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INGLESIDE INGLES ENTKIES ENTICES ENTKIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather cloudy track muddy muddyFirst muddy First Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind3T Horses Wgt Wt 25043Lost Girl 3 97 2486 Mercutio Mercator 3 100 24863A Andrew 3 100 2505 Fortunate 3 105 24573Una Color do6106 2504 Santuzza Sanctus 4 106 2454 Judge Denny4109 Denny4109Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances2087Zamar 2087Zamar II 3 102 1726ShtaWTater3102 2483 Lucky Dog 6110 25053Dble Quick 4110 2453 Bellicose 5 110 20162Libertine 6 110 110Third Third Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling 2484 Naranja Mariana 105C24843Personne 105 6184 Mystic Maze 105 Pleasanton Pleasant 105 2486 Lode Star 105 2453 Alma 105 2486 Sweet William 108 2487 Scorcher 108 1819 Devils Dream 10924862Lena 109 First 109First series seriesFourth series Fourth Race 1 14 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 2484 Ltlo Alto Cripple6104 2484 Navy Blue 3 104 2484 Major S 4 104 24873Mollie R 5 104 2457 Palomacita Palma 3 104 8511 Daylight 4 107 Q EifthlRace 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 7138 Valencienne Valence 100 Magnelons Magnetrons 100 100Sevoy Sevoy Savoy 100 7451 Plan 100 100Ojosvivos Ojosvivos 100 2508 Novia Nova 100 2455 Brambella Barbell 100 2453 LordMarmion103 6926 On Gua Guam Nita Anita 105 2508 Bonnie lone 105 2455 Tiny P 105 2482 Suscol Subsoil 105 10575013Roxey 75013Roxey Murphy 105 24823Spunwell 108 2082 Judge Napton108 Napton108Sixth Sixth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances DeLos Deles Reyes 100 8064 George Lee 100 2508 Sorrow 105 1863Hurly Burly 105 10524552MissRemsonl05 24552MissRemsonl05 8202 San Carlos 108 8016 Hermoso Hermosa 108 2506 Highland Ball108 7161 Colonel Dan 108