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SINGERLY SINGER ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 58 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt3958Blue 3958Blue Ribbon5115 4069 Fischer5 112 11240503Le 40503Le Grande 10 112 40502WGHarding6112 4046 Leporello Explore 6 112 3995 Sir Moltke Molted 4 112 4049 Comediaa Comedian 5 112 4033 Barbetta4110 4046 Highrdlling5110 4046Bettie Hall4110 Hall4110Secoild Secoild Scold Race 4 13 Furlongs 3irearolds Allowances Allowances39393False 39393False Pride 115 4010 Pontifex Pontiff 115 3704 Hurry 115 4067 Jingle Bells 112 11240863Mooyer 40863Mooyer 112 3812Merritt 112 4047 Traymore Tremor 112 4047 Strathmac Stratum 112 112I I 40S72Edith Gray 110 Third Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 3851 Lilliputo Lilliputian 5 110 3996 Relief 6 107 3958 Joe Hay man 4 107 4048 Charley B 8 107 3673 Bof Of Frdom4 105 3760 Irene K 7 105 3960 Recover 4 105 3632 Mattie Chun6105 Chun6105Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4067 WatchCharm7122 38302Mllghmore5122 3780 Red Star 7 122 4048Chiswick8 122 1223960Mohawk6 3960Mohawk6 119 38142St Pat 9 119 4069 Beloved 5 117 4031 Heresy5 117 40673Full 11740673Full Speed 4 116 4050 Miss Carrie4114 Carrie4114Fiftli Fiftli Fifties Race G 13 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4011 Candelabra 9 122 3923 Reform 5 122 4033Gold Dollar 9119 3252 Klondike 5 119 4066 Belle Fowler 6117 4015 Belvina Belinda 6 117 4068 Ferocious 4 116 4069Phaedra 4 114 114Sixth Sixth Race 58 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 3884 The General7115 3920 Frank B 4 112 BlueBannr10112 112BlueBannr10112 3542 Roxboro4 112 11236733Silver 36733Silver Brook4112 40492Intimidad 7 112 3992 Harry L4 112 40493Nay4 110 4050 Sannie Annie 4 110 4085 Juanita Junta II 6 110