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LEXINGTON ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather wet track heavy First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Halo 97 Rollins Collins 97 1637 Hazel Green 97 2540 Margaret Lyne Lynne 97 2339 Effinger Definer 97 2467 Callie Collie Dozier 97 97 76782 Waldorf Alder 2519 Gray Eclipse 100 2516 Valiant 89 Gammadionl01 1766 Truelight Trebling Hose Tree 104 2413 The Navy NavySecond Nanosecond Second Race C 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 2469 W in the Head 97 2199 Provolo Provolone 9735 Stanhope Tahoe 100 252Q3Conan Doyle 103 10323582Pacemaker 23582Pacemaker 109 24972Hampden 109 109Third Third Ttace Trace 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 8003 Julia Clark 3 98 2467 Dockstader6 98 2415 Sir Ebony 3 102 91103 Amazement 4105 2468 Performnce3106 24153Kittie B 4 Ill 2496 Skate 4 114 114Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile All Ages Allowances Allowances25392Banjshed2 25392Banjshed2 85 2519 Caius Carious 3 99 2414 Letcher Fletcher 4 101 9778 Trimuda3 102 10224142B 24142B Bramble 3 102 102Fifth Fifth Race 4 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 2498 Happy Ten 105 24952Lena Meyers Meyer 110 2495 Virginia R 110 24663Conceal 110 11024953Oriental 24953Oriental M 110 25412Dunster 110 2495 Lauretta Laurent B 110 24983Pcess RevenuellO Revenue RevenuellOThe Revenue The Fly 110 2498 Autoharp 110 2495 Theresa F 110