New Orleans Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-12-21


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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART CHARTNEW CARNE NEW ORLEANS LA Dec 20 Fourteenth day Crescent City Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge K W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald OO4T FIRST RACE G 18 Furlongs Purse 300 All Ages Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 32932DUDLEY E 95 6 H 11 12 1H Powers Leo Christy 35 35 12 12 3293 MR HUNT 95 5 GH 4 2 24 Dupoe Dupe FleischmannSon2 3 2i 3 3223 BALANCE ALL 92 7 52 55 3i 32 Andrews C M Barry 10 20 10 15 5914 JUDGE BRYANT 95 3 2i 32 41 42 Southard Southward J SWilliams Williams 12 12 10 10 3260 MAURITIUS 107 4 3u 2 52 5 Songer Sponger W Newman 6 12 6 10 3277 THE EDITOR 92 2 7 7 7 68 Frost M Wynn 6 15 6 12 5105 FREE SILVER 112 1 4J 6 6 7 Rowo Row T J McHale Chalet 10 40 10 30 30Time26 Time26 52 1 05t 1 19t 1 27 27Winner Winner B c 2 by George Kinney Hindoo Indoor Rose Post 5 minutes Start good Won in a gallop second cleverly third mildly driven Dudley E was much the best of a poor lot The Editor would not try a yard Mr Hunt ran a fair race Mauritius seems to be of no account Scratched Mary Will 92 3325 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St VA Vi X Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L O 3277VFRENCH GRAY 106 4 5 43 41 HI Scherrer Sherrie E S GardnerSon75 95 75 95 2977 PONTET PONTE CANET CANT 104 6 62 2 5 21 Nutt Mutt F Reagan 12 12 6 8 2829 GYPCEIVER 102 7 4 31 3 31 Barrett Barrette G B Morris 30 50 30 40 3262 NANCY TILL 101 1 7 7 61 4 Combs D Lehan Lehman 15 30 15 30 3194 LILLN LILLY RUSSELL 104 8 8885 Walker W C Fessenden Essence 15 40 15 30 3032772CHIFFON 32772CHIFFON 99 5 3i 51 22 61 L Smith Marion MorganlO Morgan 15 10 12 3277 EITHOLIN WITHHOLDING 113 3 2 6i 31 7 Wilhite Iolite G C Bennett 4 4 3 31 313261V 3261V BEN FROST 106 2 H IH 1 8 T Burns J E Murphy 65751 65 827 BANRICA ARNICA 104 Left at the posti post Cay wood T H Stevens 15 40 15 30 30Time Time 25i 501 1 04t 1 18 FideleOff Fidel Winner B f by Quicklime Fidele Fidel Off at first break Start good Won easily The next four were driving Ben Frost stopped to nothing in the stretch Scherrer Sherrie rode a patient race on the winner Pontet Ponte Canet Cant was jostled a lot on the far turn He came again gamely at the end Gypcoiver Glycoside ran a good race and will bear watching Eitholin Withholding had a rou rout h journey journeyScratched journeys Scratched Tole Stole Simmons 104 Lady Irene 106 Jack Donahue Danaher 109 Amateur 107 Volutante Pollutant 109 3326 THIRD Selling RACE 1 Mile and 30 Yards Purse 300 3yearolds and upward t St M Vz 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9103HIS BROTHER 105 4 32 43 3n S2 12 Caywood Cawed M Wyun Wynn 3635 3292 ELKIN WELKIN 99 11 7 7 8 4 21 Southard Southward J H Smith 6644 3294 JOLLY SON 94 7 22 1 13 12 31 Songer Sponger W C Hutchinson 6 10 6 8 3295 GRACIE C 103 9 41 31 42 61 41 Stockwell Stock J Duffels 12 15 12 15 3296 TAGO AGO 98 10 5i 51 5 7 5 Lawrence E A Meyers Meyer Co 20 30 20 30 3227 WHILEAWAY HIDEAWAY 103 6 11 23 22 23 6 Frost T F Wedderstrand30 100 30 100 2713 BAGPIPE 103 103888997J 8 888997 J Clark A P Miller 30 100 30 75 3276 SPRINGTIME 103 3 61 6 6s 7 5 8 H Wilson F W Cooper 40 100 40 80 3197 503294BOOZE NERO 105 5 9 9 6 8 9 J Healy M H Healy 30 50 30 50 3294BOOZE 105 2 10 10 10 10 10 Scherrer Sherrie Williams Co 1651 65 2872 2872DAGO 652872DAGO DAGO AGO 106 1 11 11 11 11 11 Aker Baker C DeWitt Hewitt 15 20 15 15 48Winner Time 15Time 25 52i 1 19i 1 45i 1 48 Winner Ch g 4 by Fonso Fonts Manola