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TiF Tiff TIJIPSi SPIRIT IP THF NTH TIJIPS TIGRIS i ifii iii ft9i 1I1 vl IHIj Ii JLiSlLtj Lilt AND ANDNEW ANDREW CLOHESEY CLOCHES NEW YORK SPORTSMAN CO COPOOL COOL POOL ROOM and BOOKMAKERS CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATEDThe Consolidated SUPPLIES The Recognized Turf Authority Authorityof Authority V TICKETS of America AmericaAlways Americana HONE SHEETS SHEETSMAIN SHEETS Always up to Date in Every EveryDepartment SLATES MAIN 3 Department III AIM 3 CASH BOXES 2134 j BLACK 1 10 CENTS FEU FU COPY COPYALL COPAL BOARDS ETC ALL NEWS DEALERS DEALERSADDEE88 48 = 50 Wabash Aye AyeCHICAGO ADDEE88 CHICAGO 5400 per year SPIRiT of the TIMES aoo Paolo 6mos iiFrenkfortSt iiFrenkfortStioo ioo Rio 3 Box 938 NEW YORK Leighs Sleighs Portable Stalls Cheap Safe Sensible Comfortable OWNERS AND TRAINERS When yon ship yonr yon horsea horse asi Asia Express Company to stall yoni yon car with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable Stall udjastable adjustable to any car thnt tnt securing absolute safety to yom additional cost to the shipper a express companys company furnish there tree of cost to you They dont don't deface the car when adjusted and can be set up in thirty minuter minter for any number of horses to 24 in double door baggage car Exprest Expires companies can procure stalls bj applying to toTHOS troths THOS ETHOS McFADDBN Mgr 60 ELM ST STCINCINNATI CINCINNATI O flDJUSTIBLE W 3 STALLS FTTAWf CARU CAR