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INGLESIDE INGLES ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Kace34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 3435 Brambella3 84 3372 Glenower Gender 3 86 8634833Mainbar3 34833Mainbar3 89 3436 Towanda Town 3 90 3286 Chappie Happier 4 101 3354 Soniro Sonora 4 101 3137 Minx 4 102 33873Mollio R6102 3307 Miss Ross 5 102 8247 FTtnsLast7102 3436 Easel 5 106 3470 Elano6 106 3450 Sir Richard 8 107 3185 Mulberry 7 107 2954 Ike Ikea L6 Ill Second Kace Ace 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 34363 Hormoso Homos 3 97 3419Traverser 3 97 3454 StCalJatine Escalation 3 99 3468 Tripping 4 104 3338 Santuzza Sanctus 5 107 3404 Mamie Mammies Scott6l07 Scott6l0734683Orimar 34683Orimar 4 109 7979 Red Glenn 6 109 10934662CashDay 34662CashDay 7 112 112Third Third Race Short Course 130 feet short of 2 miles milesSteeplechase Steeplechase 699 Nonchalance4125 7328 Esperance7140 3453 Reno 6 140 3076 Monita Monistat 7 140 14033742Mestor 33742Mestor 8 140 34532Capt Reese 6140 3124 Silverado Silvered 10 143 3374 Gov Go Budd5154 Fourth ltace2 Miles The New Year Handicap 3yearolds and upward 3422 B McCloskey5 98 3469 Doyle 6 101 10134223D 34223D Clarencio4 102 34523Char Reiff Riff 4 102 10231702tTheBachelr5104 31702tTheBachelr5104 34222Collins 6 104 1043390Yan 3390Yan Doodle5 105 3469 SongDance7107 34692tCantDance5109 3J052Vincitor 4 112 34852Marquise 5 112 33892 JudgeDenny Judged 5116 3200 W of Frtne6122 3468Buckwa 7 122 E W Purser entry f d Corrigan entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Kace Ace 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 3453 Volt 7 109 3469 Doyle6 109 3422 Lit Cripple 7109 3469 Marcel7 Ill 3452 Oscuro Obscure 4 Ill 34693San Marco 5 112 3469 Joo Jo Terry 5 112 3450 Walter J5 112 3469 Peter 116 112 3450 Cromwell6 112 112Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 2553 Sorrow3 86 34513ffighlandBall399 34513ffighlandBall39934362Goorge 34362Goorge Rose 4101 7707 Stentor Senator 4 103 10331543Scotch 31543Scotch Rose4103 3437Rebel Jack 3104 3156 Lena 4 105 3452 JdgeStff Digest er4 105 10526822Hennanita6103 26822Hennanita6103 3436 Midas6 107 8181 GeoMiller Greenville 8 108 3371OFleta 6 108 3355 Kamsin Amassing 5 110 3450 Olive 6 110 8810 The Dragon 5 111 111Seventh Seventh Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Allowances34373Morinel 34373Morinel 99 33752 Yule 99 6429 Royal Prize 101 3454 Los Prietosl01 2445 San Antonio 104 34543Eddie Jones 104 3454 Marplot 104 34542Torsida 107