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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART CHARTNEW CARNE NEW ORLEANS LA Jan 1 Twentyfifth Twenty day Crescent City Jockey Club Winter WinterMeeting Interesting Meeting Weather clear and cold track good Presiding Judge Col Cool R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald 3492 F FIRST RACE 7 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L U 1277 TIT FOR TAT 100 6 12 11 1 13 11 Songer Sponger E G Stevenson 30 30 15 20 203339SISTER 3339SISTER STELLA 105 2 51 41 311 41 21 Dupee Dupe C B Reid 451 35 45 3460 ARDATH MARATHI 106 1 66 6io 52 53 33 Combs W R Snyder 3 41 3 4 3385JANE 108 4 3 SH 41 3 42 WiJhite Wichita G C Bennett 6766 676634602SPRINGTIME 34602SPRINGTIME 102 5 42 51 615 51 ° 5 H Wilson E F Smith 30 40 30 40 4015352TRAGEDY 15352TRAGEDY 108 3 2 23 26 22 66 Scherrer Sherrie J A Johnson 4 6 4 5 3401 C S BUSH 106 7 7 7 7 7 7 Aker Baker R E Maddox 60 100 60 100 37JWinner Time 25 501 1 03i 1 171 1 301 1 37J Winner B m 6 by Inspector B Tattoo forTat format Off at first break to a good start Won driving second and third were driving also Tit for Tat had all the speed and made a runaway race of it The boy on Sister Stella waited too long Jane tired at the end Ardath Marathi finished strong Overweights Overweighs strongOverweights C S Bush 4 pounds 3493 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3477 TABOURET ABORT 121 16 15 ill Barrett Barrette T H Magee 6 10 6 8 8SNK 3418 WILSON SNK SANK 2 21 22 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 85 2 6585 3461DUDLEY E 51 5i 4 4Ni = K 53 3 Dupee Dupe Lee Chri Chris Christy 3 31 3 3 3461 SCRIVENER 211 32 31 41 Caywood Cawed K D Orr Rr 10 15 10 12 3461 PONTET PONTE CANET CANT 109 3 6 52 42 52 Powers F Schafer Chafer 2 3 2 21 3461 ELSIE BRAMBLE 105 4 4H 6 6 6 P Clay W H Roller 6866 Time 6866Time 25 49i 1021 1161 1161Winner TaborPost Arborous Winner Br f by Tom Ochiltree Ichnite Lizzie Tizzies Tabor Post 4 minutes Start good The flrst first three were driving hard Tabouret Tambour was stopping in the last eighth Wilson was ridden hard through the stretch Pontet Ponte Canet Cant ran a bad race He can do batter Dudley E finished strong Scrivener tired on the end 3494 THIRD RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St S 1A Vt H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3448EVANATUS 110 9 9 9 52 42 IH iu Hirsch W G Brien Brie Jr 2 3 2 3 34483CHARINA 103 1 51 31 2 32 2H BeauchampT Bacchant Murphy 4544 3447 ONDAGUE BONDAGE 105 7 6 6 31 21 2 33 T Burns G H Brown 65856571 3460 BRIDGETON BRIDGETOWN 104 3 71 7 7 7 8 l Combs Doss Storey 8 10 7 8 3328 DOROTHY III 100 2 2 5 61 61 41 52 Nutt Mutt C J Kelly 15 15 8 10 3448 WHILEA WHILE WAY 100 4 31 Z 41 51 7 61 Frost T F WedderstrandoO Pedestrian 60 40 50 3326 BAGPIPE 102 6 41 41 9 9 6 7 J Clark A P Miller 50 150 50 10 3397 B OF FORDHMIOO 5 1 18 16 3 5 8 H Wilson G Straus 50 60 50 60 3464 GRACIE C 8899 Shoppard Sheppard Duffels Koch 20 30 20 25 SOff Scoff Winner B g 8 by Leonatus Lents Eva S Off at first break to a good start Won cleverly The next three were doing their best Evahatus Evaluates is good right now and forgot to sulk Charina Carina hung a bit at the end The track was not to Ondagues Bondage liking Bridgeton Bridgetown came like a flash through the stretch Dorothy III is nearly ready readyScratched Scratched Briggs 97 Nannie Nannies Ls Sister 103 Mellie Nellie 90 Change 90Change in weight Whileaway Hideaway 5 pounds on FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A H 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 33833J A GRAY 114 2 6 51 3 U Scherrer Sherrie W A Porter 85851 65 34632SLIGO 6534632SLIGO II 110 4 3H 2 11 2 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 3 3 8585 3446 259032DORAH ETON JACKET 102 6 4 4 4 32 Thompson StantouTucker Standout 20 30 20 25 