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NASHVILLE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clouds track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt26212Shieldbearr 26212Shieldbearr 5112 26463Miss Kittie Kitties 4 109 2574 Paramount 5 109 2502 Patsy 4 109 2648 Maggie S4109 2702 Hush 6 109 2700 DocTbrville3107 2650 Bombardon 3107 7829 Nobilis Mobiles 3 107 9597 Longeval Congeal 3 104 2480 Dominica 3 104 2146PrProverb 3104 2543 DaisyMareo3104 2702 Forsythe Forsythia 3 104 104Second Second Race 4 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Selling 2500 Dressen Dresden 110 2500 Nemo Memo 110 2676 Monk Mayman110 27272fieau Monde 110 2601 W D Hamilton 107 2673 Sister Mamie Mammies 107 2701 Gypsy Prince 107 2621 Auctioneer 107 1556 Tidides Tidies 107 2544 NellieMDonldlO Nellie 2727 Huso Hudson Hopkins 107 2599 Allie Sallie B 107 107Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and tipward impaired Selling Selling27293Sim 27293Sim W 4 109 2700 Tago Tango 3 104 10420782K 20782K C 3 103 2704 Pouting 3 102 2624 Con Reagan 3 102 8292 M Murphy 3 101 2729 Count Fonso3101 2702 L Britannic3100 2648 Dr Work 5 100 2648 Gracio Gracie C 6 99 2704 Miss Verne 3 96 2090 Gold Drop 3 95 2374 Alva 5 95 2545 Tmy Tammy Rutter5 95 2574 Stockholm 3 90 2621 CanISeoEm390 CanISeoEm390Fourtli Fourtli Fourthly Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances26492Our 26492Our Chance 100 2703 Jackanapes 97 2703 Solution 97 2649 Mousquetaire Mosque 97 2676 Guide Rock 97 2673 Laverna Laver 97 972704Marzella 2704Marzella 97 2610 Denial 97 97J J Huffman entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Soiling Soiling27303A 27303A B C4 107 23982Celtic Bard 4107 1068 Le Banjo 5 107 2728 Irksome 5 104 27022Peto Kitchen4104 2702 Lula Luella Fry 4 104 10426743Serf 26743Serf 3 104 2650 Anger 3 101 10122072Otto 22072Otto H 3 101 2730 Traveler 3 98 2726 Gioja Goad 3 98 98Sixth Sixth Race 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 2702Carrie Lyle5109 5399 Lauretta Laurent D 5 109 24123Shuttlecock4109 21922Cyclone 8 109 2674 Glenfellow Genealogy 3 107 2726Juanita 3 104 2726 Organ Pilot 3104 26482 Jolly Son 3 104 2700 Full Hand 3 104 2648 Sister Clara 3104 26222Carlotta C 3 101 2704 Sierra Gorda Gordian 3 104