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NASHVILLE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track slow First Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses V V2500Millstream 2500Millstream 110 25CK2Tusculum 2342 Georgie George C 103 2426 Virgie Virile O 2449 Lady Chance 103 2397 Farondelle Carbondale 2500 Deerf Deer oot boot 102 22752Azucena 2478 Laura May 99 2332 Hindoo Indoor Queen 99 2500 The Doctor 99 2332 Moline 99 2478Myriam G 99 Second Race 78 Mile Milex Ilex x 3yearolds and upward Selling 2477 Hidago Hidalgo S 112 2287 Major Tom 10110 2447 Sackville Backfilled 3 105 2246 Barnato Barbate 3 105 2481 Tago Tango 3 104 2451 LyBritnnic Lyrist 3 102 2373 Blitzens Blitzes Sis 3 102 2447 Glen Albyn Abby 3 102 McMillan Macmillan 3 102 2499 Rosny Rosy 3 102 102Third Third Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 2480 Hardenburg4 112 24773ffigh Noon 4 109 2503 Serf 3 109 2328 Cavespring Averring 6 107 107I I 24802Traveler 3 107 2477 Elsket Else 5 107 107i i 2451 Queen Safie Safe 3 106 2477 R Rowett Rowe 3 105 2400 Inspirer 3 105 2481 Jolly Son 3 104 104i i 2502 Full Hand 3 104 24253Stockholm 3 104 2451 Connie Lee 3 102 2044Cn I See Em3102 Em3102Fourth Fourth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling24793Mazarin 24793Mazarin 4 115 25022Van Brunt5 112 11222082Nover 22082Nover 4 Ill 24772ffigh Test 6 109 1092403Lex 2403Lex Pirate3 109 2401 Con ReaganfS Reagan 107 2425 Dr Work5 107 2339 La Wanda4 107 1072257Oral 2257Oral 3 106 2401 Forsy Foray the 3 106 10623883Rockwall3 23883Rockwall3 104 104Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling23643Ondague 23643Ondague 5 107 248Q3Tr tnby tiny 4 101 1012428Donation4101 2428Donation4101 24182Prosecutor 3 98 2477 Gioja Goad 3 98 24512Cavalry 3 95 2330 Frontman Fontana 6 95 2503 The Planter 3 95 2502 Pete Kitchen4 89 2477 Steve CioliniS Collins 83 2398 Stark 5 83 2480 Dominica 3 83