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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES j jProbabilities Probabilities Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wet 3946 Vencedor4 96 2614 Lorrauia Lora 5 99 993864Mazeppa 3864Mazeppa 4 102 3966Takanassee4102 3966Takanassee410239633Everest 39633Everest 4 106 3963Sim W 5 109 3946 Fred Barr5 110 3917 Dorah Dora Wood6lll 3926 W C T 5 113 113Second Second Race 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 3930 Liew Lie Anna 4 99 3984 L W 4 99 3966 Al Kyris4 99 3873 Timberland10100 3966 Hib Hi Queen7 102 3966 Tom Rutter6102 Rutter610239642His 39642His Brother 5 10t 3967 Wolsey Wools 7 104 3341 Bizarre 5 105 3965 Brighton 4 106 3967 Jim FJood6 112 112Third Third Race 7 13 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 3948 MtWashton4 95 3966 Shuttlecock 5 98 9839473Robt 39473Robt Bonner4106 3964 Tremona Trenton 5 107 3343 Percy 7 107 3646CelticBard5109 3646CelticBard51093964Loberigula 3964Loberigula 6 112 112Fourth Fourth Race 1 11G Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap 3965 Siva 3 97 39652J Steadman Seaman 6 97 9739833Tranby 39833Tranby 5 102 3964 Evanatus Vanuatu 8 105 3713 Dockstader Dockside 7 108 3964Lobengula 6J08 38622AlbertS 5 110 110Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling 39623 Weliima Weimar 109 3714 The Editor 102 3822 Clara H 105 3948 Volutante Pollutant 105 3573 Scrivener 103 3962 Bucksaw 105 3962 Udah Judah 105 39273Qlobe II 107 1073729RBSack 3729RBSack 107 3431 Jim Lisle 110 3678 Mascagni Ashcan 110 3963 Farondelle Carbondale 110 110Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling 3765 Bertha Nell 100 3948 St Raymond 102 10237652Dazzle 37652Dazzle 102 3521 Marg Marge Eastin105 3525 Lottie Loftier Burns 105 3573 Ma Petite 105 3732 Valle Vale 105 3476 Monflice Moonlike 105 10536452Banrica 36452Banrica 105 3944 Gy pceiver clever 105 3875 Maltese 107 3836 Coronatus Coronets 110 3861 Carnage 110 3750 Lou Annr Ann 105