untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1898-03-24


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Montanas Montanans 1898 Racing Carnival e FIFTYEIGHT FIFTY DAYS CONTINUOUS RACING TWENTY THOROUGHBRED STAKES 23500 GUARANTEED IN VALUE DAYS AT BUTTE 7 DAYS AT ANACONDA Butte Horsemens Horsemen Association July 2 to Aug Au 6 Anaconda Racing Association Aug Au 11 to Sept 10 THE MONTANA DERBYS6pO For 3 2yearolds Entrance 10 30 additional to of 1896 and 1895 Entrance 10 30 additional THE WEST SIDE HANDICAP 1000 A Afor Afore y earolds earls foals of 1895 Entrance lS 100 ad ¬ start Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 to for horses not declared by 5 pm of day before handicap for all ages Entrance 10 30 addi Addis addithe addicted ditional diction to start Guaranteed value 2500 of second and 100 to third To be run at Butte the race Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 tional tonal for horses not declared by 5 pm of day dayto Dayton which 350 to second and 150 to third Colts to Saturday July 9 Four furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs to second and 100 to third Weights to be before the race Guaranteed value 1000 of ofannounced famousness carry 122 Ibs Dibs geldings 119 Ibs Dibs fillies 117 Ibs Dibs THE SILVER BOW STAKES1000 For announced two days before the race Winners which 200 to second and 100 to third Weights Weightsafter Weightlifter To be run at Butte Saturday July 2 One mile 2yearolds Entrance 10 30 additional to after weights are announced to carry 5 Ibs Dibs pen to be announced two days before the race Win Winalty Finality and a quarter start Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 to alty salty To be run latter part of Butte meeting ners nears after weights are announced to carry 5 Ibs Dibs IbsSix Byssi THE quarterTHE quarter DALY DAY STAKES 2000 For 3year second and 100 to third Winners of a stake Six furlongs penalty To be run at Butte One mile and an anTHE anTE olds foals of 1895 Entrance 10 75 additional race of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs Dibs extra THE RAVALLI RAVEL SELLING STAKES1000 eighth eighthFor eighth to start Guaranteed value 2000 of which 300 two of any value or one of 2000 5 Ibs Dibs extra For 3yearolds Entrance 10 30 additional to THE ANACONDA HANDICAP 1OOO A Astart Start to second and 200 to third Colts to carry 122 Three of any value 7 Ibs Dibs extra Maidens allowed start Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 handicap for all ages Entrance 10 30 addi Addis addito addition Ibs Dibs geldings at time of starting 119 Ibs Dibs fil fail ¬ 3 Ibs Dibs beaten maidens 5 Ibs Dibs Those that have to second and 100 to third Winner to be sold tional tonal for horses not declared by 5 pm of day dayat day lies 117 Ibs Dibs The winner of the Montana Derby started twice and have not been placed 7 Ibs Dibs at auction for 2000 If entered to be sold for before the race Guaranteed value 1000 of to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra Those thut hut have not won To be run at Butte Four and a half furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs 1500 to carry 115 Ibs Dibs if for l000t 108 Ibs Dibs if which 200 to second and 100 to third Weights Weightsfor Weights a 3yearold race worth 1000 allowed 7 Ibs Dibs THE NORTHWESTERN HANDICAP for 500 100 Ibs Dibs Sex allowance Winners after to be announced two days before the race Win Winthe Winter maidens 10 Ibs Dibs maidens beaten three times at 1000 A handicap for 2yearolds Entrance the closing of this stake of three races of any ners nears after weights are announced to carry 5 Ibs Dibs Ibsvalue Disable Butte 15 Ibs Dibs To be run on the first day of meet 10 30 additional for horses not declared by 5 value or of one worth 1000 to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra penalty To be run at Anaconda One mile mileof mile Ing King at Anaconda One mile and an eighth eighthTHE eighth pm of day before the race Guaranteed value of five of any value or one worth 2000 to carry 7 THE SMELTERMENS SMELTER HANDICAP 1000 1000Ibs THE YOUNG MISS STAKES1000 For 1000 of which 200 to second and 100 to third Ibs Dibs extra Starters with selling price to be nam name A handicap for all ages Entrance 10 30 addi Addis addied caddied fillies two years old Entrance 10 30 addi Addis ¬ Weights to be announced two days before race ed thiough though entry box at the hour for closing on tioual tonal for horses not