Oakland Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1898-03-13


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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather qloudy cloudy track fast First Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 4531 Sadie Schwartz 97 600 4544 Kummel 97 600 4508 Glen Ann 97 615 3375 Morana Moran 98 618 3074 Charles Lebel Label 99 620 4526 St Angelo 99 610 3596 DOn Luis 103 648 4545 Barracan Barrack 103 628 4491 Brambella Barbell 105 600 4549 Watomba Atom 105 625 62545083Mordecai 45083Mordecai 106 645 64545272Town 45272Town Topics 106 640 4527 BowandArrow Bwana 107 635 63544912Elsmore 44912Elsmore 107 650 4549 Magnus Magnums 107 625 6254545Moringa 4545Moringa 107 632 4494 Elidad Elided 107 630 3900 Donatot Donator 110 630 630453Q3Go 453Q3Go To Bed 110 642 4549 Melvin Burnham Burma 110 600 4562 Prince Blazes 110 600 4549 Highland Ball 114 638 638Second Second Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt 4546 Racivan Radian 99 625 4359 Rainier 99 630 630Midia Midia Midi blk balk f by Mariner Bes Bees ¬ sie side Barnes 99 4528 Physalis Phyllis v 99 625 4546 Mossbrae Mossback 102 665 665Watossa Watossa Wantons ch g by Watercress Atossa Toss 102 SSOSVBanowor 105 672 67245282E 45282E Come 108 675 3932 Olinthus Plinths 108 668 66845283Formero 45283Formero 112 670 670Third Third Race I1 116 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling 4223 George Palmer 4 109 625 62545273Lucky 45273Lucky Star 4 109 645 4436 Jay Wheeler 4 109 600 4547 Stentor Senator 4 109 610 4513 Tulare Tulane 4 Ill 642 4492 Miss Ruth 6111 630 4563 Nervoso Nervosa 6 113 615 4238 McFarlane 6 113 600 4420 Metairie Meteorite 5 113 600 3387 Terra Archer 5 113 600 4512 Earl Cochran 5 113 650 4223 Don Daniel 5 113 550 4223 Pollock Pollack 5 113 638 63844553Voragua 44553Voragua 5 113 618 4053 Allahabad Allah 6 113 625 62542232Outgo 42232Outgo 6 113 632 3422 Navy Blue 4 113 635 3987 Cardwell Caldwell 6 116 600 4547 William OB 4 116 635 635Fourtli Fourtli Fourthly Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances4491Glorian 4491Glorian 3 98 660 6604493Scarf 4493Scarf Pin 4 98 675 4476 Mercutio Mercator 4 103 600 4476 Scarborough 4 103 600 60044762Senator 44762Senator Bland 5 107 672 67245652OstlerJoe 45652OstlerJoe 7 117 670 670Fiftli Fiftli Fifties Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling44742Dr 44742Dr Marks 3 98 642 6424510Chihuahua 4510Chihuahua 3 98 640 4549 Prompto Prompt 3 101 645 3435 Outlay 3 101 635 3516 Free Lady 3 102 650 65045472QddsOn 45472QddsOn 3 103 648 4567 Sly 4 107 652 2980 Mandolina Mandolin 6 110 640 64044932Refugee 44932Refugee 5 112 660 4439 Masoero Maser 5 112 638 6384567Bellicoso 4567Bellicoso 6 115 675 4567 R QBan Ban 7 115 655 4531 Caliente Alienate 5 115 658 Sixth Race G 12 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 4527 Twinkle Twink Wink 4 105 4531 Lone Princess Princess4053Alma 4 105 4053Alma 4 105 4563 La Mascota Mascot 5 108 4530 Olive 6 108 45672Mamie Scott 6 108 4563 Button 4 110 4563 Howard 7 110 4490 Sardou Scabrous 4 110 4563 Pat Murphy 6 110 3934 Meadow Lark 6 110 3990 Cromwell 6 113 4548 Cabrillo Carillon 6 113 4455 Don Fulauo Fulani 7 113 4566 Walter J 5 113 45133PaulPry 6 113 4547 Benamela Enamel 5 113

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898031301/drf1898031301_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1898031301_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800