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ALL THESE STAKES CLOSE FEBRUARY 21 STAKES FOR HIGHLAND PARK DETROIT MICHJUNE MISCHANCE 7 TO 23 THS ETHOS DETROIT DERBY 3003 A sweepstakes nomination S10 additional to start The valua value less to 1013 than 2 Ibs Dibs allowed for each 101 a sweepstake allowed 12 Ibs Dibs extra Five fur for threeyearolds ifoais foals of 1595 lu entrance nf the stake to be 1000 of which 7 JO to fhst hast less to 50 Starters to b3 named with the longs to accompany the nomi Naomi aation nation S9J additional to 20J to second and lU to third Nonwinners Snowiness snllin sling price the day preceding the race Ssvea Assegai longsTHE longest THE GARLAND STAKES 1003 For twoyear twofer start The value of the stake to be iX of of a threeyearold stake nf 8 JO value allowed 5 furlongs old fillies 5 to accompany the nomination 10 which 1500 to the first 3Vi to sec ud and StiO Stoic Ibs Dibs of two raes braes in 189 of any value 8lbs furlongsTHE furlongs THE BANNER STAKES 130 For twoyear twofer additional to start The value of the stake to to third Winners of a threeyearold sweep ¬ maidens 12 Ibs Dibs Quo Mile MileTHE Millet old to accompany the nomination 50 addi Addis be 1 JOO JO of which 7 to the first 200 to the stake of 1500 value to carry 3 Iris extra of THE BREWERS STAKES SELLING l0fli A tional tonal ti start The value of the stik stick to b second and 100 to third Winners of a sweep ¬ two of any value 5 Ibs Dibs extra boateu bateau nonwin knowing ¬ sellinc selling sweap swap stakes for threayearolds treacherous and up 1300 of which 1000 to the first 2JU to the stake of IOOJ value to carry 3 Ibi Ibid extra of two ners nears of a stake in 1897 allowed 5 ibs dibs nonwin knowing ¬ wird weird to accom Tacoma iany any the Domination 40 second and iOO CIO t the thiid hid Winners of two of auy ay value 5 Ibs Dibs extra nonwinners nominees of a race ners nears of three races in 1897 allowed 8 pounds additional to start The value of the stakes to sweepstakes of any value or one of 1500 to of 500 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs of two races of any value beaten maidens 15 pounds One and a quarter ba Si WO of which 700 to the first 200 to sec ¬ carry 5 Ibi Ibid extra of three or more of any value 7 Ibs Dibs maideus maidens beaten two or more times 12 miles milesTHE mildest ond bond and 100 to third Those entered for 3iUO 7 Ibs Dibs eztra ezra Those not having won a sweep ¬ Ibs Dibs Starters to be named through the entry THE MICHIGAN STAKES 51000 For three to carry weight for age Allowances 2 Ibs Dibs for stake allowed 5 Ibs Dibs and if such have not won box the day preceding the race Five furlongs yearold earl nilies niles 5 entranc3 to accompany the each 25 J to l5JO 1 Ib allowed for each 100 two races 8 Ibs Dibs Maidens if never placed in STAKES FOR FORT ERIE ONTJTJNE 35 TO JULY 13 HIGHLAND PARK CLUB LESSEES THE CANADIAN DERBY 500 For throeyear three value of the stake to ba 1000 of which 700 to tha than rac race Wianers Wieners after publication to carry twD wD years old 85 ti accompany tha than nomination olds foals of IiJo Ilion Sin entrance to accompany firt first WiO Wino to second and 100 to third Those 5 Ibs Dibs extra Accaotinces Acceptances to b mad throitjh troth VJ addition 1 1 start Tne Tine valu value of ttn attn staka stake the nomination 100 additional to start The entered for tJOd Jody to carry weight f irage mirage 31hs entry b x tin d y pracaclin Racal the racs races One to he 8103 of which 103 to first 203 to second value of the stake to be 25iO of which 1800 to allowed for each 0 i lass to iOOO ttnn attn I Ib for mile and an eighth eighthTHE eighth and 11 to third Njnwiinars of a race of 00 the first 500 to