declared by 5 pm of day dayday payday tional tonal to start Guaranteed value 1000 of Winners after weights are announced to carry 5 day before race To be run at Anaconda One mile before the race Guaranteed value 1000 of ofTHE often which 200 to second and 100 to third Maidens Ibs Dibs penalty Starters after weights are an ¬ THE SILVER CITY HANDICAP 1500 which 200 to second and 100 to third Weights allowed 5 Ibs Dibs beaten maidens 7 Ibs Dibs beaten nounced bounced that fail to be placed one two three A handicap for 3yearolds and upward En to be announced two days before the race Win maidens that have not been placed one two allowed 5 Ibs Dibs To be run at Butte Five and a trance 10 50 additional for horses not declared ners nears after weights are announced to carry 5 Ibs Dibs three 10 Ibs Dibs To bo run at Butte Monday July half furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs by 5 pm Saturday July 2 Guaranteed value penalty To be run at Anaconda Five and a 4 Four furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs THE DEER LODGE STAKES1000 For 1500 of which 250 to second and 150 to third half furlongs furlongsWeights furlongs THE MONTANA HOTEL STAKES1000 2yearolds Entrance 10 30 additional to Weights to be announced Thursday Juno 30 THE HOT TIMES STAKES 1000 For ForWinners Foreigners For fillies two years old Entrance 10 30 addi Addis ¬ start Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 Winners after weights are announced to carry 5 all ages Entrance 10 30 additional to start startIbs startups tional tonal to start Guaranteed value 1000 of to second and 100 to third Winners of a stake Ibs Dibs penalty To be run at Butte Monday July Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 to second which 200 to second and 100 to third Winners race of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs Dibs extra One mile and a quarter and 100 to third Twoyearolds Toeholds to carry 90 Ibs Dibs of a sweepstakes to carry 3 Ibs Dibs extra Allow ¬ two of any value 5 Ibs Dibs extra three of any value THE COPPER CITY HANDICAP1500 threeyearolds 110 Ibs Dibs fouryearolds foretold and up upA pA ances dances Nonwinners Snowiness of a sweepstakes that have 7 Ibs Dibs extra beaten maidens allowed 5 Ibs Dibs A handicap for 3yearolds and upward En ward 120 Ibs Dibs sex allowance Winners of a atrance trance not won three races 3 Ibs Dibs two races 5 Ibs Dibs those that have started and not been placed trance 10 50 additional for horses not declared race except for twoyearolds toeholds exclusively worth worthby worthy maidens 10 Ibs Dibs and if any of such have not allowed 7 Ibs Dibs those that have started twice at by 5 pm of day before the race Guaranteed 1000 after the closing of this stake to carry 5 5value been placed in a sweepstakes 3 Ibs Dibs additional the Anaconda and Butte meetings and have not value 1500 of which 250 to second and 150 to Ibs Dibs extra of two such races or one of 2000 2000third To be run at Anaconda Four and a half fur been placed 10 Ibs Dibs To be run at Anaconda third Weights to be announced three days before or five of any value 8 Ibs Dibs extra To be run at atthe bathe Jongs Jogs Five furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs the race Winners after weights are announced Butte Four and a half furlongs furlongsto furlongs JongsTHE Onsite THE LAST CHANCE STAKES1000 For THE OGDEN STAKES1000 For 2year to carry 5 Ibs Dibs penalty To be run at Anaconda THE INTERMOUNTAIN STAKES1000 STAKES1000One fillies two years old Entrance 10 30 addi Addis ¬ olds Entrance 10 30 additional for starters One mile and a quarter For 3yearolds and upward Entrance 10 30 30THE tional tonal to start Guaranteed value 1000 of Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 to second THE BUTTE SELLING STAKES 1000 additional to start Guaranteed value 1000 of ofFor offer which 200 to second 100 to third Winners of and 100 to third Winners of a stake or win ¬ For all ages Entrance 10 30 additional to which 200 to second and 100 to third Five Fivestart Fiesta a sweepstakes tobgcome Tobago ineligiblejmd ineligible Jo have ners nears of two races of any value 3 Ibs Dibs extra of start Guaranteed value 1000 of which 200 Ibs Dibs below the scale Winners of a race worth entrance money refunded Nonwinners Snowiness of three three races 5 Ibs Dibs extra Maitlens7iloTved5lbs tosecond Tosco and 100 totMrd tetrad Hi wune wine t 4w i WAftarthft closing of thisstake thistle to carxy