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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART CHARTNEW CARNE NEW ORLEANS LA Dec 14 Ninth day Crescent City Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather wet track heavy sticky mud Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald O fc O Q FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M y 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3181 ILIA ILIAD 86 3 3 li 12 15 Rose W Jordan Co 2 2423 4 2 3 3165 OREUSA ORES 90 2 2 3K 21 2 Dugan Duane M Wyun Wynn 6868 3226 JOLLY SON 94 6 41 2 31 3 Songer Sponger W C Hutchinson 332 115 115H 3193 LITTLE OCEAN 93 1 12797MOMUS H 45 44 45 Southard Southward W G Brion Briton Jr 6655 2797MOMUS 95 8 9 8 6 i 5 Newcom Newcomer T Bradley 6655 3224 BLACKING BRUSH 98 7 8776 Peterman Letterman E R Rodgers 5545 2684 TERRANET ERRANT 91 5 62 6 8 7 CClay Clay JJ Sellers 10 15 10 15 3164 OZAEK OZARK JE 88 10 5 53 5 8 Andrews P Tomlinson Tompkins Co20 40 20 30 3181 ULTIMA ULTIMO 85 11 10 10 10 9 Foster C P Kennedy 8 15 8 12 1265523HILLSBORO 65523HILLSBORO 95 4 7 9 9 10 Kitley Kirtle JWHowell Who'll 6 10 6 8 5712 KEMINGTON KENSINGTON 981 9 11 11 11 11 L Smith Holle Hole Porter 30 40 30 30 30Time Time 26i 53J l23i l23iWinner Winner Ch f 3 by Pardee Parsee Nellie J JPost Post Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Ilia Iliad was much the best Little Ocean showed improvement It was not Jolly Sons best He can do bettor Hillsboro Hills is not ready Momus Moms and Blacking Brush ran below their mark Oreusa Ores favors soft going goingOverweights Overweights Overweighs Jolly Son 4 pounds Blacking Brush 31 Eemington Deeming 3k OOO SECOND EACE ACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 31792DUNSTEE 103 2 H 12 32 IH Combs Stanton Tucker 75 75 1 65 654i 2739 CHIFFON 103 8 82941OCTAVE 4i 3 INK 22 LSmith Smith Marion Morgan 10 20 10 20 2941OCTAVE 103 9 9 42 2i 31 T Burns E S Gardner Son5 857 2727 GALILEO 110 4 3 2 4 41 W Jones A Donohue Downpour 4 4 3 31 2996 MAY CLAEKSTON CARSON 103 1 21 5 51 55 Barrett Barrette E C Cooper 10 15 10 15 3179 I OWN U 103 13 0 9 7 61 Nutt Mutt Eowe Owe Clarkson Carson 20 20 15 20 3162 PETEE PETE AECHEE ACHE 103 10 7 61 61 7 Gilmoro Gilmore A B Watts 10 20 10 15 43 NEPPEE EPOPEE 103 7 51 71 8 8 Wilhite Iolite G C Bennett 10 15 10 12 194 QUEEN MAB AB 110 11 11 11 10 9 Stockwell Stock Duffels Koch 30 50 30 40 3194 ANNIE WOODWED103 12 32083SOLUTION 103 4 61 8 9 11 T Powers B F Mclntosh McIntosh 10 10 6 8 81256GILEAY 1256GILEAY 115 5 8 10 12 12 Guitiers Guiltier SJ Charles 2 6 26 1862 SEDEIC EIDETIC 1021 6 12 13 13 13 Adams J D McMillan Macmillan 20 40 20 30 30TOM TOM KINGSLEY KINGLY 100 Left at the post Southard Southward J S Williams 10 50 10 40 40Time Time 271 55 1 10 10Winner Winner Ch f by Ben Strome Stone Last Ban BanPost Banjoist Post 6 minutes Start good The first two were driving hard Dunstor Duster had the path all the way Combs outrode outride Smith Chiffon should have won With even break Octave would have been more prominent Galileo had the worst of the going Nepper Nipper was short shortScratched sportscast Scratched Lida Linda Stuart 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Galileo 4 pounds Sedric Seri 21 THIED TIED EACE ACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling 324O Ind Indo Horses Wt St y Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2714 UNCAS UNCAPS 95 6 41 31 2H 11 T Burns J Brenock Redneck 3211 VANESSA 90 3 61 51 61 2 P Clay Mrs W W Lyles Lyle 6 10 6 10 1029973ALICE 