Manila Post 6 minutes Start good Won driving second driving also With an equal break Elkin Welkin would have won Jolly Son tired the last sixteenth It was a weak ride on Gracie C Booze had no speed He sulked all the way too Dago Dagon was sharply cut of at the start Scratched startScratched statecraft Ransom 103 St Leo 106 Jamboree 107 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and SO Yards Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 Va StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2524 223304CHARINA MAZARIN NAZARENE 113 1 12 1 1 l 15 Powers BengtonGrdnerS Benton 8 22 3304CHARINA 10710 10 10 7 81 2 Caywood Cawed T Murphy 47 4 6 28903WHAT 123264SERF NEXT 97 6 2 22 22 22 31 Dupee Dupe W T Woodard Woodward Jr 8 12 8 12 3264SERF 108 5 7 7 8 52 43 Dunn Short Bros Brows 6 10 6 8 3278 L W 100 8 8 61 52 62 51 Barrett Barrette E Moore 8 10 8 8 152532783JANE 2988 MASTERPIECE 97 4 9 3H 32 31 6 Thompson Hickey Bros Brows 15 30 1525 32783JANE 109 7 6 42 4 4i 7 Wilhite Iolite G C Bennett 2 2 2 2 31162A B C 108 2 3 8 62 7 8 Aker Baker JS Brannon Brandon 12 12 8 12 3197 LAKE V PALACE 97 3 5 9 10 99 Newcom Newcomer E Fitzgerald 10 12 10 12 3295 BERCLAIR BERLIN 109 9 4i 5 9 10 10 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 2i 4 2 4 Time 25 50t 1 18i 1 45t 1 47 ModardoOff Winner 47Winner Ch g 4 by Farandole Farad Modardo Moldered Off at first break Won pulling up second and third driving Mazarin Mandarin made a runaway race of it It was a form reversal too Charina Carina came fast at the end She ran a good race What Next was stopping Wilhite Iolite took matters easy on Jane Berclair Berlin ran a bad race He wants a hard track trackScratched tracks Scratched Briggs 94 Milwaukee 97 Nannie Nannies Ls Sister 101 Swordsman 104 Overweights Overweighs 104Overweights L VV 2 pounds Change poundsChange counterchange in weights Charina Carina 5 pounds O O Q FIFT FIT FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vz Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 32953VISCOUNT 101 2 7 61 11 I1 I2 T Burns E S GardnerSon Gardner 75 85 65 75 3292 RUSH FIELDS 98 12 12 10 61 7 21 Guitiers Guiltier J Charles 20 30 20 30 2714 MISS YOUNG 107 6 61 7 5 9 3 Clay W H Roller 10 12 6 8 32642GASTON 104 3 4 51 2 3 42 Songer Sponger H H Stover Stove 852 852 32643FLORIDAS 9811 13 12 9 8 52 Holmes P Tomlinson Tompkins Co8 8 56 3304 COURTESY 104 13 10 11 11 10 6 Southard Southward J H Smith 20 30 20 25 3242DOOKSTADER 10710 8 9 8 51 7 J Hicks JF Davis 6868 3279 4032603BROWN MISS ROWETT ROWE 107 14 5 41 7 21 8 H Wilson F W Cooper 15 40 15 40 32603BROWN BERRY 105 1 31 11 41 4 9 Walker J A Kyle 50 100 50 75 3227 503238ILIA LITTLE TOM 107 9 14 14 14 61 10 L Smith L Lammertz Lamer Co 50 60 50 50 3238ILIA 100 7 2 21 32 11 11 Thompson W Jordan Co 12 40 12 15 2700 TIMORAH TIMOR 100 8 9 8 12 12 12 Barrett Barrette G H Brown 15 30 15 30 3294 GALGO ALGOL 100 5 11 13 13 13 13 T Morris A S Patrick 30 100 30 100 2587 DOROTHY III 107 4 li 3110 14 14 Powers C J Kelly 10 20 10 15 15Time 461Winner Time 251 52 1 05i 1 191 1 461 Winner ViscountessOff Viscounts Br c 3 by Iroquois Viscountess Viscounts Off at first break Start good Won easily second driving to the limit Viscount was much the best Rush Fields and Miss Young both finished strong Gaston was stopping at the end Ilia Iliad was eased up in the stretch Dorothy III showed some early speed Scratched speedScratched speeds Bustup Dustup 107 107Oveweights Oveweights Overweighs Timorah Timor 2 pounds Galgo Gallo 2

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Local Identifier: drf1897122101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: