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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART CHARTNEW CARNE NEW ORLEANS LA Dec 7 Third day Crescent City Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather wet track heavy Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald O 1 A rj FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vz H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OH L C C3136CARLOTTA 3136CARLOTTA C 99 2 11112 12 12 T Burns W J Donahue Danaher 25352525 2535252531363STANZA 31363STANZA 105 6 22 22 2 26 Walker Williams Co 4 5 4 41 3185 ROVER 106 1 7 7 7 3 J Healy TrevyPemberton20 30 20 25 3119 DADS DAUGHTER 101 7 8 8 d 42 L Smith J Mellbusch Mollusc 20 25 20 20 3120 BROTHER FRED 97 3 4 3 51 53 Robertson Jdhn John Call 4645 9090 CORANELLA CORNELL 101 8 51 51 3 62 Songer Sponger H H Stover Stove 15 20 10 15 9942 MINNIE WELDON 101 4 31 41 41 7 Duggan Uganda J B Gray 20 40 20 30 3132 AL KYRIS KRIS 101 5 61 6 8 8 Whitmore Whitehorse J E Madden 20 25 20 25 25Time Time 28 56t 1 12 1 261 261Winner Winner Br f 3 by Hayden Edwards Fannie S SOff Scoff Off first break Start good Won galloping second easily Carlotta C was much the best he was well in hand throughout Rover came with a rush at the end Stanza ran her race Coranella Cornell stopped to nothing in the stretch stretchOverweights Overweights Overweighs Stanza 4 pounds Rover 4 Al Kyris Kris 4 O j A 0 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt S St 14 Y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2299 LADY IRENE 109 1 126202FRENCH Hi 12 11 H Thompson R Tucker 6 565451 26202FRENCH GRAY 105 4 52 41 21 22 T Burns E S Gardner Son45 1 7101 3119 LAURA MAY 99 6 61 63 56 32 Newcom Newcomer J Fleming 15 20 15 15 2738 MARY WILL 94 3 21 21 4 41 Songer Sponger A B Watts 8 12 8 10 2738 FIRELIGHT 9812 311 31 3 5 L Smith J Mellbusch Mollusc 20 30 20 30 3030212DICTATE 30212DICTATE 94 8 88 6 68 Sheppard W A McConnell 12 25 15 20 2906 ALLIE SALLIE B 99 7 7777 Russell C P Kennedy 20 20 12 15 3021 CARTHAGINIAN 97 5 41 52 8 8 Powers J Hogan 6 12 6 10 10Time Time 271 57 111 111Winner Winner B f by Ben Strome Stone Bravoura Bravura BravouraPost Bravura Post 4 minutes Start good Won driving the next three were driving also French Gray closed fast at the end and had Lady Irene all out Laura May ran a much improved race Fire ¬ light stopped in the final furlong Lady Irene swung wide into the stretch Overweights Overweighs Firelight 41 pounds Carthaginian 3 8149 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vs StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3135 VAN BRUNT 113 1 31 4 31 1 Caywood Cawed Doss Storey 451 451 2997 HIGH NOON 104 2 4i 31 21 21 Aker Baker S J Ruckor Trucker 15 20 15 20 203U63SWORDSMAN 3U63SWORDSMAN 102 6 6 63 5 3 Sheppard W A McConnoll McConnell 4645 464531202PEACEMAKER 31202PEACEMAKER 107 3 2 5 42 42 Thompson Stanton Tucker 85 85 6 5 75 3120 BILL ARNETT BARNETT 102 5 11 H H 5 J Hicks J F Davis 10 12 10 12 3116 JERSEY LAD 105 7 7 7 7 61 L Smith W W Clark 6655 8135 HARDENBURG HARDEN 107 8 8887 H Wilson H W Newman 25 30 20 25 3024 VANESSA 96 4 5 2 63 8 P Clay Mrs W W Lyles Lyle 30 30 25 25 25Time