29973ALICE C 871 5 2H 43 51 31 Lines Boggs Bogs Co 10 40 10 40 4031643VIEGIE 31643VIEGIE DIXON 88 10 9 8 41 41 Sheppard W A McConnell 8 10 8 10 3178 ROVER 1021 4 7 9 8 52 W Dean TrovyPembertonSO 50 30 50 50S1962TEANBY S1962TEANBY 101 8 10 7 7 61 Peterman Letterman C Whitman 4 41 31 4 2905 JOHN BOONE 97 1 1 11 11 7 Powers J E Bagley Bangle 3534 2714 BOBINSON BOBBINS 114 7 3 21 3 8 Songer Sponger A Covington Coving 6 15 6 15 1355 SEDAN 911 9 8 10 9 9 Crowhurst Cowherbs J J Marklein Marlin 15 15 12 15 3165 SHIELDBEAEEB SHIELDED 98 2 53 61 10 10 H Wilson Mrs M J Eeiff Eiffel 6 10 6 8 8Time Time 261 53 1 09l 1 23 23Winner Winner B g 4 by Pontico Pontiac Verosa Versa VerosaPost Erosions Post 5 minutes Start good Won handily second and third driving Uncas Uncaps came very fast at the end He was fresh and the best John Boone stopped to nothing in the stretch Robin son was short He will do better his next time out Virgie Virile Dixon was outrun the first part Vanessa ran a good race and finished strong strongScratched Scratched Mamie Mammies Callan Allan 90 90Overweights Overweights Overweighs Alice C 41 pounds Eover Over 21 John Boone 2 Sedan 21 Q O I 1 FOURTH EACE ACE O 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearoids and upward O JJ j JL Allowances Ind Indo Horses M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C I 102 5 1 12 13 13 T Burns JW Schorr Scorer Son 45 45 25 25 3182 TOM ELMOEE ELMO 102 4 5 32 22 22 James J O McClain Moccasin 60 100 60 100 1003210VBALK 3210VBALK LINE 114 6 21 2 33 33 Aker Baker C DeWitt Hewitt 65 21 65 21 3196 FASIG FASTING 99 2 SH 56 5 4 Southard Southward F H Hickok Hick 6 10 6 8 3151 FEERYMAN EVERYMAN II 87 3 4n 42 41 52 Dugan Duane M Wyim Swim 20 40 20 30 3178 PEOVEEB PEEVE 87 1 6666 Eobertson Robertson John Call 50 100 50 75 75Time Time 261 531 1 09i 1 231 1 311 311Winner Winner Br h 5 by Hanover Kittie Kitties L LOff Off Off at first break Start good Won pulling up second cleverly third driving The mud seemed too stiff for Balk Line Sligo Lingo had the path and was the class of the race It was an easy ride on Fasig Fasting Tom Elmore Elmo ran kindly and a good race Proverbs game Is over the1 hurdles hurdlesScratched hurdles Scratched Rhett Brett Goode Good 99 99Overweights Overweights Overweighs Tom Elmore Elmo 3 pounds FIFTH EACE ACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling 3242 Ind Indo Horses Wt St V3 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3211 DOCKSTADEB DOCKSIDE 105 4 Z 33 1 IH 12 j Hicks J F Davis 5655 56553180SVISCOUNT 3180SVISCOUNT 103 3 IH IH 21 22 23 T Burns E S GardnerSon Gardner 35 35 12 12 3197 ELYEIA ELYRIA 96 2 2 2 4 4 33 Songer Sponger W C Hutchinson 20 20 15 15 15BEATIF1CE BEATIF1CE 108 5 63 51 5 5 4 Southard Southward J H Smith 15 50 15 40 3196 NICOLINI NICOTINIC 105 1 5 63 31 31 512 Combs P Tomlinson Tompkins Co5 545 3132 PEAESON PEARSON 108 6 41 4 65 7 620 Dunn W H Laird 15 30 15 30 30320713COCHISE 320713COCHISE 108 8 8 8 7 6 7 Nutt Mutt Lee Christie 15 20 15 20 3147 COBANELLA CONNELL 105 7 7 7 8 8 8 Eeitz Reedit H Stover Stove 30 50 30 40 40Time Time 271 56 1 10 1 23i 1 541 541Winner Winner B g 6 by Leonatus Lents Glen Mercy MercyPost Mercy Post 4 minutes Start good Won ridden out The next three wore driving Dockstader Dockside carried Viscount wide on the stretch turn The distance was a little too much for Viscount ViscountElyria Viscount Elyria had the best of the going and ran a fair race Nicolini Nicotinic and Cochise Cochins were both poorly ridden and taken into the worst going