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The Easton Companys Company Sales SalesAT Stalest AT LEXS LEXIS GTOW TOW 5CY 5CYBeginning Beginning Tuesday Nov 23 and continuing to Saturday Nov 27 1897 1897WILL WILL INCLUDE MORE THAN 500 THOROUGHBREDS STALLIONS MARES HORSES IN TRAINING YEARLINGS AND WEANLINGS AMONG THE CONSIGNMENTS ARE The Dixiana Dioxin Stud entire Woodburn Woodbury Stuu Tutu entire Fairview Stud S B Lyne Lynne Wm M Fields Messrs Messes Bauer Co Col Cool W H Blunt Mr Milton Youngs Young McGrathiana Maceration yearlings MegibbenBdgewater Stud yearlings Mr A L Fergusons Ferguson yearlings Mr E Corrigans Corrigan brood mares Messrs Messes A H D H Morris mares and stallions etc etc etc AMONG THE STALLIONS ARE v SESaGSJEs Ecstasies SESaGSJEsHIMYAE HIMYAE IMAGE IMP MASETTO MAST FALSETTO IMP HERMES CE FAIRVIEW OUR JACK SAM WELLER DWELLER VIKING AUTOCRAT LOlSfa Lolls DOCK PERUVIAN IMP WAGNER IMP DECEIVER DECEIVERSPLEIHSTER DECEIVERS SPLEIHSTER SLIGHTER MARS RAINBOW AND CAYUG CAYUGA A r AMONG THE HORSES IN TRAINING ARE Plaudit Van Antwerp Danforth Anorthic Claret Cup Domestic Friar John Lady Irene Kenmore Queen Nuto Nut Dunster Duster Locust Blossom Bal riasque risque Eleanor Holmes Prince Lee Deyo Defy Rathmore Authored Cadillac Belle Chase Chalmette Chapleted El Chico Chic George Arnold Tempo etc etc The Whole Forming the Besl Bees and largest Aggregation Ever Offered in the World at Public Auction WM KASTON ASTON AUCTIONEER THE EASTON COM PA NY 1122 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY ttttit NEW ORLEXANS ORLEANS LA LAWINTER PLAINER WINTER MEETING OF 1897 AND 1898 Meeting Positively Opens Saturday December 4 1897 ABOUT ONE HUNDRED DAYS RACING RACINGSecond Tracings Second Issue of Stakes for 2 = year = olds and All Ages with Other Specials and Liberal Added IVIoney Divinely To Toclose Toulouse close Saturday January 1 1898 1898ALL ALL REPUTABLE BOOKMAKERS ABE INVITED TO DRAW IN AND BOOK C S BUSH Pres Ypres and Genl Enl Mngr Mgr SHERIDAN CLARK Secy Sec c Pacific Coast Jockey Club ClubINGOLESIDK Clubbing INGOLESIDK INGLES TRACK SEASON OK 1898 1898Stakes Stakes to be Run Between January i and flay i 1898 ENTRIES CLOSE JANUARY 15 1898 OCEAN VIEW STAKES For twoyearold toehold fil fail ¬ the second and 103 to the thirl thirdly horse A win ¬ the entry box at the usual hour of closing the 10 30 additional to start The Association to lies Entrance SIO SINO 25 alditional additional to start ner near of a sweepstakes race of any value to carry day preceding the race Four and onehalf Neal fur ¬ guarantee the value of the stake 1500 of which Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 to the 3 Ibs Dibs of two or more 5 Ibs Dibs penalty Allow ¬ longs 300 to the second and 203 to third horse A second and 100 to the third horse A winner of ances dances Horses that have run unplacad unplaced ia a longsOCCIDENTAL omnisciently OCCIDENTAL STAKES Twoyearolds Toeholds En ¬ winner of any sweepstakes race to carry 3 Ibs Dibs any sweepstakes race to carry 5 Ibs Dibs penalty sweepstakes race 5 Ibs Dibs maidens beaten three trance iO 25 additional to start The Asso Assoc ¬ of two or more 5 Ibj Fib penalty Beaten maidens Four furlongs furlongsMALOWANSKY furlongs or more times 10 Ibs Dibs Four and onehalf Neal fur ¬ ciation caption to guarantee the value of the stake unplaced in a sweepstakes race allowed 5 Ibs Dibs MALOWANSKY MALAWIANS STAKES For twoyearold toehold colts longs longsOLYMPIC 1000 of which 200 to the second and 100 to the Five furlongs furlongsScHEEtBEB furlongs and geldings Entrance 10 25 additional to OLYMPIC STAKES A handicap for twoyear twofer third horse The winner to be sold at auction ScHEEtBEB Sheeted STAKES For twoyearold toehold colts start Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 to olds Entrance 10 25 additional to start for 2003 Allowances t Ib for each 100 to and geldings Entrance 10 25 additional to the second and 100 to the third horse A win ¬ Guaranteed value of the stake 1000 of which 1000 and 2 pounds Cor Cora each 100 less to 500 start Guaranteed valuo value 1000 of which 52JO to ner near of any sweepstakes race to carry 5 Ibs Dibs 200 to the second and 100 to thp hp third horse Starters to be named and selling pricestated orientated the second and 100 to the third horse A win ¬ penalty Four furlongs furlongsANDBOTJS furlongs through the entry box a the usual hour of clos clods Weights to appear three days prior to the race ner near of throe or more races of any value to carry ANDBOTJS HANDOUTS STAKES For twoyearolds toeholds En ¬ Four or more horses the property of entirely ing King tha than day preceding the race Four and one 5 Ibs Dibs penalty Maidens beaten three or moro trance 10 25 additional to start Guar ¬ different interests to start or the race may be half furlongs furlongsCoERfQAN furlongs times allowed 5 Ibs Dibs if unplacad unplaced 8 Ibs Dibs Five anteed anted value of the stake 1000 of which 200 to declared off Acceptance to be made through CoERfQAN Overran STAKES Twoyearolds Toeholds Entrance furlongs FINEST WINTER RACE TRACK IN AMERICA F H GREEN SECRETARY SECRETARYPARLORS SECRETARIAL PARLORS A B PALACE HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO CAL