcy was the best in the going He was sharply interfered with at the start and almost thrown over the fence Burns was compelled to go around his field but took his time about it and thereby avoided the early fast pace The pace is what killed May W and Lady Callahan Both were staggering at the finish Imp made a strong bid about the sixteenth pole but tired badly at the end She dislikes heavy going Cheswold Chewed and Harbinger were the cause of the delay speedScratched speeds at the post Wanga Wang showed a lot of speed Scratched Ace 90 Overweights Overweighs Macy Marcy 2 pounds Cheswold Chewed 4 May W 2 6 A O O FOURTH RACE 1 11G Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2380GARLAND BAR 103 51 Ji 12 IH 11 11 Campbell T H Ryan 852 1 1 2383 SWORDSMAN 99 31 4 4 2 22 2 Clay W A McConnell 15 25 15 20 2023592CHARLY 23592CHARLY CHRISTY100 2 21 31 410 3 S K T Burns J W SchorrSon Scorers 65 85 65 75 2273 SUNBURST 107 41 31 21 3 410 410 Caywood Cawed J E Gushing 4 5 4 41 4122073CHARINA 22073CHARINA 98 7 8 8 8 8 52 L Smith T Murphy 10 15 10 15 152208BOOZE 2208BOOZE 106 8 71072572551 61 Walker Williams Shea Sheaf 15 25 15 20 2356 PITFALL 95 6 61 61 53 61 7 Stits Tits W K Cleveland 50 50 40 50 2357 ANNIE TEUTON TEUTONIC 88 11 55 5K 62 71 8 C Clay M H Healy 50 75 50 60 Time 25 52 1 04 1 18 1 45i 1 53h Winner 53hWinner B g 4 by Deceiver Billetta Billet Post 30 seconds Start good Won eased up second cleverly third and fourth driving hard Garland Bar was much the best He was under a strong pull all the way to the head of the stretch where Swordsman put him to a drive He had the class though and drew away easily from Swordsman at the eighth pole Charley Christy ran a bad race Throw it out Sunburst had more speed than usual He seemed to have a winning chance on the far turn Charina Carina badly outrun strongScratched the first part finished strong Scratched Bing Being Bingor Bingo 101 101Overweights Overweights Overweighs Annie Teuton Teutonic 3 pounds Booze 4 Swordsman 2 V m I FIFTH KACE ACE 78 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 Vz 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2358 PRESBYTERIAN 109 21 12 13 15 is 15 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 1 651 1 2379BANNOCKBURN 112 1 411 33 21 2 225 Morrison Orison W A McGuigan Michigan 1 65 1 1110 23792ST ALFONSES ALFONSO D 97 3K 21 2 310 310 32 C Clay F M Arthur 8 10 8 8 2085 JOE SHELBY 92 4 7 7 6 68 4 J Waldo Weald D Waldo Weald 40 75 40 60 2329 EARLY BIRD 92 7 62 52 5 4 51 Dupee Dupe P T Chinn Chin 12 50 12 40 2288 OUR LIZZIE TIZZIES 99 61 3 4K 41 5u 68 Narvaez Larvae Edward Fee 30 50 30 50 2379 ELSIE BRAMBLE 97 5K 51 6 7 7 7 Donaldson Donald W H Roller 10 15 10 15 15TimeJ21 311Winner TimeJ21 25 371 491 1 02i 1 16 1 311 Winner B g by Prestonpans Preston Dareka Area DarekaOff Area Off at first break to a good start Won easily second mildly driven third eased up Pres Ypres ¬ byterian buttering reveled in the going He got a flying start and was never interfered with He is a crack ¬ ing King good colt right now Bannockburn Bannock was pinched out of it on the first turn He had a lot of speed and seemed to be able to go to Presbyterian any time down the back stretch Throw his race out The judges correctly questioned Morrisons Orisons ride St Alfonses Alfonso D ran to the notch He was eased up in the stretch Those behind him were never contenders contendersOverweights contenders Overweights Overweighs Our Lizzie Tizzies 2 pounds SIXTH EACE ACE 58 Mile Purse S400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Y Yz Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 22893STRATHEOL 122 3 3 3 IN II Morrison Orison Mrs W Mmr Mr 4544 1023562UNCAS 2337 THE PLUTOCRAT 11712 82 72 4 25 L Scott JJ Sellers 10 12 10 10 23562UNCAS 119 2n 2 25 2 3 Everett J Brenock Redneck 65 65 1 1 2310DADS DAUGHTR DAUGHTER 119 11 6 4 5 41 L Smith J Mellbusch Mollusc 30 50 30 40 23333SANTA CRUZ 119 6 7U 61 65 55 CClay Clay W A Harper 8 12 8 10 2246 TENOLE TENABLE 114 41 INK 1 31 65 Clay James Curl 10 10 8 10 2320 454422423BRAXEY ADOWA DOA 114 8 4 52 7 7 Campbell D J Honan Hunan 4544 22423BRAXEY 114 9 10101010103 8 J Shields Alex Shields 10 15 10 12 2380 ELSIE FERGUSON 119 5 91 9 91 92 Walker H Stover Stove 6867 1811 CERITA CARITAS 119 10K 11 11 11 102 W Taylor A McCauley 60 75 60 60 2292 LITTLE OCEAN 117 INK 52 8i 82 115 C Sloan W G Brien Brie Jr 30 50 30 40 2242 NELLIE BAKER 114 14 14 13 12 122 Burrell Barrel T Wallenstein Valentine 30 50 30 30 23313GRAEFIN 114 13 13 14 13 13 Ross E Lee 50 50 40 40 5393 MONTEPENSO MONOTYPES 122 15 15 15 15 14 C Johnson Canepa Cane Bros Brows 30 40 25 30 728 RAPIER 122 7 12 12 14 15 L Soden Sodden C C Harris Co 12 20 12 15 15Time Time 121 25 38 52 1 06 Winner IIPost Riposte 06Winner B h 6 by Strathmore Stratford Petroleuse Petroleum II Post 12 minutes Start fair Won in a long hard drive of two third and fourth were also under keen pressure The Plutocrat should have won He was the best but had bad racing luck From a poor start he made up a lot of ground and was hard punished the last three eighths Strathrol Stretcher was off well and lucky The going was in his favor too Uncas Uncaps much used in breakaways weakened when the pinch came He and Tenole Ennoble went too fast the first part of it Dads Daughter ran a real good race and will bear watching The last five were pulled up at the finish Scratched Gasperone Gasper 119 Miss Young 119 Anna Mayes Ayes 119 La Princessa Princess 114 Inspector Hunt 119

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Local Identifier: drf1897110201_2_6
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