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189S 15 MILES FROM ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH BARNEY SCHRESBERS SCHREIBER MQPEL IMPEL THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD FOUL SHOT BY MUSKETSLANDER MUSKETS Touchstone by Camel Longbow 1 Verbena by Velociped Velocipede sire of Feude Feud Joie Miss Bowe Bowen 3 GolnmpusI Olympus Catton Canton by Golnmpus Olympus I Tranby Tabby s dam by Orville Orvillej Orville Pantaloon j Caetrelby Aversely Buzzard Legerdemain Czarwitch Czarist Idalia Vidalia by Peruvian Decoy 1 FilhodaPnteby Hphzard Haphazard Finesse by Peruvian Melbourne j Humphrey Humph Clinnei Cline byCmne Byrne West Australian Cervantes mare marej mare Derby and St Leger Leer Mowerina Mower j Touchstone by Camel Emma by Whisker Whiskerj Whisker f Camel j Whalebone by Waxy Waxyi Waxy Brown Bass i Selin Selling mare Daughter of j marej mare Brutandorf Bartender by Blacklock Blackjack MrsCrickshnksbyWlbck Canteen Waxy JPopo Pop by Waxy Calendar Imported Castania Castaneda by Gohanna Ghana Hambletonia Hamilton j Gohannaj Ghana StamfordbyPleniptentiary StamfordbyPleniptentiaryi i HarmonicBjbyHmbletnian Troa Trojan Imported Priam Pram by Emilins Millings EmilinsI Millings Cassandra I Ally by Partisan Alice Groy Roy fi j Rous Rouse Emigram Emigrant by Pioneer Gulnaroby Vulnerably YoungGohanna The Colonel j YoungGohannaj Whisker by Waxy Capapie Crappie Imported Delpini Delphinium mare Sister to Cactus Sultan by Selim Slim SelimDuchess Duchess of Yort Ort byiWaxy byway Touchstone Touchstonei Touchstone Bell Brand i Verbosa Verbose Sophie jSkilhinda skirling jSkilhindaI I Sallio Sallie Brass Imported BRIPGsETONL Bridgetown MO Telegraphic Correct Concise Comely Comelyform Comely form Sneers and Entries expertly indexed Training News a Specialty SpecialtyOff Specialty Off our own Presses PressesBefore Presses Before the Chicago Dailies 126 FIFTH AVE