9032DORAH WOOD 106 1 1 11 21 42 Snell Smell F T Wood 15 30 15 25 34473DR 2534473DR SHEPPARD 112 3 51 61 61 5 Barrett Barrette Foster Bros Brows 2 3 2 21 2276 RED DUCHESS 96 8 8 8 51 612 C Murphy C E Patterson 100200100150 3368 ROBINSON 106 5 2 3H 7 7 James Mrs H Morgan 20 60 20 50 9478 DAWN 93 7 7788 Holden Olden C H Carmichael 60 100 60 75 Time 75Time 24 49 1 021 1 15 Winner GlennonPost Lennon 15Winner Br g 6 by Willful Miss Glennon Lennon Post 15 minutes Start fair Won handily the next three were driving to the limit J A Gray was well handled He dodged the early hot pace and had something left at the finish Dorah Dora Wood and Sligo Lingo II ran each other to pieces in the first half mile Dr Sheppard ran a dull race Throw it out Watch Robinson in cheaper company Eton Jacket was right there I Scratched Marie C 90 Brother Fred 90 Tole Stole Simmons 94 French Gray 98 Overweights Overweighs 98Overweights Robinson 2 pounds 3496 Q A O C ± FIFTH RACE C 13 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Cnd Nd Horses Wt St M Vi 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 5302 PEACEMAKER 107 1 It 21 H HI Scherrer Sherrie Stanton Tucker 2 3 2 21 J J434 MISS ROWETT ROWE 98 7 6 41 21 2 H Wilson E F Smith 12 12 8 8 3193 JACK HAYES 104 12 13 12 51 3 Southard Southward J H Smith 20 30 20 20 34492RUSH FIELDS 112 9 4n 3 31 41 Guitiers Guiltier J Charles 10 12 10 12 3402 JOLLY SON 102 6 51 52 10 51 Barrett Barrette W C Hutchinson 10 10 8 10 3445 J M B 104 3 8 10 41 61 EasJey Ease H T Batchelor Bachelor 6 7 5 G 34453REEL 102 11 11 8 8 7 S Gray F T Wood 4 4 3 4 34642 LA MOORE 9814 14 11 9 8 Nutt Mutt M T Danaher 10 25 10 20 3480 ARREZZO CARRIZO 105 13 12 9 11 9 P Clay W H Roller 8 10 6 8 3445 ETTARRE ETTA 105 10 7 1 7 10 Castro R J Stewart 15 20 15 20 i 3365 GAM GUAM MAD1ON 107 8 9 6 6 11 F ThompsnM Thompson M Ellis 12 15 12 12 3449 FLORID AS 991 4 21 7 12 12 Combs P Tomlinson Tompkins Co 15 20 15 20 3449 JERSEY LAD 100 5 10 14 13 13 L Smith W W Clark 50 100 50 75 3343 BELLE OF NILES 102 2 50Time 3 13 14 14 F Merris Morris M Wynn 20 60 20 50 Time 25 50 1 04 1 171 1 24 24Winner Winner JocosePost Jocose B g 7 by Onondaga Jocose Post 20 minutes Start good Won cleverly second and third driving Peacemaker was hand ridden all the way He was the best of a poor lot Miss Rowett Rowe ran a good race from where she got away Jack Hayes will do soon Rush Fields was stopping the last quarter ScratchedHigh Scratched Test 107 107Overweights Overweights Overweighs Jolly Son 3 pounds Arrezzo Carrizo 3 Floridas Florida 21 Change 21Change in weights Peacemaker 7 pounds on Jack Hayes 3 oil 3497 rj SIX SIXTH RACE 7 12 Furlongs Purse 3250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses t St 1A K SA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3464 ALVA 104 1 12 11 H H in L Smith J C Tucker 6656 3433 HOT STUFF 97 5 8 6 62 61 21 C Clay C Grumes Grimes 20 20 12 12 3381 JOHN SULLIVAN 96 7 21 31 3 T Burns W C Fessenden Essence 21 3 2 3 3464 SCRIBE 104 9 51 3 3 21 41 Combs P TomlinsonCo Complaisance 3534 3399 HIS BROTHER 104 3 2 2 4H 51 5 F Morris M Wynn 4 4 21 3 99 6 7 5 Barrett Barrette Thomas Nepper Nipper 12 20 12 15 97 4 41 8 7 4 7 Powers BrowngBdmanl2 12 10 10 44 RAPALATCHIE APPALACHIA 99 8 9 7 9 8 8 Songor Sonora EJHppson Johnson 6856 6856J rai raid DADS DAUGHTER 97 2 6 9 8 9 9 Sheppard J Mellbusch Mollusc 20 30 20 25 25Time 38hWinner Time 251 51i 1 04 1 18 1 38h Winner AlpenaPost Alienators B g 5 by Hindoo Indoor Alpena Galena Post 5 minutes Start good Won driving to the limit Alva mada madam a runaway race of it Hot Stuff was catching him though at every stride in the last sixteenth His Brother was knocked out of it at the head of the stretch Rapalatchie Appalachia wont do Hano Hanoi Belle was badly in ¬ terfered there're with Scribe tired when pinched pinchedScratched pinched Scratched Ethel Lee 99