second aid 2UO to third Win ¬ each30J less to 100 J 2 Ibs Dibs allow id fir each THE NIAGARA STAKES 1003 For twoyaar Toyama valua value allowed 5 Ibs Dibs of two rases erases of aay ay value ners nears of a threeyearold stake of the value of 100 less to 700 Starters to be named with sell ¬ old colts and geldings to accompany tha than 10 Ibs Dibs bsatea bateau maidens allowad allowed 15 Ibs Dibs Five 1400 to carry 3 Ibs Dibs extra or of two of any ing King price the day preceding the race deveu delve nomination 4 I additional to start The valui valium furlontrs fronts value 5 Ibs Dibs extra beaten nonwinners nominees of a f irlongs irons of the stake to be SlOOj Sloop of which 2 0 to sec ind bind furlontrsTHE fronts THE WEBLAND WETLAND STAKES 1000 For twoyaar Toyama Stake in 198 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs non winners of three irlongsTHE ironstone THE CANADIAN SPORTSMAN HANDICAP 1300 and 10 t third Winners of two sweepstakes olds ii e i jtranco trance to accompany the nomination races in 189S allowed 8 Ibs Dibs beaten maidens 15 For threeyearolds and upward 10 to ac ¬ of any value to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra Those not 1 additional to start Toctrry Tottery 105 Ibs Dibs Winners Ibs Dibs One mile and a half halfTHE hafted having won a sweepstake allowed 5 Ibs Dibs and if company the nomination 43 additional to of a raca Racal of 33 to carry 10 Ibs Dibs extra or of two THE CASCADE STAKES Selling SICOP SIPCO For stare Tha Thai valne vane of tha than stake to b3 130 of such have not won tw t races of any value 8 Ibs Dibs sweepstakes of any valua value 15 Ibs Dibs extra Those threeyearolds an i upward to accompany which 10111 to first 2JO ti second and 100 to maidens 10 Ibs Dibs Five furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs be ten in a sweepstakes and not having won al ¬ lhe he nomination 40 additional to start Ilia Iliad third Weights tj appear threodays threnody prior to THE QUEENSTOWN QUEENS STAKES 1000 For fillies lowed 5 Ibs Dibs Five furlongs STAKES EOIR EIRE WINDSOR OISTT FOIST TJGTJST 3 TO 18 HIGHLAND PARK CLUB LESSEES THE CONSOLATION STAKES 1000 For tbree tree ination inaction 10 additional to start The value of Ibs Dibs Winners of two sweepstakes to carry 5 Ibs Dibs Ibs Dibs maidens that have been baatan batman 20 Ibs Dibs yearqlds earls 5 to accomuany accompany the nomination 40 the stake to be 1000 of which 703 to first 200 extra of three 8 Ibs Dibs extra Nonwinners Snowiness of a Five and a half furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs additional to start The value of the stake to to second and 100 to third Those entered n t sweepstakes that have not won thre three races THE BELLE ISLE STAKES S1030 For fillies be 1000 of which 70 to first 200 to second to be sold to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra if for 3000 selling parse races nxcaptnd uncap allowad allowed 7 Ibs Dibs twovearolds toeholds i to accompany nominatio nomination i 10 and 100 to third To carry 110 Ibs Dibs Winners woight weight for age Allowances 1 Ib f r each 250 Maidans Maidens lOlbs lObs Five f arlonga along arlongaTHE abrogate additi addition nal nail to start The value of the stake to of one three yearold earl sweepstakes of the value toiOOO 1 Ib for pach parch 10 to 1000 2 Ibs Dibs for ba 1000 of which 7JO to first S200 to second of 1200 to carry 12 Ibs Dibs extra of two of any each 100 to 600 One mile and an eighth eighthTHE eighth THE HOTEL STAKES 1000 For twoyearolds toeholds and 100 to third To 110 Ibs Dibs Winners of 5 t the nomination 10 additional carry value 15 Ibs Dibs extra those not having second accompany run THE MERCHANTS STAKES 1000 For twoyear twofer two sweepstakes for