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NOTES OF THE TURF The stakes of the Pacific Coast Jockey Club filled exceptionally well all the notable horses on the coast being entered The California Derby at a mile and a quarter with a guaran guaranty ¬ teed value of 5000 has fortyeight fortnight entries the Ingleside Ingles Stakes at four miles has thirtyfive thirty entries and the Tarpey Tape Stakes fiftyeight fistfight en ¬ tries triesThe trimester The suspension against Charles Murray the trainer of Lady Hurst has been made perman Permian ¬ ent Kent The judges at Oakland state that they have indisputable evidence that Murray has been in the practice of doping the mare mareThe Martha The Morris brothers have retired The Friar and will use him as a sire He is a most beauti beauties ¬ fully bred horse by Friars Balsam Lizzie Tizzies Baker The Dominican his brother died a few weeks ago of pneumonia pneumoniaThe pneumonia The Arkansas Jockey Club has been reorgan reorganize ¬ ized sized Joseph E Martin of St Louis has been elected secretary and manager Umbrella McGuigan Michigan is no longer a director of the associa asocial ¬ tion ion tionG tonG G F W City Tho Theo chances are strong in favor of our charts being correct The utmost care is used by editors and correspondents both over the item of weights All changes are wired wiredOConnell OConnell O'Connell is in Frisco ready for use when the proper occasion turns up Tho Theo once great sprinter is quite handy when he and his sur slur ¬ roundings groundings are comfortable comfortableGeorge comfortable George C Bennett hag bought a fine farm ten miles from Memphis and will go more keen ¬ ly into the breeding of horses in the future futureThere future There is to be a sixty days winter meeting at San Antonio Tex to begin December 9