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The Easton Companys Company Sales SalesAT Stalest AT LEXINGTON KY KYBeginning Beginning Tuesday Nov 23 and continuing to Saturday Nov 27 1897 WILL INCLUDE MORE THAN 500 THOROUGHBREDS STALLIONS MARES HORSES IN TRAINING YEARLINGS AND WEANLINGS AMONGiTHE Among CONSIGNMENTS ARE The DixianaStud Dioxins entire Woodburn Woodbury Stuu Tutu entire Fairview Stud S B Lyne Lynne Wm M Fields Messrs Messes Bauer Co Col Cool W H Blunt Mr Milton Youngs Young McGrathiana Maceration yearlings MegibbenBdgewater Stud yearlings Mr A Is Fergusons Ferguson yearlings Mr B Corrigans Corrigan brood mares Messrs Messes A H D H Morris mares and stallions etc etc etc AMONG THE STALLIONS ARE JBEIMYAB BEMA IMP MASETTO MAST FALSETTO IMP HEUMENCE HUMANE FAIRVIEW OUH UH JACK SAM WELLEK WELL yjSXNG AUTOCRAT LCOTa Costa DOCK PERUVIAN IMP WAGKKER WEAKER IMP DECEIVER DECEIVERSPLEHSTEB DECEIVERS SPLEHSTEB SUPPLEST MARS RAINBOW A3STD CATTJGKA AMONG THE HORSES INITRAINING INTERLINING ARE Plaudit Van Antwerp Danforth Anorthic Claret Cup Domestic Friar John Lady Irene Kenmore Queen Nuto Nut Dunster Duster Locust Blossom Bal flasque claque Eleanor Holmes Prince Lee Deyo Defy Rathmore Authored Cadillac Belle Chase Chalmette Chapleted El Chico Chic George Arnold Tempo etc etc The Whole Forming the Best and largest Aggregation Ever Offered in the World at Public Auction WiM Swim KASTON ASTON AUCTIONEER THE EASTON COMPANY 1122 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY AT FALL SALE TO BE HELD BY SHANKLIN SHAKING SHANKLINAt Shaking At Lexington Ky November 29 to December 4 1897 LA BELLE STUD AND FARM FARMAbsolute Arabesque Absolute and entire Dispersal of this famous Stud which includes the stallions BRAMBLE FORESTER etc and about 35 broodmares including Juliette Juliet dam of LAlouette Aflutter winner of the Futurity 1897 La Belle Lady Wayward Caledonia Libbie Libber L Boabdilla Boatbill etc in foal to Bramble Kingston etc Weanlings by Bramble and Kingston KingstonAt Kingston At the same time at Public Auction will be sold without reserve LA BELLE FARM Comprising 467 ACEES ACES OF THE BEST BLUEGBASS BLUEGRASS LAND Beat Improved Stock Farm in Kentucky One ten room mansion one six room house and six cottages on different parts of farm Twentyfive Twenty barns ecattered catered over the place comprising one hundred and sixty box stalls The farm is divided into twentyfive twenty enclosures conveniently located to barns Four springs and two creeks never failing artesian well 20000 feet of pipe which conveys water to every stall and enclosure enclosureAlso enclosure Also Yearlings the property of Pat Dunne Sam Smith T B Jones Phil Chinn Chin G W Redmon Redman RedmonH Redman H B Boone and R W Whitehead etc Horses in training include the following winners of Stakes and Purses JLOKI LOKI the best handicap horse in the West WestWHYOTA FLOBA FLOAT LOUISE the champion 2yearold filly LOU BBAMBLE BABBLE The Queen of the Turf TurfGOSHEN Turgescent LILIAN LILLIAN BELL one of the best 2yearolds of WHYOTA WHY GOSHEN FEKBOLL FEKBOLLEL tho thou year WHYOTAISABEY ISABEY ISABEL EL TOEO TOO HELEN MAE MAEMISS MAOISTS ALGOL ALGOLBEMEMBEE SANTA MARIA MISS C STAES STAGES AND STEIPES STRIPES STEIPESBED STEPPES BEMEMBEE BENZENE ME TEEMONA TEEM BED EEPEIEVE REPRIEVE EEPEIEVEBEEFEE ETHEL LEE BOTHA BOTH BEEFEE BEEF TBEOPIA BEBOP TBEOPIABELZABA BISHOP SEED FABBELL ABEL BELZABA BELABOR HOLY NUMBER NUMBERMEETIE NUMBER BUSJKIN BUSKIN HOEACE HORACE MEETIE EYETIE BEED BED SIB WELLINGTON WELLINGTONFESSY WELLINGTON MAEIETTA MARIETTA MOTILLA AMONTILLADO FESSY ESSAY F LANKY BOB BOBETC BROWBEAT SISTEE SISTER JANE JANEDECAPO HANDCLAP SIE SE VASSAE VASSAR ETC ETC DECAPO DECAPODS ETC ETC EENTIEE EVENTIDE STABLE AND STUD 100 HEAD OF SCOGGAN COGGING BEOS BOERS WITH IMP FLOBIST FOIST ENTIBE ANTIBES STABLES OF ESTATE OF E F McLEAN CLEAN W H LADDEMAN ALDERMAN PHIL CHINN CHIN CHINNFLOBA FLOBA FLOAT LOUISE 34 IN 1121 ETC ETC JOHN EODEGAP ELODEA AND OTHERS THESE INCLUDE LOKI FLOBA FLOAT LOUISE LOU LOUENJTIBE ELOQUENT ENJTIBE ENTEBBE STUD OF EXECUTOB EXECUTOR P C KIDD KID 30 HEAD INCLUDING BEESAN BEES ETC BRAMBLE LILIAN LILLIAN BELL ALGOL FERROLL FERRO GOSHEN ISABEY ISABEL REMEMBER ME MEM MEMO M D EICHARDSONS RICHARDSON SELECT MARES OF STAKE PRODUCING CLASS ETC ETC AND MANY OTHER GOOD WINNERS AND PROMISING MAIDENS MAIDENS3L 3L N SCHOENFELD SCHEMED 14 HIGHLY BRED IMPORTED MARES MARESCATALOQUES CATALOQUES CATALOGUES SENT ONLY ON APPLICATION APPLICATIONAddress Application Address Woodard Woodward Sfaanklin Franklin Lexington Ky