fillies or one for to start The value of the stake to be 1000 of in a sweepstake allowed 5 Ibs Dibs maidens 10 Ibs Dibs old colts and geldings 5 to accompany the which 703 to first 200 to second and 101 to colts and fHies Hines to carry 10 Ibs Dibs extra Non One mile and a quarter quarterTHE quarter nomination 10 additional to start The value third Nonwinners Snowiness of a sweepstake allowed 10 winners of a sweepstake allowed 5 Ibs Dibs and if THE KSSEX SE STAKES Selling 1000 For three of the stake to be 1000 of which 700 to first Ibs Dibs nonwinners nominees of two races of any value 15 such have not won two races selling purse races yearolds earls and upward 5 to accompany to nom ¬ 200 to second and 100 to third To carry 115 excepted 8 Ibs Dibs Five furlongs STAKES FOR MONTREAL QOEJULY 14 TO JULY 30 THE WINDSOR HOTEL STAKES 1000 Selling sweepstake for Ithreeyearolds and up ¬ THE FOREST AND STREAM STAKES 1010 For twoyearolds toeholds 1 to accompany the ward 5 to accompany the nomination 45 additional to start The value of the stake to be nomination 5 additional to start The value of the stake to be 1000 of which 700 to first 200 100 of which 700 to first 200 to afcond aficionado and 100 to third Those entered for 5000 to carry to second and 100 to third Winners of two sweepstakes of 600 value or one of 1503 to carry 3 weight for age 3 Ibs Dibs allowed for each 500 less to 1500 then 2 Ibs Dibs for each 100 less to 8CO Ibs Dibs extra Non winners of four races that hnve hone not won a sweepstakes allowed 5 Ibs Dibs of two Starters to be named with selling price the day preceding the race One mile mileTHE millet races furlongsTHE furlongs 8 Ibs Dibs Five furlongs THE BELAIR BLAIR STAKES 1OOC For threeyearolds and upward 5 to accompany the nom ¬ THE ST LAWBENCE LAWRENCE STAKES 1000 For twoyearolds toeholds 5 to accompany the nomination ination inaction 15 additional to start The value of the stake to be 1000 of which 700 to first 200 to 45 additional to start The value of the stake to b i 1000 of which J7CO to first 200 to second second and 100 to third Threeyearolds to carry 100 Ibs Dibs fouryearolds foretold and upward 110 Ibs Dibs and 100 to third To carry 105 Ibs Dibs Winners of one sweepstake to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra of two Winners in 1898 of a sweepstake of the value of 50 to carry F Ibs Dibs extra of two such or one of sweepstakes 10 Ibs Dibs extra of three sweepstakes 15 Ibs Dibs extra Nonwinners Snowiness of a sweepstake that the value of 150 or five races of any value to carry 10 Ibs Dibs extra Nonwinners Snowiness of three purse have not won three races allowed 5 Ibs Dibs maidens 10 Ibs Dibs Five furlongs vraces races allowed 5 ibs dibs maidens 10 Ibs Dibs One mile and an eighth ADDRESS ENTRIES TO WAITER O PARIVtBR Privet 215 Hammond Building Detroit Mich Micah NOW READY COPYRIGHTED 25 CENTS IN PAPER 50 CENTS IN SOFT MOROCCO MOROCCOAmerican Moroccan American Sporting flanual faucal of 1898 1898A A HANDBOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND COMPARISON EXPERTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO IT George Siler Silver on Pugilism Tom Gallagher on Billiards F H Brunell Runnel and C C Riley on Racing Ed Sheridan on Baseball Louis Sass on football cycling and athletics athleticsAN athletics AN OFFICIAL COMPENDIUM OF RECORDS RECORDS1ACING 1ACING TROTTING PACING BICYCLING BILLIARDS BASEBALL ATHLETICS X X XX X X PUGILISM AND THE PUGILISTIC EVENTS OF 1897 1897H H ATSTDICAPlPIIsra A IsTD STD BOOKM BOOM KHSTG HAST TABLES NEW FEATURES IN THESE LINES SUMMARIES BY EXPERTS ON EACH SUBJECT DISCUSSED EDITED BY E H DAILY RACINGFORM RACING PUBLISHING CO 126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL