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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART CHARTNEW CARNE NEW ORLEANS LA Jan 3G Fortysixth Forthwith day Crescent City Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 2 pm 3860 F FIRST RACE G 13 Furlongs Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 3818 TREOPIA TROPICAL 108 6 63746GLENMOYNE 12 12 mil Beauchamp Beach W M Wallace CoS Coos 12 8 10 3746GLENMOYNE 114 7 21 23 22 22 T Bums Foster Bros Brows 85854545 858545455n 3818 JUDGE STEADMN STEAD 108 2 5n 3 32 34 Snell Smell R E Maddox 6867 3840 SEDAN 105 4 63 54 42 43 Southard Southward J H Smith 15 20 15 20 3821 WELLS STREET 108 3 33805LOYALTY 7 7 54 5 Peterman Letterman J W McKinley 40 50 40 40 3805 3805LOYALTY LOYALTY 108 1 4U 64 7 63 Songer Sponger J Siebert Sidebar 3 3 2 24 3803 VAN K1RKMAN 97 5 31 44 62 7 L Smith L N Schoenfeld Schemed 60 60 40 40 40Time Time 25i 52 1 20 1 274 274Winner Winner B c 4 by Tremont Fremont Myopia MyopiaOff Myopia Off at first break to a good start Won easily second cleverly Treopia Tropical made a runaway race of it Glenmoyne Lennon could nob knob get through in the stretch This cost him the race Judge Steadman Seaman is getting good Sedan has had too much of it Loyalty ran below the notch SECOND RACE34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St v y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3803TABOURET 117 3 1 1 1 I1 Barrett Barrette T H Magee 25 513 5 537483SURMOUNT 37483SURMOUNT 105 7 7 41 3 21 T Burns W C Fessenden Essence 3534 3819 GILRAY GILA 105 0 2 23 21 3 Guitiers Guiltier S J Charles 8 12 8 12 1236043BIENN4N 36043BIENN4N 102 1 3 32 43 415 Dupee Dupe W T Woodard Woodward Jr la 30 lo to 3476 CARNAGE 105 2 4U 5 f 51 5 T Morris F Morris 100 100 75 100 376 WILSON C 102 8 62 6 63 6 Gilmore BensonArthrColOO 300 100 200 20023292MAKCUS 23292MAKCUS MAYER 105 4 SH 7 7 7 Southard Southward L N Scboenfeld Scorned 60 20060 150 3179 MARY CAVALIER 100 5 8 8 8 8 Sheppard W A McConnell 75 10060 7o 7oTime Time 25i 51i 120 120Winner Winner Br f by Tom Ochiltree Ichnite Lizzio Liz Tabor Oil first break Start fair Won easily second well in band Gilray Gila tired tbe tube last sixteenth He was cut off in the run ho me by Surmount Tbe Tube latter came fast at tbe tube finish Tile others were outclassed Watch Brenuan Brendan in cheaper company companyScratched company Scratched Talliwamla Italia 100 Celia B 103 Aunt Maggie 103 Octave 110 O i O THIRD RACE 7 13 Furlongs 4yearolds and upward O O O Ponce de Leon Handicap 1000 Guaranteed Wt St VA V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 38182ALBERT S 108 2 14 12 22 1 2 Barrett Barrette T H Magee 6644 66443821BALK 3821BALK LINE 103 3 42 44 5 3 31 Aker Baker C Do Witt Witty 10 10 8 8 3553 J A GRAY 120 1 5 5 44 44 46 Caywood Cawed W A Porter 23 2 24 3818 DAVID 108 4 31 31 1 5 5 Combs BensonArthrCo24 135 2 24 24Time Time 274 54 1 21 1 424 424Winner Winner Ch c 4 by Pirate of Penzance Penance Raybelle Rabble RaybelleOff Off at first break Start good Won handily It was a long hard drive for the place Cay wood rode J A Gray like a stable boy Sea Robber was well handled He was in the good going all the way Albert S ran a good race So did Balk Line who was coming strong at the finish FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 4yearofds and upward Selling 3863 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 3804BOB MILLICAN MILLIAMP 110 4 42 31 1 13 13 Snell Smell TAGayUo Agway 2323 232337902BLACKING 37902BLACKING BRUSH 99 1 22 22 24 21 22 Alaric Balearic E R Rodgers 5 6 4 44 3802 ROBERT BONNER BONER 105 2 1K 33 32 33 Thompson S Williams 6644 6644TOPPER TOPPER 108 