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WINTERS AND REIS REGIS YEARLINGS YEARLINGSThe Yearlings The yearlings of Theodore Winters and J O Reis Regis were sold at San Francisco last Wednesday as follows followsTHEODOEE follows THEODOEE THEODORE WINTERS1 WEAKLINGS WEAKLINGSChestnut Weaklings Chestnut colt by El Rio Rey Frey Blizzard D DRyan Ryan Ryan 475 Chestnut colt by ELRio Eliot Rey Frey Calamity J JMcCormick McCormick McCormick 75 75Bay Bay filly by El Rio Roy Fonsetta Onset R RHughes Hughes Hughes 450 450Chestnut Chestnut filly by El Rio Rey Frey Jessie R RMcGregor McGregor Microgram 50 Chestnut colt by El Rio Rey Frey Lady Dare DareHT Dare HT Griffin 100 100Bay Bay colt by El Rio Rey Frey Louise M P Archibald 625 625Chestnut Chestnut colt by Joe Hooker Miss Court ¬ ney NE H Jones 100 100Chestnut Chestnut colt by El Rio Rey Frey Nellie Post Chestnut colt by JE1 Rio Rey Frey Ogalena Galena R RLatham Graham Latham Lath 325 325Chestnut Chestnut filly by Joe Hooker Ogzilla D DRyan Ryan Ryan 250 250Chestnut Chestnut filly by El Rio Rey Frey Otelia Hotelier R RHughes Hughes Hughes 460 460Bay Bay colt by Joe Hooker Pedigree II T THazlett Haslet Hazlett Haslet 275 275Chestnut Chestnut colt by ElRio Eliot Rey Frey Sylvia H T Griffln Griffin 340 340Total Total 13 yearlings 3925 3925Average Average 30196 30196PROPERTY PROPERTY OF J O REIS REGIS REISKosciulottie Kosciulottie Osculation b m 5 by Kosciusko Be Belottie Belittle lottie loftier J McDonald 125 125Charmion Charmion Champion ch m 7 by Tryant Tyrant Unit B BSchreiber Schreiber Schreiber 175 175Olivia Olivia b m 5 by Gano Guano Dolly L T Burns 60 Stephanotis ch m 15 by Shannon Lizzie Tizzies Whips W G Sterling 25 25Sunlit Sunlit ch m 14 by Monday Lillie R J JMcDonald McDonald McDonald 600 600Viola Viola ch m 13 by Himyar Shimmy Vitality J JMcDonald McDonald McDonald 50 50Bay Bay filly 1 by Morello Marcello Kosciulottie Osculation Mr MrMcGovern McGovern McGee 100 100Bay Bay filly by Sir Reel or Jim Brown Nova NovaZemblaM Novae ZemblaM Emblem Storn Storm 250 250Bay Bay colt 1 by Morello Marcello Orinda Rind Dr Misley Mislay 250 Bay colt 1 by Morello Marcello Viola T McGowan 1525 1525Hertha Hertha Bertha ch f 2 by Islington Wilmington Ernestine Ernest 155 155Morinel 325I Morinel Moraine b f 2 by Morello Marcello Sunlit 325 Halsey Haley b c 4 by Martenhurst Marten Elsie S M Surrey 1 1Total Total for 13 horses t 365500 365500Average Average 28115