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GOSSIP OF THE TURF Tully Coulters Deceiver Ida Walton colt Trickster died of lockjaw on the Headley Headily farm formerly La Belle in Kentucky a few days ago after being gelded Six of the Coulter twoyear twofer olds at Col Cool W S Barnes Melbourne Stud farm and four at Louisville under Capt Caput Wideners hand are doing well In a personal letter from Oakland Mr Coulter says It looks as if the cardinal and white would be pretty fair in 1898 DailyRacing Disgracing Form Bow Arrow and Official are all good and will earn some attention at an early date dateGossiping categorizing Gossiping of California and California horses Mr Coulter says I paid a visit to the Macdonough Macedon ranche ranched at Monlo Mono Park two weeks ago Sunday and saw Ormonde Hormone St Carlo and the broodmares and yearlings Ormonde Hormone is the grandest looking thoroughbred I ever saw St Carlo is a fine looking stallion but has not the finish of his brother Prince of Monaco at Col Cool W S Bar ¬ nes nebs Melbourne Stud in Kentucky The year ¬ lings are all fillies about a dozen four by Or ¬ monde and the rest by St Carlo CarloSt CarloS St Carlo is the most popular sire in Cali Ali ¬ fornia Formica and his children are all winners and good racehorses I should think that Col Cool Barnes would feel very proud of his young horse the Prince PrinceA Prince A letter from Lexington tells me that Red ¬ skin is wintering well The old rogue is a great racehorse when he behaves himself himselfA himself A dispatch from New York credits Marcus Daly Dally with saying Hamburgs Hamburg forelegs were not sound at the close of last seasons racing If he stands training this year he should cap ¬ ture turret some of the rich 3yearold stakes Should he break down however he will be sent to England and put in the stud there thereWhether therewith Whether Mr Daly Dally said anything of the sort or not there is still an interesting suggestion in volvedin evolved the paragraph quoted For some time past English turf writers of note have advised their breeders to seek for valuable expatriated strains of blood in Australia and The States and bring them home again to assist in main ¬ taining staining the imperiled supremacy of the Brit ¬ ish dish thoroughbred The advice is not altogether unheeded as the purchase of such Australian stars as Carbine Carnage and others for stud service in England demonstrates and it may be that such a fine example of the stout blood of Qlencoe Clenched as Hamburg is also destined to enrich and fortify fashionable English thoroughbred strains strainsIn straining In this country we have representatives of the male line of Glencoe Glance in hearty vigorous and valued abundance In England they have only the female line but what a tribute to the excellence of Glencoe Glance as a progenitor of equine greatness it is When Glencoe Glance was brought to this country in 1836 he left in England a daugh dough ¬ ter tear a little mare called Pocahontas and to her the English stud book traces such gems as her son Stockwell Stock the Emperor of Stallions his son Doncaster Downcast his grand son Bon dOr doer his great grand son Ormonde Hormone and a veritable host of others besides practically as great and famous as these mighty ones onesWith consist With the well comprehended lesson of the in ¬ estimable value of that one little Glencoe Glance mare in mind English breeders would no doubt wel weal ¬ come the advent of such a splendid direct male line representative as Hamburg and accord him the choicest of mates No American breeder would doubt the great worth of the results to follow The oldtime oldie trainer Hardy B Durham has some likely 2yearolds in training at his place near Lexington and these are their names namesMayme namesake Mayme Mayer M M b f by Falsetto Macola Mazola MacolaThanksgiving Thanksgiving ch f by Sleipnor Slipknot Thanks ThanksRomanoff Hansom Romanoff ch c by Sleipnor Slipknot Heatherbelle Chanterelle HeatherbelleKittie Chanterelle Kittie Kitties French b f by Sloipnor Slipknot Castopia Astoria CastopiaPaca Cassiopeia Paca Paccar ch c by Pardee Parsee Cora Belle BelleHadrain Bellwether Hadrain Hadrian b c by Hindoo Indoor Pretense PretenseJoe Pretense Joe Grady b c by Leonatus Lents December DecemberWill December Will Williamson b c by Sleipner Steiner Alfrida Africa