7 51 515 510 53 4 Lines J T Weaver Co 75 100 75 75 3571 LOBENGULA 113 3 3 43 45 41 5 Hirsch G B Morris 75 85 75 85 3802 LULA LILA FRY 102 5 6K 6 6 65 615 Smith Fry Skaggs Sags 15 20 15 15 3749 COURTESY 108 6 7 7 7 7 7 Southard Southward J H Smith 40 50 40 40 40Time Time 27i 54 1214 1504 1504Winner Winner B g 6 by Getaway Belle Coolgrove Colugo Off at first break to a good start Won easily the next three were doing their best Bob Mil Hcan Chan came away when ready Lobengula Globing sulked and would not try He is a bad horse Black ¬ ing King Brush ran a good race So did Topper considering it was his first out FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling 3864 Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2008MAZEPPA 102 7 5H 31 31 INK Turner R Rome 10 15 6 8 73342 PAT MORRISSEY 104 2 238042HEADLIGHT H4 1 13 23 Combs McCarty McCarthy Co 15 20 5 6 6Foster 38042HEADLIGHT 110 11 1138033BROTHER 8 64 44 3 Barrett Barrette Foster Bros Brows 3535 3535J 38033BROTHER FRED 104 4 63 5H 54 42 Caywood Cawed J Lamon Lampoon 5 5 4 44 3302 TOMMY RUTTER UTTER 107 1 3i 4nK 61 52 Gilmore Benson ArthrCo20 30 20 25 3605 EASTER EVE 102 3 31378DUCK 2 23 21 6io Songer Sponger J Brenock Redneck 6 12 6 10 10R 1378DUCK 102 10 1036203ALICE 9887 Frost R A Patterson 50 60 50 50 50BoggsCo 36203 36203ALICE ALICE C 102 5 41 7 7 8 Lines BoggsCo Bogs 6666 666638232GIL 6666T 38232GIL FORDHAM FORD 110 15 14 11 10 9 Overton Overtone T Murphy 30 30 20 25 25W 3788 PEARSON 110 6 7 9 9 10 Smith W H Laird 30 60 30 50 331 WRANG RANG DUCHESS102 8 11 13 13 11 Southard Southward L N Schoenfeld Schemed 30 60 30 50 3751 VENCEDOR VENICE 107 13 13 14 14 12 Alaric Balearic C Rice 20 30 20 25 2538043KALITAN 38043KALITAN 10712 12 12 12 13 T Burns G H Brown 34 34 24 24 1658 FKED KED BARR 11014 15 15 15 14 Warren Smith SchumanS Schulman ID 6 8 8MISS MISS METTIE MATTIE 10449 10 10 II 15 J Clark C G Douglas 0 100 SO 75 75First First series Time 254 504 1194 1194Winner Winner B f 4 by Masetto Mastoid Rupee Post 4 minutes Start good The first four were driving Headlight was the best Mazeppa Marzipan closed fast at the end Combs rode a weird finish pulling up and throwing the race away Pat Morrissey could not have lost properly handled Easter Eve quit to nothing in the stretch Kalitan Kalian and Fred Barr off poorly never had chances chancesOverweights changeover Overweights Overweighs Miss Mettie Mattie 24 pounds SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling 3865 Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 379DCARLOTTA C 103 6 55 in 12 12 Combs A Taylor 45 65 45 1 1li 38183 BLE LE OF FORDHAM1014 2 li 21 32 2 Barrett Barrette G Straus 4 5 4 44 3766 VAN BRUNT IlO Milo 1 24 42 43 3 Caywood Cawed Doss Storey 8 10 8 10 3801 UNCAS UNCAPS 105 4 3H 31 2 2K K 40 T Burns J Brenock Redneck 3 4 24 34 38283DOMINGO 103 3 4 K 515 515 510 Songer Sponger Fleischmai Fleischmann Flemish Freshman SonslS Sons 25 15 20 3823 LA WANDA 96 7 64 66 65 68 Lyncb Lynch W E Fieldi Field Fielding 40 50 30 40 3767 HARDENBURG HARDEN 101 5 7 7 7 7 J Hicks H W Newman 60 200 60 150 150Time Time 26 524 1 20 20Winner Winner Br f 4 by Hayden Edwards Fannie S SPost Spots Post 8 minutes Start good Won easily The next two were driving hard Carlotta C was much the best She came asvay assay when ready Belle of Fordham Ford tired in the run home Tineas Tines stopped to nothing in Tho Theo stretch Van Brutit Brut closed stoutly and would have been second in an ¬ other stride strideScratched strides Scratched Hauo Hugo Belle 96 Minnie Weldon 98 Pitfall 98 Verdi 103 Swordsman 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs JBello Belo of Fordham Ford 34 pounds