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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track slow slowFirst loftiest First Race G 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 3020 Steve Ciolini3 96 2739 Cherry Leaf 3 99 9930243Flug 30243Flug 4 101 27393Teeta May 6 101 2988 Dockstador Docketed 6 101 2989 Al Kyris Kris 3 102 3120 Bleakmore Bleak 3 102 3119 Pearson4 104 104Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling 3117 Mike Haverty Avery 99 2521 Moline 99 3117 Lillian Russell 99 2738 Firelight 99 9929963Dazzle 29963Dazzle 99 227 Mary Cavalier 99 9931172Dunster 31172Dunster 101 3117 Wolford Wolfed 103 3117 Bucksaw 106 106Third Third Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 2323 Tom Murphy3100 30153Robt Bonner3100 2995 Ultima Ultimo 3 102 3118 Nan LsSistr3102 LsSistr310231192Scribe 31192Scribe 3 103 3118 B McKenzie6101 3116 Wojsey Whose 6 101 3120 Bustup Dustup 6 101 2743 Nero 9 109 3118D Pulsifer Pushier 8112 8112Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Allowances Allowances3119Glenmoyno 3119Glenmoyno 7 119 26242Van Brunt 5 110 3024 Vanessa 3 104 3119 Hardenburg Harden 4112 3117 Mr Eastin Easton 2 96 2659 Elgitha Eolith 3 102 102Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 3119 Dads Dghter496 3116 Pitfall 5 96 963023Carlotta 3023Carlotta C 3 102 3119 Gismonda Gismo 114103 3116 Jersey Lad3107 3119Glenmoyne7 109 2582 MissAlFarrow398 3120 GFordham4101 GFordham410123122Stanza4 23122Stanza4 103 31202Peacemaker 6105 3119 Arrezzo3 107