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TO BE ISSUED JANUARY 8th COPYRIGHTED American Sporting flanual faucal of 1808 1808Bt Bt fj9 A HANDBOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND COMPARISON AN OFFICIAL COMPENDIUM OF RECORDS RECORDSRACING RECONSTRUCTING RACING TROTTING PACING BICYCLING BILLIARDS BASEBALL ATHLETICS X X XX X X PUGILISM AND THE PUGILISTIC EVENTS OF 1897 1897HAlSTDICAFPIISrG HAlSTDICAFPIISrG JNX JINX BOOKMAJECDsTG Bookmakers TAJBLES TABLES TAJBLESNEW STABLES NEW FEATURES IN THESE LINES LINESSUMMARIES SUMMARIES BY EXPERTS ON EACH SUBJECT DISCUSSED TTjn Attn ITFTP ITT BY F H TBRUNKIvL Trunk DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL COPYRIGHTED BOUND CHARTS FROM NOVEMBER 1 TO NOVEMBER 30 INCLUSIVE ALL RACING IS EflBRCED Belabored EflBRCEDPaper Paper Covered Books Ready for Local Delivery Wednesday December I ISoft Soft Soft Morocco Covered Books will be Rekfly Irefully Saturday December 4 REINFORCED PAPER COY1RED EDITION EULLY EQUALLY INDEXED 100 100SOET SOET SET MOROCCO COVERED EDITION INDEX OF LINEN PAPER LETTERED 150 The Edition is Limited First Come First Served We pay the Freight Freightl Freight l Orders Must be Prepaid Books sent to Out = ofTown Motown Subscribers by Express ExpressThere Express There will be a few Books of October and November Charts in soft morocco covers linen fefj fief J paper lettered index Price = The Only depots to supply are those at Cincinnati St Louis Detroit and San Francisco FranciscoDaily Francisco Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 126 sth Seth Ave Chicago III Pacific Coast Jockey Club ClubINQLESI3DK INQLESI3DK TRACK SKASO1ST OK 1S9S 1S9SStakes Stakes to be Run Between January i and flay i i808 ENTRIES CLOSE JANUARY 15 1898 OOEAN BOOLEAN VIEW STAKES For twoyearold toehold fll fall the socoad scads and SIO SINO to tha than third h rae A win ¬ th i entry box at the usual hour of closing the 10 50 additional to start The Association to lies Entrance SIO SINO 25 a iditional ideational to start ner near of a sweepstakes race of any value to carry day preceding the race Four and onehalf Neal fur ¬ guarantee the value of the stake 1500 of which Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 to the 3 lbs of two or more 5 Ibs Dibs penalty Allow ¬ longs longsOCCIDENTAL omnisciently 300 to the second and 200 to third horse A second and 100 to the third horse A winner of ances dances dorses doses that have run unplaced in a OCCIDENTAL STAKES Twoyearolds Toeholds En ¬ winner of any sweepstakes race to carry 3 Ibs Dibs any sweepstakes race to carry 5 Ibs Dibs penalty sweepstakes race 5 Ibs Dibs maideaa aide beaten three trance iO 25 additional to start The Asso Assoc ¬ of two or more 5 Ibi Ibid penalty Beaten maidens Four furlongs furlongsMALOWANSKT furlongs or more times 10 Ibs Dibs Four and onehalf Neal fur ¬ ciation caption to guarantee the value of the stake unplaced in a sweepstakes race allowed 5 Ibs Dibs MALOWANSKT MALAWIANS STAKES For twoyearold toehold colts longs 1000 of whicb which 200 to the second and 100 to the Five furlongs furlongsSCHEEIBEE furlongs and geldings Entrance SIO SINO 25 additional to longsOLYMPIC OLYMPIC STAKES A handicap for twoyear twofer third horse The winner to be sold at auction SCHEEIBEE SCHREIBER STAKES For twoyearold toehold colts start Guaranteed value 1000 of wtrich torch 2JO to odi Lodi Entrance 10 25 additional to start for 2000 Allowances 1 Ib for each 100 to and geldings Entrance 10 25 additional to the second and 100 to the third horse A win ¬ Guaranteid Guarantied value of tue true atase atlases 1000 of which 1000 and 2 pounds for each 8100 less to 500 start Guaranteed value 1000 of which 5200 to ner near of an sweepstakes race to carry 5 Ibs Dibs 2j to the decou deco 1 aud Maud iX to chp chap third horse Starters to be named and selling price stated the second and 100 to the third horse A win ¬ penalty Four furlongs furlongsANDEOUS furlongs Vaighta Alight to appear three days prior to the race through the entry box a the usual hour of clos clods ¬ ner near of three or more races of any value to carry ing King the day preceding the race Four and one 5 Ibs Dibs penalty Maidens beaten three or more ANDEOUS BANDEAUS STAKES For twoyearolds toeholds En ¬ F ur or m ire h rse3 the property of entirely trance 10 25 additional to start Guar ¬ did treat interests to start or tha than race may be half furlongs furlongsCOEKIQAN furlongs times allowed 5 Ibs Dibs if unplaced 8 Ibs Dibs Five anteed anted value of the stake 1000 of whicL which 2X to ijcUrod injured off Acceptance to be made through COEKIQAN STAKES Twoyearolds Toeholds Entrance turlongs furlongs FINEST WINTER RACE TRACK IN AMERICA F H GREEN SECRETARY SECRETARYPARLORS SECRETARIAL PARLORS A B PALACE HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO CAL