Time 26J 55 1 lli Elli 1 25l 25lWinner Winner B h 5 by Cheviot Active ActivePost Active Post 5 minutes Start fair The first two were driving to the limit Jersey Lad did not run his race He was off poorly and worse ridden Smith took him wide into the stretch Van Brunt had to be driven hard to win Bill Arnett Barnett went to pieces in the stretch High Noon reveled in the going Q 1 PV d FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling O 1 O J Substitute for regular race declared off Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vz 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 3024 HIDAGO HIDALGO 106 4 21 41 13 12 IH Adams L W Hoyt Hot 3118 BLITZENS BLITZES SISTER 981 3 42 1 3 31 21 Combs J JF F Reynold31322DOCKSTADER Reynold Reynolds 12 12 5 5 31322DOCKSTADER 103 6 7 3 21 22 31 J Hicks J F Davis Davis31342BILLY 4846 4846JW 31342BILLY McKENZIE 105 5 8 8 7 52 43 Aker Baker J JW W ONeall Neal 3635 103 7 51 7 51 43 515 L Smith J A Lynch Co 3 31 21 3 3116 LEASEMAN LEADSMAN 106 8 61 9 6 7 61 Myers Mayer Smith Schuman20 30 20 30 3120 TRADITION 106 1 It 2 8 8 7 Newcom Newcomer G B Havill Hail R R 7 6922 FAVORINE FAVORING 103 9 9 6H 41 61 8 Barrett Barrette N Ransom Ransom3134BUSTUP 3134BUSTUP 103 2 31 51 9 9 9 W Dean W Brandos Brands a 01 o ST STTime Astatine Time 30 58 1 13 1 28l 2 00 00Winner Winner Blk Balk h 5 by Hidalgo Graciosa Gracious GraciosaOff Gracious Off at first break Start good The first two were driving hard Combs took matters too easy on Blitzens Blitzes Sister until it was too late She should have won Hidagp Hidalgo svas vas out to the last ounce Billy McKenzie finished strong Bustup Dustup did not run his race He is an in and outer Tradition retired early Leaseman Leadsman had bad racing luck luckOverweights Overweights Overweighs Blitzens Blitzes Sister 21 pounds Billy McKenzio McKenzie 2 t FIFTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Substitute for regular race declared off Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yi 34 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 31352PARTNER 96 5 11 IH 12 13 T Burns F A Weithoff With Co75 8 5 6 5 75 3116 WOLSEY WHOLE 96 4 5 5 41 2H Lawrence J A Lynch Co 10 25 10 25 3135 WELLS STREET 99 6 41J 32 23 3 Peterman Letterman M Hedges 8 10 8 10 3136 ARREZZO CARRIZO 101 1 31 41 31 412 P Clay W H Roller 12 15 10 15 3132 STEVE CIOLINI COLIN 91 8 7 7 8 51 H Wilson H W Newman 25 40 20 30 2877ORAL 100 7 8 6 6 61 Powers C B Reid 2 2 8595 9016 FERRYMAN II 103 2 22 2 51 7 T Morris M Wynn 20 30 15 25 2531353FLORIDAS 31353FLORIDAS 98 9 9998 Combs P Tpmlinson Tapelines Co 2 21 2 115 3132 BLEAKMORE BLEAK 91 3 61 8 7 9 Newcom Newcomer Smith Schuman Schulman 30 50 30 40 40Time Time 29 57i 1 13i 1 29i 1 33 33Winner SweetheartPost Sweetheart Winner B g 5 by Portland Sweetheart Post 7 minutes Start fair Won easily second and third doing their best Partner was much the best Ferryman II showed early speea speak but tired Ho likes mud and is a fast hp se Wolsey Wools finished strong Wells Street was stopping badly Throw the faces of Oral and Floridas Florida out Both were anchored in the going Overweights Overweighs goingOverweights Wells Street 3 pounds