cary Ib Ibsold Isled races allowed 5 Ibs Dibs of two races if never placed beaten maidens 8 Ibs Dibs maidens that have sold at auction for 3000 If for less 1 Ib al extra of two such 8 Ibs Dibs extra Others that thatlowed hallowed second in a sweepstakes 8 Ibs Dibs maidens that started at the Butte and Anaconda meetings lowed for each 250 to 1500 then 1 Ib for each have not won two races since the closing of this liave lave never been placed in a sweepstakes 12 Ibs Dibs and1 have not been placed 10 Ibs Dibs To be run at 100 to 500 Starters with selling price to be stake allowed 6 Ibs Dibs and if beaten nonwinners nominees nonwinnersnamed To be run latter part of Anaconda meeting Anaconda Five and a half furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs named through entry box at the hour for clos clods of the year 1898 10 Ibs Dibs Beaten maidens that thating hating Five furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs THE YELLOWSTONE HANDICAP1000 ing King on day preceding the race To be run at have not been placed one two three 15 Ibs Dibs IbsButte Dispute THE BITTER ROOT STAKES1000 For A handicap for 2yearolds and 3yearolds foals Butte Seven furlongs To be run at Butte Five furlongs Entries Close April 16 1898 with Ed A Tipton Lipton Manager Anaconda Mont 1898 AT THE MELBOURNE STUD LEXINGTON KY SEASON OF 1898 1898PRINCE PRINCE OF MONACO MONACOBy Monaco 15 MILES FROM ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH WABASHBARNEY WABASH By St Braise first dam Carina by Kingfisher second dam Carita Caritas by Imp The 111 BARNEY SCHREIBERS SCHREIBER MOPELFAim Used A grand racehorse and winner of the following Stakes in the Hast The TheJuvenile Juvenile Stakes the Hurricana Hurricane Stakes the Belle Meade Stakes the Grand GrandUnion Graduation THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD BLOODFOUL BLOOD Union Hotel Stakes and other races Full brother to the sensational young youngstaUion youngest staUion station St Carlo whose California success has been phenom phnom FOUL SHOT BY MUSKETSSLANDER MUSKETS TEN DAMS OF STAKE WINNERS IF APPROVED FREE A SURE FOAL GETTER Ithnriel Thrice Touchstone by Camel Longbow i Verbena by Velociped Velocipede sireof sire Fende Fend Joie Miss Bowe Bowen I Catton Canton by Golumpus Olympus 1 Tranbys Standbys dare by Orville Pantaloon j Castral Astral by Buzzard o Legerdemain Czarwitch Czarist CzarwitchEH Caprice I Idaha Idaho by Peruvian JIM GORE GOREPRIVATE EH Decoy FilhodaPnte by Hphzare i Finesse by Peruvian Melbourne I Humphrey Humph Clinne Cline byCmui Wflst Waffles Australian I Cervantes mare PRIVATE Derby and St Leger Leer filowerina flowering Touchstone by Camel f Emma by Whisker WhiskerWhalebone Whisker Camel WaxySehn Waxy Whalebone by Waxy a 3 a Br ° wn BSBB BBB Sehn Seth mare mareBrntandorf Daughter of Brntandorf Bartender by Blackloc Backlog BlacklocMrs Blackboards Mrs Cricksbnksby Cricks Wlbct Wildcat WlbctWaxy Sire of the Stake winners Gorman Cedarbrook Cedarbird Judge Cardwell Caldwell Amelia May Canteen WaxyCastania Waxy Pope by Waxy Dr Jim Moncreith Noncredit Beau Ideal Knowles Snowless Wilson and many other good race horses Calendar imported Castania Castaneda by Gobanna Groan GobannaStamfordbyPleniptentiarj Hambletonia Hamilton Harmonica StamfordbyPleniptentiarjHarmonica StamfordbyPleniptentiarj by Hnblethiai W S BARNES Lexington Ky Tros Taros Imported ImportedAlice Imported j Priam Pram by Emilius Milieus 5 Cassandra t Ally by Partisan Alice Grey Gray GreyThe Goethe Eons Emigrant by Pioneei Pioneer Gulnareby Glare YonneGohanns The Colonel Whisker by Waxy 2 v fCapapie crappie Imported 1 Delpini Delphinium mare mareSultan marshland Racing Forms Selections SelectionsThe Selections Daily Sister to Cactus Sultan by Selim Slim i Duchess of York by W xy Dover 5 Touchstone Bell Brand Yerbosa Jerboa Service Forms Selections has beoa boa Sophie j Skilhinda Skirling The Telegraphic over Racing Daily Imported Bailie Billie Brass remodeled and in future subscribers at 4 per week will be sent only BARNEY SCHRODER SCHROEDER a succinct telegram of scrrc scarce tv cniy cannily words night rate Western Unioa Univocal Message containing the refined selections in all the raits traits of the fol fool ¬ BRIPGsETON Bridgetown MO lowing day

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898032401/drf1898032401_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1898032401_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800